Chapter 504 How Oboi Died
When Zhao Dezhao returned to the palace, his face turned pale with anger.

He had to admit that he had misjudged the situation, and the sincere unity shown by the civil official group when facing the eunuchs shocked them severely.

Could it be that Uncle San was wrong?Can't rely on eunuchs?
However, if he doesn't rely on eunuchs, who else can he rely on?Zhao Dezhao thought to himself, in fact, what the third uncle said might be really radical, but now that this group of civil servants have become one, it's not true at all.

He no longer has any civil servants to rely on.

Zhao Dezhao couldn't help thinking again, relying on eunuchs is fine, the problematic ones should be his own methods, if he wants to cure big harm, he must use strong medicine, he moved out the eunuchs himself, but only used eunuch Xiao to test them, which led to When he faced Sun Chunming, he was beaten helplessly. Now that his face was torn, why should he try?It's better to do it in one step!
In addition, there is also a problem with the eunuch candidate he found. Sun Yue simply doesn't care about his own face at all. He should listen to his third uncle and use Wang Jien to face this domineering father and son. This is the old man who served his father back then , and had kindness to them, even if the Sun family father and son and the officials looked at their father, they would not dare to humiliate them directly even if they were against them.

Thinking of this, Zhao Dezhao issued two imperial edicts, one to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and asked them to establish a Palm Seal Department, and the other was sent directly to Wang Jien, ordering him to return to Beijing quickly and stop caring about those in Hebei. It's broken.

Of course, in the art of war, the truth is false, and the false is true. Zhao Dezhao also had a strategy. After the two imperial edicts were issued, he made another feint and issued an imperial edict to the Political Affairs Hall, asking them to upgrade the eunuchs in the palace and bring them to the throne. The rank of the chief eunuch has been raised from rank seven to rank three.

He also knew that this imperial edict would definitely be beaten back, but it didn't matter. After it was beaten back, he could mention it again. It didn't matter if it failed, this move was enough to attract all the firepower of the civil servant group, so that they could no longer interfere with the affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

And this trick is poisonous. Sun Chunming sees through it and it is of no use. This is an upright conspiracy, related to the overall interests of the scholar-bureaucrat class. As the leader of the scholar-officials, he must go through fire and water for this. If he catches The so-called palm printing department will not let go, and I can use it as an exchange. The civil servants will definitely agree with joy.

After all, Prime Minister Sun Chunming had no reason to take care of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. As for Sun Yue, hehe, the Ministry of Internal Affairs belonged to the harem. He dared to play wild in the Privy Council, but would he still dare to enter the harem?How is that any different from direct rebellion?
Thinking of this, Zhao Dezhao couldn't help but tremble with excitement, and returned to the harem to give the dragon spirit tiger a fierce blow.

In fact, Sun Yue and Sun Chunming have no time to talk to him now.

The location of Sun Yue's academy was selected very quickly. With his current status, except for Zhao Kuangyin's, he could choose wherever he wanted, and soon he found a place with beautiful mountains and rivers and picturesque scenery. Backed by the mountain and facing the big river, the villagers on both sides of the river grow tea for a living. When the camellias are in full bloom, the wind blows and the mountains are filled with fragrance, like a fairyland on earth.

After so many years of exploration, the use of cement has already become familiar. The construction speed of the craftsmen is not much slower than in the 21st century. They even have the luxury of covering the underground pipes with brass. In winter, hot water is heated and circulated. Sun Yue was very satisfied with the effect of artificial floor heating.

However, as the construction of the academy progressed faster and faster, the conflict between him and Sun Chunming became more and more intense. Naturally, the focus of the outbreak was Sun Hao, the little bastard. Sun Yue wanted to take Sun Hao away, but Sun Chunming naturally refused. Damn, the key is that Sun Hao, a little bastard, is really awesome now that he is close to his own grandfather. The turned serf sings, and he doesn’t care about Sun Yue at all. He depends on Sun Chunming for life and death, and he is not happy to see him. up.

For this reason, Sun Yue and Sun Chun almost bought the house when they quarreled, and they naturally didn't have the energy to pay attention to Zhao Dezhao's little tricks.

So only one month later, the Ministry of Internal Affairs' Palm Printing Division was finally formally established, and the Palm Printing Eunuch was naturally Wang Ji'en who had just been summoned back.

Wang Jien carried out drastic reforms as soon as he took office. He pulled out all the literate eunuchs in the palace for centralized and unified training, and pulled all the smart ones into the Palm Print Department. Each person had a pen and began to help Zhao Dezhao correct memorials.

At this point, the Department of Palm Printing is very similar to the Secretary of Ceremony in the Ming Dynasty, but they do not have as much power as Pi Hong. However, these eunuchs have indeed caused great interference to the work of the Zhongshu Province. For a while, Sun Chunming's power was greatly reduced.

The officials naturally wanted to protest against Zhao Dezhao. Under the leadership of Sun Chunming, the Zhengshi Hall once again asked for leave and went on strike. However, this time they were no longer mere commanders. The Printing Department immediately moved the documents from the Zhengshi Hall and corrected them overnight. , they were sent directly without waiting for the provincial government to stamp them. Although most of them were not implemented, it had a serious blow to the morale of the civil service group.

Zhao Dezhao tasted the sweetness and was very happy. As soon as he turned his mind, one after another 'smart tricks' appeared.

He thought that the power of the Palm Division had been expanded now. The Sun family and his son, as well as the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, did not dare to deliberately humiliate Wang Jien, but the other eunuchs were not so lucky, and there was no promotion of eunuchs. Passed, so the life of these eunuchs was quite aggrieved, and even he himself was a little afraid that Sun Yue's rioting in the Privy Council would happen again.

How to do it?The army in central Beijing definitely doesn’t need to think about it. The Sun family and his son have tied them all to their chariots by commercial means. Although limited by the new army’s system, it’s unlikely that these soldiers will follow the Sun family’s father and son. They rebelled, but no one dared to mess with the Sun family and his son.

So Zhao Dezhao had an idea and decided to build another strong guard department, select powerful eunuchs, and recruit some rogue people as supplements. In this way, wouldn't no one dare to act wild?
Hmm... It seems that you can protect yourself by the way. Hey, you can also use them to find out information!Damn, it's not impossible to investigate the case!

Zhao Dezhao naturally didn't know what Dongchang was and what Jinyiwei was, but most things in the world had the same purpose. Even if no one gave guidance, this new department was increasingly moving in that direction when planning.

When Zhao Dezhao revealed this plan, the world was shocked!

Sun Chunming and Sun Yue didn't care about quarreling anymore. They immediately united and mobilized all ministers to oppose it. This thing was different from other differences before. Regardless of the combat effectiveness, this was equivalent to Zhao Dezhao's private armed force. How can they prevent their father and son from having trouble sleeping and eating?What if the eunuch picked up a weapon?How did Aobai die?

(End of this chapter)

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