Chapter 432 Sorghum River

That night, Sun Yue called Han Chongxun to discuss his thoughts. Unexpectedly, Han Chongxun thought the same as himself.

So Sun Yue quickly went to find Cui Yanjin and Dang Jin, both of them also felt that what Sun Yue said was reasonable, and then went to Li Jixun, Shi Shouxin and others, but the results were similar, they all thought that Brother Yeluxiu would come back in all likelihood.

Sun Yue said, since you also think that brother Yeluxiu will come back, why don't you be more careful?People say, listen to the officials.

There was really no connection, but Sun Yue keenly sensed that there was something wrong with it, or that there was an inexplicable emotion that had become the consensus of the generals in the army.

After thinking about it, Sun Yue still decided to go to Cao Bin. Seeing that Sun Yue took the initiative to find him, Cao Bin was overjoyed for a while, and quickly prepared food and drinks for him.

"You also drink in battle?"

"Drink less, just don't get drunk. The battle has been fought until now, and it only needs to be dragged on for another month to win. So the whole army is more relaxed."

"You don't care?"

"What do you care?"

Sun Yue sighed and asked, "Do you think Brother Yeluxiu will come back?"

"Yes, of course, but I don't know where he will come back, and it's useless to guess in vain."

"It's useless to guess in vain?"

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, I just don't think it seems like what you should say."

Early the next morning, Yelusha led [-] cavalry to attack. Sun Yue ordered Han Chongxun to form an infantry formation to defend to the death, and did not ask for a counterattack. As expected, he returned without success. Sun Yue suddenly pointed to a nearby river, curious He asked Li Jilong, "General Li, do you know what this river is called?"

"I've heard people say it's called the Gaoliang River."

"Gaoliang turns out this is the Gaoliang River." After saying that, Sun Yue didn't say anything, and simply returned to his tent and said to Li Jilong: "I'm sleepy, go back and sleep for a while, here It’s up to you to host it.”

Li Jilong nodded and said, "Okay."

Under the city of Youzhou, Zhao Guangyi was slowly commanding the army to attack the city, and it was a four-sided siege that only a fool would use in the entire military history.

Is Zhao Guangyi so ignorant of the art of war?Of course not, this guy was clearly intentional, didn't you see that even Tian Qinzuo couldn't dig a hole faster.

The reason is very simple, Zhao Guangyi now intends to procrastinate.On the one hand, as long as it is delayed until the beginning of spring, the Song army will win. On the other hand, hey, the longer the war drags on, the higher the prestige of the official he will be.

Because of Fu Yanqing, Zhao Guangyi's prestige has been almost lost. However, he is an official after all. Now there is no reason for the two-front war. Manpower was deployed, but the command was continued again, and it was stipulated that all transfers of more than 500 people must obey his orders.

Of course, the siege of the city is still to attack the four cities. At this time, his lack of military experience is no longer so obvious. It is estimated that Han Xin will not have any good moves, but it will not have a big impact on the battle situation.

When he returned to the tent that day, Cao Jun, his loyal confidant, secretly sent a letter. Sun Yue asked in surprise where it came from, and he said that it was written by Cui Yanjin.After opening it, there was no substantive content inside, just some bits and pieces, about Zhao Guangyi's complaints.

Sun Yue immediately understood what he meant, and wrote him a reply letter, still complaining about Zhao Guangyi, and ordered Cao Jun to send it to him secretly.

That night, Sun Yue received two more letters from Shi Shouxin and Li Jixun, the content of which was similar to Cui Yanjin's. Sun Yue also wrote a reply, and wrote another letter to Dang Jin, the content was still some nonsense.

In the next few days, the generals who commanded the army wrote and played with each other every day, but when they met, they didn't say anything, as if nothing had happened.

Five days later, Cui Yanjin, Dang Jin, Sun Yue, Li Jixun, Pan Mei, Shi Shouxin and others wrote a letter to Cao Bin on the same day and at the same time. After reading it, Cao Bin burned the letter on a candle, lamenting Soon, they wrote replies to them one after another.

The moment Sun Yue received Cao Bin's reply, it was basically certain that history would repeat itself.

The defeat of the Gaoliang River!

Most people in later generations have a misunderstanding, that is, the elite of the Song army was wiped out in the first battle of Gaoliang River, but it is not true. The elite of the Song army was defeated during the second Yongxi Northern Expedition. Nope.

In the Battle of Gaoliang River, the elite forces of the Song Army were basically intact, and only Zhao Guangyi escaped back to Kaifeng in a donkey cart.Even if only from the perspective of the battle loss ratio, the Song Army can even be said to have won a big victory.

Under what circumstances, the emperor who was personally conquered by the imperial chariot almost died, and in the end he only escaped with his own body, without even a guard around him, but the main force of the army did not suffer any serious damage?
Let’s think about the future. After Zhao Guangyi’s life and death were unknown, or everyone thought he was dead, the first thing these generals in the Northland did was not to rush back to Kaifeng, but to support Zhao Dezhao who was with the army. He ascended the throne and became the new emperor.

Think again who saved Zhao Guangyi, Yang Ye!In the original history, Yang Ye had just surrendered. No matter how Yang Wudi was, he must have been excluded from the circle by the top generals of the Song Dynasty. That is to say, if those generals wanted to plot something, he should have been excluded Outside the circle, I don't know anything.

And after that, within a few days, Zhao Guangyi forced Zhao Dezhao to death, and he no longer trusted all the generals left behind by Zhao Kuangyin. After that, in Yongxi's Northern Expedition, veterans such as Li Jixun hardly participated. He and Pan Mei led the two Northern Expeditions respectively, and Cao Bin's performance was suddenly advancing, retreating, fast and slow, let alone unworthy of the first good general, and he had no military common sense. There is no comparison at all. According to the obvious reasons for the defeat of Yongxi's Northern Expedition, this guy should bear at least [-]% of the responsibility.

but?Cao Bin was only punished symbolically, and soon became a privy envoy again, and he was highly valued, and he was overwhelmed by Pan Mei, who performed a hundred times better than him, all his life.

Although there is no clear evidence, it is basically certain that Cao Bin is responsible for Zhao Guangyi. Sitting in Kaifeng and commanding remotely, if there is no problem, it will be hell.

The obedient coach lost the battle, but he didn't say anything, and took all the sins for His Majesty's brilliance, while the disobedient coach fought beautifully, although he didn't say anything, but who I still don't understand what's going on.

It seems to be a bit off track.

In short, because of this weird defeat, although the main force of the Song army was not damaged, the subsequent fiasco of the Yongxi Northern Expedition and even the weak Song Dynasty over 200 years later had something to do with this incident. Sun Yue has almost figured out what happened.

So, Sun Yue sent Yang Ye away with a transfer order.

(End of this chapter)

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