Dad, this seems to be the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 390 Zhao Guangyi's Move

Chapter 390 Zhao Guangyi's Move

Sun Yue and the rest of the King of Yan Party got the news that night, saying that Zhao Guangyi intended to let Lu Duan come to work in Quan Zhihe-Nanfu for a while, which was a rather troublesome matter.

Ordinary small fish and small shrimps, with their current power and ability, can be used as a threat, but Lu Duan is different. It's just that he is a political adviser who does a good job, and you will be kicked away with one kick and demoted. A magistrate, can others be happy?

No matter how special Luoyang is, Quan Zhihe-Nanfu is just a prefect.Obviously, this is sorting out the political affairs hall. How much of it is Zhao Guangyi's opinion, how much is Zhao Pu's opinion, it's really hard to say.

Don't look at Sun Yue's fierce talk before, does he really dare to kill Lu Duan for his sake?Maybe it is really daring, but it needs Zhao Tingmei's consent, otherwise it will easily become the Sun family's father and son taking power.

Taizu once said that Lu Duan was not confused about major matters, but he only hoped that he would not be confused this time.

According to Sun Yue's own classification, Lu Duan should belong to the stability maintenance faction. This faction is completely differentiated based on Sun Yue's personal ideas and may not be accurate.Generally speaking, the current imperial court can be divided into four factions. The most powerful one is the stability maintenance faction, and the typical examples are Cao Bin and Lu Duan.

You can talk about being loyal to Zhao Guangyi, but they want to do their best to maintain stability, so that the country will not fall apart, so that the people can smoothly pass through the hurdle in front of them and continue to live their peaceful life. For this purpose, They will unswervingly implement Zhao Guangyi's rule.But in the same way, once there is someone who is more powerful than Zhao Guangyi and can replace him, it doesn't seem to be a burden for them to change the court.

Other than that, the most popular ones should be the wait-and-see faction. The typical ones are Shi Shouxin and his like, who have a little soldier in their hands and have no real power to decide the outcome. Those who wait and see the situation before making a decision, in simple terms, are inactive, neither busy in their allegiance nor in a hurry to make trouble.According to Zhao Tingmei's meaning, these Yan Wang families are actually more suitable to carve up this wave.

There is another faction that is completely royalist, that is, those who were more loyal to Zhao Guangyi in the past, such as Lu Duoxun on the bright side, and Xue Juzheng, who is not sure.

Finally, there is another faction that is not sure whether there is any, that is the ambition faction. At present, it seems that Fu Yanqing seems to have a little meaning in this regard, but Sun Yue feels that he is an old man in his 80s with few days left. It shouldn't be so painful. Instead of paying attention to him, it is better to pay attention to Zhao Pu who has regained power.

So from Zhao Tingmei's point of view, if Lu Duan can be obedient, it is not completely unacceptable, at least he can really check and balance the Sun family father and son. As for whether he has any ideas about this, Now even Sun Yue is not so sure.

Therefore, a character like Lu Duan, on the one hand, can satisfy Zhao Guangyi to restrain Zhao Tingmei, and on the other hand, can make Zhao Tingmei check and balance the father and son of the Sun family, with dual attributes, and because of this, the Sun family does not dare to do anything to him. He played very well with one hand.

Of course, an official like Lu Duan is definitely not Zhao Guangyi's marionette. No one can see what will happen to Luoyang in the future.

This is just a change in one city and one place in Luoyang. Objectively speaking, Zhao Guangyi's skills are still very good. He is even better than Zhao Kuangyin in these political struggles. Leng is completed his ups and downs.

In this way, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty stayed in Luoyang for another two days. They visited Luoyang City under the leadership of the Yan Wang Party, and by the way, promoted the political position of moving the capital in the future, and then they broke up like this. Nothing happened, although they were connected in series almost every day during this time.

The days seem to be back on track, and more than two months have passed, at least it looks calm, not too different from before.

Until, in this turbulent situation, Zhao Guangyi, who had barely secured his seat, finally started to make a big move: the imperial examination.Zhao Guangyi began to break the situation with a seemingly unbelievable method, which was almost violent.

How can the imperial examination be called a means of breaking the game?Hehe, it depends on how many people you recruit.

In the Tang Dynasty, one imperial examination usually recruited about ten people, and sometimes it rarely exceeded 40, and filled in wherever there was a vacancy. In the Zhao Kuangyin period of the Song Dynasty, it was slightly expanded, and about [-] people were recruited for one subject, never exceeding one hundred.As for Zhao Guangyi, with a flick of a pen, he admitted more than [-] people!

The civil and military affairs of the entire court are stupid, how many vacancies are there in the court!Could it be that this new official intends to write some rare book, and is in urgent need of pens?As a result, Zhao Guangyi's usage was astonishing. Among so many people admitted in this subject, few of them were wasted, and he actually entrusted them all to be reused! More than 400 people, all of them!

How do you use it?It's very simple, throw it into the imperial army, throw it into the important border towns, throw it into Luoyang, throw it into all the places he doesn't have a firm grip on, and don't compete with you big guys for food, just let them flood those six Rank [-] doesn't seem to be very important, but it is the most basic position.

I, a new official, has no military merits. You are not convinced, right? No problem. Isn’t it amazing that you gang of arrogant soldiers have been on the battlefield?Don't you look down on me?Why don't I stop playing with you? I'm going to play with those scholars. This bunch of stupid and cute white papers are always absolutely loyal to me, the new official family.

Why do those arrogant soldiers challenge me as an official? Isn't it because the big soldiers below listen to you, but in any army, you have never heard of a general directly commanding small soldiers, right?Don't you still have to rely on those middle-level or even low-level officers?I don't touch those dog legs of yours either, I just expand this class a little bit and that's it.

By way of analogy, it’s as if there are only six battalions in a regiment in later generations, and the regiment commander can directly command the six battalion commanders. Now it’s still these six battalions. I’ll give you 32 battalion commanders in one go, and each of them cooperates with each other. Containment, you go command, not to mention rebellion, you can command in war and understand that I count you as capable, even if you can't play the role of decentralization because you can't convince the crowd, you can always be disgusting, right?

This is how the redundant officials among the three evils of the Song Dynasty came about.

As for whether this move will reduce the combat effectiveness of the army, whether those new scholars will fight, and whether the training of soldiers will be delayed, are these important?It seems to be very important, but compared with the stability of the country, it is actually not that important.

 I wish everyone a happy winter solstice, and don't forget to eat dumplings.

(End of this chapter)

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