Chapter 404 Night Attack
The boldness of the Tianxiong Army really shocked Sun Yue. It only took half an hour and two quarters of an hour for Li Jilong to gather the people together. Even if Sun Yue agreed, it wouldn't even be [-]. question.

This is really called Wen Zhan Zexi, this spirit is full of self-confidence. I compared it with the Forbidden Army in Luoyang in my heart, and found that the difference was a little too far. I looked at Han Chongxun At a glance, I found that he was still a little ashamed.

After all, he boasted that he would go to Haikou to compete with the Tianxiong Army before he went to the expedition. Now it seems that he is a bit ignorant. With such self-confidence, it will not be able to grow without more than ten years of victory.

But now is obviously not the time to think about these things, Sun Yue put his arms around Li Jilong's shoulders, walked up to the city wall, and watched Liao Qi under the city in a daze, the two sworn enemies suddenly became harmonious.

"The enemy has [-] soldiers, and you only have [-]. How do you plan to fight?"

"The only way to attack chaos is to use fire. Prepare more fire oil and gunpowder. If it snows lightly, the enemy's fire prevention must be sparse."

Sun Yue stretched out his hand to feel the cold wind and said: "Attacking fire prevention at night is the basic skill of a general. Brother Yeluxiu will not make such a low-level mistake. Besides, the wind blows towards the pass. How do you set fire?"

"Go around and set fire from the enemy's back, just to take advantage of the wind, so they are even more careless behind this."

"Go around? The enemy's camp is surrounded by mountains and rivers, how can we get around? Do we have to abandon our horses and climb the mountains?"

Li Jilong smiled triumphantly and said: "Shuai Sun, this is our own territory. As far as I know, there is a section of the river twenty miles south of the big river that has been covered with thick ice. Crossing the river from here is just right for a sneak attack. behind them."

Sun Yue glanced at him in surprise, and then felt a little relieved. After all, if Li Jilong really had no clever plan and relied on his head, he would have to reconsider the weight of this famous general.

"Okay, since you have already made arrangements, then go. If the enemy's camp is really on fire and chaos, I will go out of the city to help. If not, you can blame no one for taking your bones."


After saying that, Li Jilong turned and left, but after walking a few steps, he stopped and turned his head. Sun Yue thought that he had a few last words to explain in advance, but didn't want to say: "Thank you for today's matter, you are better than I imagined. If I can come back, I would like to drink a glass of wine with you."

Sun Yue was taken aback for a moment, then waved his hands dumbfoundingly to tell him to get out of here, and he himself hastened to organize his troops, ready to back up Li Jilong at any time.

After all, cavalry is no better than infantry, no matter how chaotic it is, it is not fatal, and no matter how much a surprise attack of [-] to [-] is, it is unlikely to achieve any decent results. It is still necessary to use infantry to press them up when they are in chaos, in order to be truly effective against them. kill.

Li Jilong led three thousand athletes to detour for more than an hour. It is impossible for the soldiers with strong cold wind to have any mink fur coats for them to keep out the cold. When Li Jilong saw the enemy camp from a distance, his mouth was full. A layer of frost has formed.

Of course Li Jilong himself had a mink fur coat, but he solemnly burned it in front of the soldiers of the three armies before he set off for the expedition. Inspired by him, several middle-level generals naturally put away the mink fur coat and only put it on Immediately, after all, no one has a mine, and a piece of mink fur is very expensive.

When he saw the enemy camp from a distance, Li Jilong's hands were numb. He motioned to the soldiers to stop. He first ordered the soldiers to feed the horses beans, and then took out a small bottle of liquor on the horse and looked back to signal, and the whole army held it high. When I picked up the bottle and raised my neck, I felt stuffy.

For a while, the chill on his body seemed to drive away a lot, and with the secretion of adrenaline, his frozen hands seemed to regain their flexibility. Li Jilong picked up a ceramic tube from his horse and said with a smile: "Let's see Sun Is the secret weapon given by the capital prison effective?" Li Jilong rushed forward as he spoke.

It may be that God Blessed the Great Song. When Li Jilong rushed over, the enemy camp was completely unprepared for the direction behind him. Before a group of patrolling soldiers had time to call the police, they were shot dead by a rain of arrows. , Throwing the ceramic pot in his hand, the flames exploded in the sky with a bang, and the tent was lit up as soon as the wind blew.

"Good guy, this incendiary bomb developed by Luoyang is really powerful. A group of 30 people set fires everywhere, and run away after throwing the incendiary bomb in their hands."

This so-called incendiary bomb is a can within a can. It is made of a bottle of white phosphorus buried in the gunpowder. On average, every [-] bombs produced will blow up a worker alive. Therefore, the inventory is really not much, and basically it was given to Li Jilong. It burns like an explosion, and it is extremely difficult to extinguish. If the white phosphorous gets on a person, they can't be extinguished by rolling in the snow, but they can only be burned alive. It is inhumane and horrible.

The Khitan people were completely stunned. After all, it was still snowing just now. How could Song Jun set fire in such weather?Who is this crazy?

It was precisely because of this that the Khitan army's tents did not have any fire prevention measures. They could only throw snow from the ground to fight the fire, but the efficiency was too low. What's more, how could Li Jilong give them a chance to put out the fire with peace of mind?The rear battalion's defenses were also loose, but within half an hour, Li Jilong was killed back and forth. The whole camp looked like a fire dragon from a distance, and the Khitan people were surprised that they hadn't organized a decent counterattack yet. All like headless chickens.

Inside the pass, Sun Yue and Han Chongyun couldn't help but yell excitedly when they saw the enemy camp lighting up the fire dragon. You must know that Li Jilong had been gone for an hour, and they had been frozen in the cold wind for an hour, their eyelids were so frozen. It was almost on ice, even if Han Chongyun was not optimistic about this night attack, how could he not worry about the lives of three thousand soldiers.

Seeing that the enemy camp was indeed on fire and in chaos, Han Chongyun didn't care about the pain in the slightest, and was about to arrange for all the soldiers to go out immediately, but before it was his turn, Sun Yue had already stepped in and said, "Where is Fu Yansheng? This commander ordered you to lead the battle." The rest of the cavalry of the Xiong army attacked the camp head-on with their tendon bows, so that the Khitan could not take care of the enemy on both sides! Where is Han Chongxun? Lead your troops as the vanguard, form a frontal formation to defeat the enemy, move forward and retreat half a step, and the rest Everyone, follow me as the central army, and kill and injure as many of the enemy's vital forces as possible. Han Shuai, sit quietly in the pass and wait for the news of my return from victory."

"The last general takes orders!"

Including Han Chongxun, all the soldiers of the three armies saluted Sun Yue together, and then hurriedly went to work, which made Han Chongyun feel a little at a loss for a while.

It seems... I am the one who deploys the camp!Is this Sun Yue being careless for a while, or is he deliberately grabbing the class and seizing power?It doesn't seem to be important anymore, the important thing is that after tonight, Sun Yue commanded this Tianxiong army like a finger, even his own son listened to him.

Han Zhongyun couldn't help but fell into deep thought, why am I being left out?When did it happen?

(End of this chapter)

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