Chapter 483 Trading
Dang Jin smirked, seemingly honestly, stuffing chunks of pastry into his mouth, looking like a bear chewing peonies, even the maids who were serving from afar couldn't help laughing secretly at him .However, Sun Yue couldn't laugh, or rather he didn't dare to laugh.

Great treachery may seem loyal, great falsehood may seem true, great wisdom may seem foolish, the ancients did not deceive me with sincerity.

"Sun Shuai, we've known each other for a long time. You know what kind of person Dangjin is. I'm a straightforward person, and I don't have that much ambition."

Sun Yue interjected with a smile: "I used to think I was quite clear, but now, I'm not so sure."

Dang Jin laughed boldly and said: "Shuai Sun was joking, it is true that Dang Jin considers himself a rough man, but a rough man is not necessarily a fool."

"What the party commander said is that you really taught me a lesson today."

"Well, in fact, in today's situation, people all over the world know that those of us old people from the era of the forbidden army are actually not suitable for the model of the new army. A target for young people. Don’t think that my old party still has a bad reputation, but in fact I know my own body. As far as Yang Yanzhao is under your command, I guess I can’t beat him in nine out of ten gone."

"The party commander is too modest."

"To be honest, my father and Cao Bin carried out military reforms and rescued me from the army. I am very grateful. This military horse sounds beautiful, but in fact, the various hidden injuries to the body are not serious. Few, it is said that Qin Qiong bleeds for Li Tang so much that he became ill in his later years. Sun Shuai, my old party, may have shed blood for our Song Jiangshan for more than two fights. Look at my arm. Yang Ye personally shot it in Jinyang City, and now, it’s cloudy and rainy, it’s going to hurt me to death, alas, I can’t beat it anymore, in fact, I have long wanted to pass on the title of title to my children and grandchildren, so I can take care of myself.”

Sun Yue heard the words, and sighed from the bottom of her heart: "Think twice about being an official, think about advancement, think about danger, and think about retreating. Unexpectedly, the most thorough thinking in the court is actually the party commander."

Dang Jin admitted it without humility: "That's true, but I am different from you. Most of you can rely on your brains, chances, and family background to achieve what you are today, but I rely on courage. The brain The older you get, the weaker your courage becomes, so to be honest, I don't want to be the third commander for a long time.

According to the rules of this dynasty, warriors should be released to Jiedu envoys after the three commanders, and generally they can be placed in a fatter place. Who knows, since the death of the official family, the situation in the court has changed in just one day. After a day of chaos, in order to maintain stability, I can't even leave. "

Sun Yue smiled and said: "Others think it is a great opportunity for Commander Dang and Commander Cui to be the third commander for several years. Unexpectedly, Commander Dang feels aggrieved."

Dang Jin laughed and said: "I don't intend to add a yellow robe, but what's the use of checking me in front of the palace? I will go to the war, and I have nothing to do with enjoying the blessings. My daughter dare not give too much dowry when she gets married. So far There is no real shortage of sons, the house is only a third-class family, and most of the wives and concubines are old and young. If you are a little presumptuous, you will inevitably be criticized by the official censor. Alas, it is not easy to live in the capital. Even the ordinary fifth-rank Most of the sixth-rank officials should treat each other with courtesy, who knows who is behind the scenes, how can they be comfortable when they are released to the outside world?

Look at Lao Shi, I heard that now you can do whatever you want, hit whomever you want, and no one dares to say a word if you want to be cool. Even the local prefect can only turn a blind eye when it comes to robbing women on the street. In one eye, the eldest son inherited his title. This son studied and became a civil servant. The third and fourth sons also made a lot of money in business. Even his daughter now beats his son-in-law all the time. Even if the dynasty changes in the future, she will have a few dollars in her hands. With tens of thousands of people holding on to them, the new official family has to give them some face, right? When people get old, is there any better way to provide for them? "

Sun Yue understood better now, and said with a smile: "It turns out that the party commander wanted to be a Jiedu envoy. Deputy envoy, his status is not lower than that of Jiedushi."

When Dang Jin heard the words, he immediately scolded: "No shit, your father and Cao Bin are setting me on fire. I want to be a Jiedu envoy to live a happy life. You let me be a deputy envoy!" What's the point of meeting? Wrestling with Cao Bin? Or let Cao Bin use it as a gun to beat your father? Am I the material to be an official? People in the world have no idea?

Besides, I am a rough man, you let me practice soldiers and horses or go to battle to kill the enemy, I have nothing to say, but you let me sit in court and let me review the papers?I have to do it too!Your father and Cao Bin clearly asked me to go up as a display, who wouldn't be able to tell! "

Seeing Sun Yue's face was a little embarrassed, Dang Jin continued: "Of course I also know that your father also has difficulties. At that time, if I didn't come up, Old Cui would. His qualifications are deeper than mine, and his connections are wider than mine. My brain is smarter than mine, and the most important thing is that his ambition is bigger than mine. If he is really allowed to go up, the situation in the court may become more complicated, and whoever makes me give a rough impression What a fool, understand, understand, now I have been a puppet deputy envoy for several months, and the military reform in Beijing and China is about the same. After this battle, you, Shuai Sun, have almost held half of the soldiers and horses in your hands. Can't you tell your father, can you let me go?"

Sun Yue smiled and said: "It's easy to say, easy to say, you have [-] to [-] direct descendants in your hand, so you can say anything."

"It's easy to say, let me see it this way, don't you still have nearly [-] surrendered Han troops in your hand, [-] soldiers and horses, how can everyone lead by a mature and prudent person? , do you deserve such an important position?"

"and then?"

"Then? After all, human energy is limited. Since I have taken charge of these hundreds of thousands of newly surrendered soldiers, there must be many things to do. The soldiers brought out from the capital are naturally helpless. In my opinion, it would be good to simply break them up and hand them over to Yang Ye, Han Chongxun and others to lead them."

Sun Yue added: "Okay, after this victory, the [-] newly acquired troops should eliminate the old and the weak, and form an army alone to guard Gubeikou. No one will come to compete with you for the position of Jiedushi .”

Dang Jin nodded with satisfaction and said: "Very good, very good."

"It's just the party commander, but you still have the job of supervising the army."

Dang Jin waved his hand and said: "I'm not a literati, what a prisoner, besides, I can't see who has the final say in today's imperial court, Supervising the Army? Who will report to? I see, it doesn't bother the two masters. Let Cao Can do it, you report to your father, and he reports to his father, it will save trouble."

Sun Yue laughed out loud and gave him a high-five, the deal was considered established.

(End of this chapter)

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