Chapter 475
Sun Yue leaned on the table, dragged her chin, and looked calmly at Han Derang bargaining with these perverts.

He is here to support Han Derang today, and he is far inferior to Han Derang when it comes to specific implementation, so he didn't say a word during the whole process, but just used a slightly fat big face, narrowed his small eyes, and smiled. Watching them glance back and forth, the group of perverted people who stared at them all became courageous.

They felt that if they dared to say no to Han Derang, Sun Yue would be able to kill them all.

After so many years, now few people call Sun Yue Rushuai anymore, and he has lost the elegance of a scholar. On the contrary, everyone who has seen him thinks he is like a tiger. He is still half-baked in martial arts, but when those two eyes stare, even an enemy like Yang Yanzhao can't help but tremble.

At any rate, he was the one who took tens of 10 lives. According to folklore, his portraits can ward off evil spirits.

Han Derang said with a smile: "If necessary, send a ship to build a navy for our Song Dynasty. This is what Jieshuai told you earlier. Since you have settled in Jizhou City now, you are willing to contribute to my Song Dynasty. Yes. You can rest assured that this battle will not last too long, and it will not delay you for too long. The military rations transported will be calculated according to the merchant's salt introduction system, and you will not miss a penny. Of course, doing business with you will definitely not be possible. Bi, is it difficult to go to the country together? What do you think?"

A group of seductive people nodded repeatedly and said yes.

Han Derang continued: "You also know that military rations are the lifeline of our army. This matter, the court must not be completely entrusted to your hands. It must be controlled. I am here today to discuss with you how this matter works. Understand."

A few who were hesitant in their hearts felt the murderous aura on Sun Yue's side in an instant, and agreed very humbly.

"I've thought of two ways. You can choose. One is that the company will send people on board to temporarily control the command. When the battle is over, our people will withdraw and do what they should do."

A few said unhappily: "This...Han envoy, we are here, our family is here, and we can't escape. Is it necessary? If there is a problem with the delivery of food and grass, you can let Jieshuai cut us down Already." As he spoke, he looked at Sun Yue with a flattering smile.

They didn't feel sorry for the borrowed time, but they were afraid that their navigation skills and routes would be learned by these Song people.In fact, if this group of people really chose this path, Handerang would definitely send a bunch of carpenters and old sailors to steal his lessons. Not only that, he also planned to poach people on a large scale afterwards. They are all thieves, and many of them are married to Da Song's wives, how can they not be dug out?
Han Derang looked at Sun Yue and signaled with his eyes. Sun Yue still didn't say a word, but walked over with a smile and patted the shoulder of the person who spoke just now. Then he put his hand on the neck of the person and touched it up and down Put it like a plate of walnuts.

The man was so frightened that he almost peed, his whole body was shaking, his upper and lower teeth were fighting, and it felt as if Sun Yue would wring his head off in the next second.

Han Derang said: "Everyone, it's not that you can't believe it. It's just a matter of national destiny. You must be safe. You are all businessmen. If someone takes a risk, do you want our hundreds of thousands of troops to die with you?"

A few people looked at each other, and even glanced at Sun Yue with trepidation, and asked in a low voice: "Dare to ask Mr. Han, the second way is..."

Han Derang smiled and said: "The second way, of course it is further cooperation, everyone, at present, in my Song Dynasty, almost all businessmen with a net worth of more than 1000 yuan are rushing to join the 'company' to get stocks and dividends. If you want to integrate into the Song Dynasty, how about joining the "company" with a fleet of shares? The war will end next year, and the company will build a large shipyard. Can it be managed by you? If you are interested, post-war festival commander It is also planned to spend [-] million yuan to build a Shanhaiguan, and this business can also be handed over to you, as for the amount of shares, can we discuss it."

"Isn't this an annexation of us? No one in the world knows Han Shijun's methods. If your company intervenes, can this ship still listen to us? To put it bluntly, if the business fails in the future, we want to return to our homeland, but I can't go back."

Han Derang smiled and said: "How can it be so serious? To put it bluntly, the main purpose of the establishment of the company is to facilitate the settlement between us. I didn't ask you to take out all the ships and buy shares. Can you share the shares? The company takes four and you take four." Sixth, I still listen to you for some daily operations. Which businessman who joined the company in Song Dynasty did not do this? You make money by exchanging equity for stocks. This is just a normal business behavior. The company is not mine, no The imperial court, not the Sun family, the company belongs to all of us."

All the people looked at each other in blank dismay. If it is really necessary to pay [-]%, it seems that it is not unacceptable, but the matter is very important, and they can't negotiate a result for a while, but Sun Yue said impatiently: "This will not work, that will not work. , What do you want? Brother Yeluxiu will be here in ten days, and you have promised me to form a navy to help me if necessary, but now you are writing on such a trivial matter? I will leave the words here, and I will want you tomorrow If you say that what Han Shijun said is wrong, then you can come up with your own ideas?"

Sun Yue trained all the colorful people to look like grandsons, so how could they make up their minds at this moment?Although everyone was a little uncertain, they couldn't tell what was wrong for a while, and no one dared to say that they were not happy, so this matter was muddled, and it was settled like this.

They also didn't think about it, on Da Song's territory, as long as people from the company were involved, how much difference would there be between [-]% and [-]%?As for the business of the shipyard and Shanhaiguan, it is not so much a reward as a bait to further keep them in the Song Dynasty.

Han Derang bowed with a smile and said: "Welcome everyone to join the company, please gather all the boats together, within three months, I will see at least [-] boats, and all Semu people who ship, as long as they have real estate in Song Dynasty , have wives, and live for more than two months every year, you can enjoy this treatment, and because you are now transporting military supplies, after all, you are contributing to the country, I promise you, when the war is won in the future, you will have a certain level, and stock purchases are preferred Quan, this is the treatment only given to members of the military. By the way, please help us pass the news to your fellow countrymen. Those who have not sailed in this battle will not come to my Song Dynasty to do business in the future. I am not welcome in Song Dynasty. In addition , the sooner you exchange shares with me, the more shares you will get, one for one today, and maybe two for one tomorrow."

When everyone heard this, they seemed to be thinking of them, and rushed to get things done. People are like this. There is a legend that a robber robbed a car of people. The first one to pay would pay one hundred, the second Two hundred and so on. In the end, everyone rushed to pay, and no one resisted.

(End of this chapter)

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