Chapter 440 Wings and Minions

Take the entire forbidden army to Kaifeng?That's a really good idea, or at least looks like a good one.

It's just that Zhao Dezhao thought for a while, and still shook his head hesitantly to reject this tempting proposal. Instead, he said: "My uncle is about the same age as me. We have had a very good relationship since we were young, and we have always liked the free world. Thinking about it, I probably won't be with you." I'm in a dilemma, right now we still have to focus on the overall situation."

The smile on Cao Bin's face was even more bitter when he heard the words, but he still nodded in agreement with his statement, and at the same time cursed secretly in his heart, this bold recognition said that compared with Zhao Kuangyin, even Zhao Guangyi was far worse .

Of course, it is impossible for Zhao Dezhao to really care about the relationship between uncle and nephew, but he simply does not dare to do so. If he really gave the order like this, it would not matter whether he could take the [-] forbidden troops away. Even if he could take them away, there would be subsequent troubles. I'm afraid there are still a lot of things going on, and the most important thing is that there will be no room for change between him and Zhao Tingmei.

It's good to cut through the mess with a quick knife, but if you don't do this right, it's easy to cut off your own hand first, so Zhao Dezhao still wants to use a gentler way to deal with this matter.

Cao Bin said: "Since the officials are concerned about the feelings of uncles and nephews, then it is considered a slip of the tongue, let's take it slowly."

"How to draw it slowly?"

Cao Bin sighed again: "Actually, the biggest reason for so many incidents is the current two-capital system. Taizu's intention to move the capital was solid, so there were [-] forbidden troops entering Luo. Those who enter into the management of the three yamen are just helpless... Sigh, if you want the country to be stable, there can only be one capital in the world, if the government can let His Royal Highness King Yan return to the capital, things will be much easier."

Zhao Dezhao smiled wryly and said, "What my second uncle didn't do, I'm afraid I'm powerless."

"Then there is no other way, let's move the capital. This move can also dissolve the inherent forces in the court, increase your prestige, and help you straighten out the court."

"However, after the capital is moved, will Third Uncle's status rise to a higher level?"

"It will definitely happen. If His Royal Highness King Yan really has rebellious intentions after moving the capital, I'm afraid it will be very troublesome. If you really fight for prestige, your chances of winning are not great."

Zhao Dezhao fell silent.

Cao Bin said with a bit of sneer: "Didn't the officials just say that His Highness King Yan wouldn't have such a meaning?"

Zhao Dezhao's face darkened when he heard the words, and he almost wanted to kick Cao Bin out, but he still respectfully said: "Please teach me."

Cao Bin's meaning is very clear, hurry up and merge the two capitals together, either you get involved and return to Kaifeng, or you take the court and move to Luoyang. It's too uncomfortable to do this all day long. Whoever is the emperor is good, it is better than almost splitting the center like this. Anyway, even if King Yan becomes the emperor, he will not be in bad luck. The key is that the world can be stable.

This guy's loyalty is loyalty to the world, not to a certain person, at least Zhao Dezhao really has no right to treat him as a dog's leg.

Zhao Dezhao also understood what he meant, but he was helpless in spite of his anger. If Cao Bin couldn't be trusted, then he really didn't know who else he could count on. Cao Bin's opinion must be listened to no matter what. This is a character that must be appeased.

As for the last sentence of asking for advice, he was somewhat sincere. After all, he was the emperor now, and he was the one who took the lead in supporting him. It would be good for everyone to get through the current chaos safely.

"In fact, if you want to break the power of His Highness King Yan, it is difficult to say, but it is also easy. In fact, the power of King Yan is always empty."

"Oh? What is the meaning of this?"

"His Royal Highness King Yan is the governor of He-nan, so he alone has the final say in all matters of Luoyang, and he has the power of both military and political affairs. But if the imperial court moves to Luoyang, won't all the officials listen to the officials? To listen to the ordinary affairs of the sect, but to listen to him, a magistrate? At least in terms of title, his rights will be dissipated."

Zhao Dezhao nodded, "It makes sense."

"Both, as I said before, the reason why His Royal Highness King Yan is strong is because Sun Chunming is his wing, and Sun Yue is his minion. However, when the Taizu was there, why did he know that the Sun family and his sons were related to Yan? Despite their relationship with the king, they still put these three people together?"

Zhao Dezhao couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"How can I be compared with my father? When my father was here, whether it was the Luoyang Imperial Army or the Sun family's father and son, they were all just lending power to my uncle. They were still loyal to my father. As long as he wanted, he could do it at any time." Take it back."

"That's right, that's exactly the case. Most of the prestige of King Yan came from the father and son. The two grandparents used it, so why couldn't the officials use it? The first reason why the late emperor couldn't use it was because there was something strange about the collapse of the great ancestor. The father and son of the family have a grudge, and secondly, it is because they have always been at odds before. When did the official family and the Sun's father and son have any enmity? The two of them were loyal to the Taizu. You are the eldest son of the Taizu. The father and son seem to be the ultimate ministers, so what reason do they have to help the King of Yan and oppose you?"

Zhao Dezhao suddenly realized: "You mean, let me reuse the Sun family father and son?"

"Sun Yue, the minion, is also His Highness Yan's close friend. At least he cannot be allowed to return to Beijing until everything is stable. But Sun Chunming is different. There is no real relationship between this person and His Highness Yan. The affiliation relationship, and his outstanding talents are obvious to all. If he is regarded as the official of the Zhongshu sect and in charge of the government affairs hall, will His Royal Highness Yan Wang still make him move? The Sun family father and son are also one in two, two in one thing."

Only then did Zhao Dezhao feel better, and he quickly thanked Cao Bin, and Cao Bin accepted it calmly.The two of them continued to chat about regaining the Sun family father and son. The more they talked, the more feasible it became. You must know that when he was His Highness, although his relationship with Sun Yue was not as good as that of Zhao Tingmei, it was still quite harmonious.

The imperial driver walked for a long time, seeing that Luoyang was about to arrive, but saw that Zhao Tingmei had already led all the civil and military officials in Luoyang City, and went out of the city respectfully for more than [-] miles. At the very front, we respectfully pay respects to the emperor and his ministers.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Dezhao jumped down from the carriage happily. It was really a blessing from the heavens, and it hit him directly on the top of his head. He quickly helped him up and said, "What are you doing, Uncle Third? Your family , is my elder again, isn't this trying to break me."

Zhao Tingmei smiled and said: "You and my family, it doesn't matter how we get along at home, but outside, it is natural that the etiquette of the monarch and his ministers should be the first."

"Third uncle is interested, so wait a long time."

"It's okay, it's only an hour."

Zhao Dezhao had tears in his eyes: "Third Uncle has worked hard."

"It's not hard, the official family is tired after traveling all the way, how about going to Luoyang City to rest for a day before returning to the capital?"

"Naturally, it should be so. Third uncle gets in the car, and we, uncle and nephew, will go together. I have a lot to say to you."

"Okay, I just want to tell you something."

(End of this chapter)

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