Dad, this seems to be the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 408 Tiger General Li Jilong

Chapter 408 Tiger General Li Jilong
Han Chongxun is dead?
Han Chongxun is not an ordinary general to him, he is his friend, his brother, he has been his partner since he first entered the battlefield, at first he was his deputy, and later he was his deputy, never They have never been separated, and there is no doubt that the acquaintance who cut the throat is one of the most important people to him besides his family in this world. The relationship is second only to Zhao Tingmei, and even with the change of Zhao Tingmei's political status in the past two years And mature, already his first confidant.

Sun Yue only felt as if his head had been hit by a sledgehammer, and the buzzing was full of gold stars. In addition, he might have a cold and fever after being frozen for the past two days, so his eyes went dark and he passed out.

Fortunately, after all, he was young, full of energy and blood, and woke up in a few minutes. Seeing the surrounding soldiers panicked, he asked, "Did the enemy attack the city?"

"No, but General Li went out."


Sun Yue quickly endured the discomfort and climbed up to look down the city, because Li Jilong was planning to go out of the city to kill a circle, so the team was all dressed up, and he was taken away with a greeting, that Yelu The dog himself didn't expect it to be so fast. As soon as the front foot finished scolding, the back foot people came up, but there were not many people. Judging from the dust rolled up by the horse's hoof, it should be less than two thousand.

Li Jilong took the lead, as if he was afraid that others would not notice him as the general, he actually put on a brightly colored Shu brocade robe over his armor, flying in the wind so beautifully, and holding a Zhangba spear in his hand, he roared from a distance, Go straight and kill Yelu Gou'er, who is still speaking Chinese at the front of the enemy army.

When Yelu Gouer saw this man's bravery, Xu guessed that he was not an opponent, so he quickly turned his head and backed away, and then Wuyang Wuyang's cavalry fired a volley and stopped him.

Naturally, Li Jilong was not afraid. A few light arrows hit his armor, but it didn't break the defense except for a little pain. Although the good horse under his crotch was also hit by a few arrows, it became more mad and ran even harder. A few minutes later, when the enemy army came over, he stabbed two young generals to death with two puffs with the spear in his hand. Perhaps the second stab was too deep, and the second pike actually got stuck in the joint between the man's bones. inside.Li Jilong didn't smoke at all, he shouted loudly and exerted all his strength, he picked up the man high up, and when he was round, he threw it into the enemy's formation, and even knocked down a knight.

However, the rest of the soldiers were not as capable as he was. When they met each other, people bumped into horses and horses, and they fell down a row with the Liao army helplessly.This is also a matter of no choice. Only a few people with high martial arts skills can save their lives in the cavalry hedge when they are cold weapons. of.

When Li Jilong saw that the soldiers behind him were blocked, he didn't care about it. He knocked his horse's belly hard with his upper leg, and shouted loudly with his big spear: "Stop!" He passed through the formation and got closer to Yelu Gou'er, but there were only twenty riders left to accompany him to charge over, and the rest fought with the front team of the Liao army.

It was a little too crazy for 20 men to rush into the cavalry formation of more than 20 men. However, it was precisely because of this that he showed the demeanor of the general. All [-] were unharmed.

Seeing this, Yelu Gou'er couldn't help but lose his courage again. The key point is that he is the son of a daughter after all, and he thought that he didn't need to fight so hard with the enemy general, so he continued to run into the formation. The rest of the cavalry were afraid that they would block the way of the general, and they all rushed forward. Get out of a small path, but Li Jilong chased too fast, and even chased along this small path. Occasionally, a few quick-reacting re-blocked and immediately became his ghost.

Therefore, what is particularly strange is that his more than twenty cavalry actually managed to penetrate the formation for nearly three miles, causing the Liao army's cavalry formation to be a bit chaotic.

Of course, if Li Jilong looked back at this time, he would find that the two thousand riders he had brought out were no longer visible.

However, Yelu Gou'er is also Yelu Xiezhen's son after all, and the Khitan royal family still has a bit of guts. Looking back, seeing that the killer star was getting closer and closer to him, he simply gritted his teeth and took off the three-stone bow behind him, and turned around with a loud shout. Just an arrow.

The arrow came so fast and suddenly that Li Jilong couldn't dodge it in a hurry, so he adjusted his body angle and hit the arrow hard with the breastplate on his chest. Although it didn't penetrate, it was like being hit by a hammer. As if it was hit, a mouthful of blood rushed to his mouth, and his whole body was also thrown backward by the impact.

Seeing that he had been hit by an arrow, Yelu Gou'er couldn't help being overjoyed, and quickly stopped his horse to look back, but saw that Li Jilong mustered up all his strength and threw the zhangba spear in his hand like a javelin with the whistling sound, which scared him With a sound of oops, he quickly ducked down and dodged, but hit his helmet right in the middle, and even dried a handful of his hair, causing him to cry out in pain.

Just looking up again, Li Jilong, who thought he had shot him off the horse, actually had one foot wrapped around the stirrup. When he fell down, his leg exerted strength, and he rode up again, and then took a pole from his back to face him. The iron gun, which was shorter and only about two meters long, continued to kill him while screaming, and the distance between the two became even closer because of his delay. He could clearly see the ferocious expression on Li Jilong's face. The son frightened his guts out.

"Are you crazy? Stop chasing!" Yelu Gou'er yelled, threw the head in his arms to the side and continued running.

But Li Jilong hesitated for about half a second, then turned a corner and killed in the direction of the head.

Everyone knew that his target was the human head, and the Liao Qi around the human head seemed to have seen a ghost, probably because of a conditioned reflex, and most of them dispersed with a whimper, and Li Jilong was killed in the direction of the human head again. As soon as the gun jumped, he picked the head into his arms.

Looking down, Li Jilong couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. He looked like a Han Chinese, but definitely not Han Chongxun.

As soon as this turn was delayed, Yelu Gou'er pulled the distance away from him, and let him return to the protection of the guards. He couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, thinking of his embarrassing behavior just now, he couldn't help feeling ashamed and angry , pointing at Li Jilong and yelling: "Siege and kill him! Siege and kill him! Whoever wins this man's head will be rewarded ten thousand gold and given the surname Yelu!"

However, Li Jilong had already calmed down at this time, and the explosion just now was a bit too violent, and he was already a little bit exhausted at this time, so he turned his head and ran away.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion at the front of the battle formation, and the front army unexpectedly rolled towards the rear army in unison. It turned out that Sun Yue in Heishui City had personally led the remaining ten thousand cavalry to charge and kill them. come over.

The more than 2000 riders led by Li Jilong were just ready to go to kill those herdsmen, so they came out so fast, but it was not that there were only [-] riders in the city. She was so beautiful, coupled with her enthusiasm, she led the rest of the cavalry and rushed out.

Sun Yue, the world-renowned Confucian commander, charged in person and was at the forefront. The morale of the Song army rose to a higher level. In addition, Li Jilong fought really well, which not only disrupted the cavalry formation, but also lost the enemy. Courage, coupled with the fact that the quality of the cavalry of the Tianxiong Army may be higher than that of the Liao Army, the battlefield turned into a reversal in an instant.

In the entire history of world wars, there seems to be no example of a comeback in a battlefield that has become a reversal, except for the Mongols during the Genghis Khan period. The Song Army has already won this battle.

Besides, Li Jilong was clearly trapped in the enemy's formation, but he didn't panic too much. The cavalry formation was no better than the infantry, and the gap between horses and horses was very large. In addition, the morale of the Liao army fell to another level. He wanted to leave with all his heart, but there were very few people who dared to step forward to stop him, and they were all killed by him three times, five times and two times.

The Liao Army had no choice but to watch him walk away calmly, and shot a burst of arrows indiscriminately with the mentality of trying, but they couldn't penetrate his armor at all. Even the twenty or so cavalry who rushed with him were mostly fine. Because they were also wearing cowhide-wrapped board armor, only one unlucky guy was shot in the face, stumbled and fell off the horse.

The unlucky guy even shouted: "Is the general abandoning me?"

Li Jilong was taken aback for a moment, then went around in circles and killed him again. The Khitan soldiers were so frightened that they backed away one after another, making him return calmly, leaning over to grab the soldier and throwing it on his horse, raising his head and go.

(End of this chapter)

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