Chapter 461

In political games, conflicts of interest between departments will eventually be reflected in gossip about leadership relations. Even if two big bosses can maintain high quality and high self-cultivation, and do not give each other red faces in public, gossip and rumors are I can't stop it.

Reflecting this rule in the current situation, it is naturally the rumors of discord between Sun Chunming and Cao Bin. Of course, the two of them have always tried their best to deny such rumors, and they will always maintain their caliber as nothing.The specific performance is that most of the people who work at the lower level are relatively strong from the Zhengshitang and the third division, while at the top, Sun Chunming is becoming more and more polite to Cao Bin.

Zhao Dezhao was quite satisfied with this, because Zhao Tingmei kept giving in, and now he believed more and more that his third uncle really had no ambitions. Of course, he didn't dare to transfer Sun Yue back.

And without Zhao Tingmei, the biggest threat to the throne, the two powerful ministers in front of him are Sun Chunming and Cao Bin. It's not difficult, but he just doesn't want to do it. If these two people can live in harmony, will his throne be safe?
So this contradiction was largely instigated by Zhao Dezhao himself. This kind of emperor's heart has been used badly throughout the ages. Objectively speaking, Zhao Dezhao's use of it is not bad. The older he gets, the farther he is from his father Zhao Kuangyin, the more he resembles Zhao Guangyi, but he doesn't have Zhao Guangyi's courage yet.

In the evening, Sun Chunming, who had been busy all day, sat at home and asked Yang Rong to wash his feet. By the way, he teased Fu Shi, who had just started managing accounts and didn't know much about it. Because Fu Shi was not jealous, he treated Sun Chunming Chunming and Yang Rong didn't feel disgusted at the small actions they made under their noses, and they reported to work in every detail.

It can be seen that Fu's complexion is much better, although he is still thin, but he is in a good state of mind, so Sun Chunming joked: "You know, I really regret dying now, why did I become so in a blink of an eye? Has he become the prime minister? I used to see Zhao Pu calling the wind and calling the rain, and I felt very awesome, and I was very envious, but now it's my turn to do it, so I realized that this is really not a human job."

Fu Shi has also started to talk about world affairs with Sun Chunming now, and occasionally expresses her own opinions. She is not stupid, but the important thing is that she comes from a top-notch noble family after all, and she understands many things, so although she has few opinions , but at least what she said was not all the humble opinion of an ignorant village girl. I didn't know that Sun Chunming was pretending to be a prelude, so he asked with concern: "Is there any serious difficulty? I also heard about it recently. A lot of gossip is very unfriendly to you."

Sun Chunming said: "Oh, the burden of Wanfang in Kyushu is on my shoulders. Every night when I go to sleep, I feel the pressure of insomnia. I am afraid that my every move will affect the vitality of the people. I must be careful and careful all the time. That’s right, where is my own life anymore? I’m not living for myself now, but fighting for the well-being of 6000 million people.

In contrast, I was the happiest when I was selling ramen. I spent as much as I earned. At least I had three meals without any worries. I could do whatever I wanted, and my wife and children were hot on the bed. This is happiness. Don’t you know? Those petty officials who work in office think how happy they are, and I will be miserable. Alas, the most regrettable thing in my life is to become an official, and it will become bigger and bigger. I can’t stop if I want to. In the new year, there is still a chance to retreat to the mountains and forests, and live a leisurely life under the eastern fence of picking chrysanthemums. "

Mrs. Fu habitually wanted to offer words of comfort, but after thinking about it for a long time, she really didn't know where to start. Why did she feel like he deserved a beating after hearing these words?In the end, she could only respond with a roll of her eyes and bring the topic back on track.

"People outside say that now that you have become the prime minister, you have become less and less courageous and timid in doing things. It is completely different from you before. Many people say that you are disappointed. I know that you have the way of a gentleman in your heart. You don’t want to compete with Cao Bin for power and spoil the world’s major events, but if the people below want to follow you, you must let them see the confidence.”

Hearing the words, Sun Chunming reflexively wanted to say something like a woman's opinion or what do you know, and send it away, but when he thought that Fu's family is currently being reformed by him, he suppressed the words that came to his lips , Thinking about it again, since a woman like Fu's married into the family, there is really no need to be on guard, so I explained it to her in a simple way.

"It's not that I'm timid, it's that there's no need to be strong. First, I believe you can understand how to be kind to others. After all, I'm young and I'm fast. Although today's civil and military officials are convinced by me, I'm afraid ten Nine of them are jealous of me, which is very dangerous, so I should act a little bit more cowardly, a little weaker, especially when I am a little humble to Cao Bin, a veteran, and I am a little bit irritated everywhere, which will at least make people feel a little bit more balanced in their hearts a little."

Fu Shi nodded when she heard the words, she also understood this part, and said: "If it's just because of this, will it be too deliberate? It's all about being humble, why do you have to accommodate everything when you do things? ? Grandpa told me that you must be humble in life, but you must be beautiful in doing things, otherwise..."

Sun Chunming answered with a smile: "Otherwise, you're just a vulgar bureaucrat, you're a mediocre person, right?"

Fu's face flushed, and she nodded shyly. She herself was very surprised why she blurted out such disrespectful words, but fortunately, Sun Chunming was not angry, but rather interested. What a weirdo .

"It's only superficial to be humble, but like I told you before, I don't fight because it's unnecessary. You've also started managing my company's accounts now. What's new?"

"It's much more complicated than other people's homes. I haven't figured out the inextricable relationship behind it until now."

"That's right, it's the complexity of the accounts. Luoyang's factories do not exist independently of Luoyang's economy, and Luoyang's economy is connected to dozens of state capitals upstream and downstream of the canal. The shares in it are even more complicated. Except for me and the Privy Council Yes, there are countless dignitaries, businessmen, banks, and banks with their own shares. The most important thing is that I have also established a "company", and the major shareholders in the "company" have cross-shareholdings with these factories. The relationship between managers and shareholders is even more inextricably linked. To be honest, if Han Derang is not here to help me, I can’t even figure out the relationship. As long as I don’t tell Cao Bin, how can he do nothing?”

"The most important thing is that I actually hold Cao Bin's braid in my hand. Do you think it is so easy to integrate the Luoyang Forbidden Army? You should know the prestige of Brother Yue in the Luoyang Forbidden Army. If Cao Bin knew it well, everyone would be happy, but if he didn’t, I’d let my son go home to see me if he was “seriously ill” at any time, wouldn’t it be taboo? At that time, our father and son will play a double reed, which can make Cao Bin cry , Then you say, why don't I act softer? The current official is not that broad-minded. Let Cao Bin do this kind of thing."

Fu Shi knew a little bit about it, and excitedly chatted with Sun Chunming in depth. The more they chatted, the more she couldn't help but lamented that her husband was different from ordinary people's foresight and insight. Inadvertently, she caught a glimpse of Yang who was serving Sun Chunming attentively. Rong, it's obvious that this woman was so confused that she didn't even have anything to interrupt, so she could only keep smiling and serve her more conscientiously.

Fu seemed to understand a lot suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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