Chapter 487 Chapter Five Chapter 45 Old Husband and Wife
Zhao Tingmei froze for a moment.

Glancing at his wife's more graceful and luxurious face now, he suddenly felt a little empty in his heart.Of course he also knew that his wife was joking with him, but is there really no resentment in this joke?
I remember seeing this woman at the beginning of the year, she looked like an elf on the prairie, but looking at it now, she was no different from an ordinary lady from the Song family. Desperate courage.

Touching his beloved wife's slightly thick waist, Zhao Tingmei didn't even suspect that there was an outsider watching beside her, so she leaned close to her, and said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "It's my fault. I have been in the city for so many years. Live here, I'm sorry for you."

Seeing this, Kou Zhun hurriedly opened his mouth to say goodbye in a panic.

Li Shijiao said angrily: "Look at you, you are thirty people, what are you doing? I'm not afraid to make small jokes, at least it's the prince."

Zhao Guangmei turned her head to Kou Zhun and said, "Xiao Kou, don't go to the northwest."

"Huh? Ah, oh."

"Wang Jien will be transferred to the north to serve as the supervisor of Brother Yue. Don't you always admire him? You can follow Wang Jien to find him, and I will ask him to take good care of you."

Kou Zhun was overjoyed when he heard this, "Really? I... I'm going to see Sun Yue? This... Thank you so much, Your Highness. His kindness will be unforgettable. Then in the northwest..."

Zhao Tingmei turned her head tenderly, and said with a smile: "I miss the grassland, the place where you and I met, madam, would you like to accompany me back to my mother's house?"

"Really? I... let's go back to the grassland?"

"Yes, it's just you and me. Bring the kids and show me the dance."

Li's face flushed, and she said shyly: "I'm old, and my figure is out of shape, I can't dance anymore."

Kou Zhun saw this posture, the two were about to kiss each other, this time he didn't even dare to say goodbye, so he ran away, thinking while running, no wonder the older generation said that Wei Wang is not up? Slip, I have opened my eyes too.

On the contrary, Mrs. Li asked him suspiciously: "Why do you want to go back to my mother's house with me?"

"It was also a temporary idea. The northwest side has not been peaceful recently. I am afraid that Khitan felt that the northeast was hopeless, so he kicked my Da Song's ass in the west instead. I will go and I will go to the town. It just happens that the current period of time is turbulent. Yes, look at me, in order not to implicate me, hide for a while and then come back, the time will not be too long, three or four months, just in time for you to relax."

"My lord, you...have treated me so well."

Zhao Tingmei smiled, hugged the beautiful lady in her arms and said softly: "Compared to Brother Yue, I am far behind. Murong Yan is so spoiled by him."

"We are different, you are the prince and I am the princess, how can I mess around like him."

"Hehe, the king who regained Yanyun will soon be there. I promise you, if you want to play with Murong Yan at that time, you can go."

Li's face was full of tears, and she kissed Zhao Tingmei's face affectionately. The old couple unexpectedly kissed with passion for no reason.

As for the same old couple, Sun Chunming at the other end had a different scene.

In the small courtyard that belonged to Yang Rong, she used to chop up all her favorite flowers and plants with a shovel, and she also smashed a pair of Western Han gilt-bronze lamp stands on the fake stone that she couldn't put it down. Some gold cups, jade cups, jewelry and other things that Mr. Shi gave her were all thrown into the artificial lake, and no one dared to pick them up.

There are more than 300 servants in the entire Sun Mansion, and none of them dared to go forward to persuade them. The second lady, who has been gentle all her life, locked herself in the room and cried all day. Typed it out several times.

Fu Shi was holding a bowl of ginseng chicken soup in embarrassment, but she shut the door, and shouted in embarrassment: "Sister, don't do this, I beg you, please? You have to eat some even if you are angry with the master again." Things, your body is your own."

"Get lost! You don't need to pretend to be kind. It's better to starve to death. If you starve to death, it won't hinder your eyes."

Fu Shi couldn't help feeling bitter when he heard the words, but there was nothing he could do.

Ordinarily, if an ordinary concubine dared to talk to the mistress like this, she would be beaten to death no matter what. Although Fu Shi was soft-tempered, she was also a tiger girl. When she should be ruthless, she was really ruthless. Just yesterday He personally strangled to death a concubine who caused trouble for the family.

It's just that this Yang Rong is quite different compared to other concubines. First of all, she has been in trouble with the master. In the past ten years since I haven't been here, she has always performed the duties of the mistress, and she didn't see her anxious Why do you even hit the master, and secondly...they are really unreasonable.

The matter is actually not complicated, it is nothing more than the baby relative of their Sun and Cao family. A letter was sent from the border that day, saying that Sun Yue had taken all the soldiers from the supervisory army at the front line, and simply split them up and distributed them among the soldiers. His own trusted general even asked Cao Can to oversee the army.

Who has ever heard of the front coach appointing and dismissing the supervising army on his own?To be honest, there were not many Jiedu envoys in the late Tang Dynasty who were so arrogant, and they directly exposed the relationship between the Sun and Cao families to the sun. What can Sun Chunming do?Apart from blaming the little bastard for cheating his father, naturally he can only continue to wipe his ass. Anyway, Cao Can and Cao Wei were arranged by Sun Yue, so Sun Chunming simply thought, go one step further with the Cao family and find Cao Bin However, Cao Bin proposed that the two families make a baby marriage, and Sun Chunming agreed.

I just remembered when I got home, I forgot to ask the child's mother's opinion, no, the child's mother is blown up now.

Talking about Yang Rong's temper, hey, in the past 20 years, not to mention losing her temper with Sun Chunming, the number of red faces is limited, but individuals have their own sensitive points, or Ni Lin, in Yang Rong's heart, her The baby girl is her life.

After all, she is an unnamed concubine. With the passage of time, it is inevitable that the oiran of the year will become old and pale. The cosmetics of this era are mainly snow pills, and the main ingredient of snow pills is lead, so beauties in their forties are basically It doesn't exist, even Yang Rong, a woman who wore makeup all the time when she was young, ages faster than normal women.

And the main wife, Fu Shi, is twenty years old this year, and this is not counted as the real concubine of sixteen or seventeen years old who is Yingying Yanyan in the house.

In addition, as Sun Chunming's business grew bigger and bigger, and the officials became better and better, her background and level were less and less able to keep up with Sun Chunming's thinking, let alone any help, so although Sun Chunming still read her The old relationship, she respected her a lot, but she herself lost her self-confidence first, and she put all her heart on her daughter. To put it bluntly, it means that her menopause is early, and now her precious daughter is involved, so it is not surprising to have such a reaction .

To be honest, there is nothing wrong with blaming Sun Chunming for this matter, who made him not discuss such a big matter with his mother, and on weekdays he always instilled some dross similar to free love in Yang Rong Thought, it really deserves to be beaten now, but what does this have to do with Fu's family?
But Yang Rong just thought that Fu Shi was going to kill her, and Fu Shi was helpless, so how could she justify it?She wasn't really worried that Yang Rong would be hungry, but she was afraid that this woman would die if she was in a bad state of mind.

"I am a big woman, really..."

(End of this chapter)

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