Chapter 383
Another month passed in the blink of an eye, and the war on the Southern Tang side finally came to an end, and it was about to return to the dynasty.

Since this month, Sun Yue and Zhao Dezhao have gotten along more and more harmoniously. On the one hand, because Zhao Dezhao has improved a lot, it is much more comfortable to get in touch with now, and on the other hand, it is also because Sun Yue and Zhao Guangyi are almost face to face. When the drums are done, they naturally lean towards Zhao Dezhao in terms of political overtones.

Still the same thing, since Zhao Guangmei is killed and has no chance to be the crown prince, Sun Yue has to choose one or the other, and the two can be regarded as a widow meeting a hooligan. In one piece.

Zhao Dezhao is also one of Sun Yue, a determined publicist. The other commanders probably only managed to keep the etiquette, but Sun Yue has completely hooked his shoulders. Yue went to the Qinhuai River to play together, and personally helped Sun Yue deal with Murong Yan, a violent woman, and even offered to play some exciting tricks with him, but Sun Yue didn't do it because he was obsessed with cleanliness.

When the class teacher returned to the court, Sun Yue and Zhao Dezhao were always side by side, arm in arm, looking for flowers and scenery from time to time, and singing while drunk, but no one said anything about them, even elders like Cao Bin It seems that this is the harmony of the next generation of monarchs and ministers, just like this generation of officials and Zhao Pu.

Until, a group of eunuchs riding black horses and wearing white filial piety blocked their way before they entered Beijing.

Inviting him to the Chinese army, five generals and one high majesty surrounded him, and the little eunuch immediately knelt down. Cao Bin asked what happened, the little eunuch trembled and dared not speak, but Holding up a scroll with both hands, it seems to be an imperial decree.

Dang Jin was in a hurry, he went down and grabbed it and opened it himself, then screamed in pain, he picked up the eunuch and said in horror: "The official is dead?"


The army stopped. Inside the White Tiger tent, the five marshals and Zhao Dezhao sat witheredly. Everyone had red eyes but looked at each other in silence.

There was very little information, only that the official family died suddenly, and the country cannot live without a king, so Zhao Guangyi became the new emperor. I don't know anything else. The new imperial decree tells them to return to the army as soon as possible. to stabilize the situation.

They were all crying, but no one howled out.

A few people sat like this dryly for an entire afternoon, no one knew what was going on in each other's minds, until it was almost dark, and Cao Bin was in charge, ordering all the troops to prepare white cloth, and the whole army wore mourning. , Even the whole army didn't say a word or order.

At night, when Sun Yue found Zhao Dezhao alone, he was already crying. Sun Yue stretched out Youzi's trembling hand and pushed him, calmly saying, "Now is not the time to cry."

Zhao Dezhao raised his head in dismay, and said almost incoherently: "Father was still in good health when I came here, and he didn't see anything wrong at all, how could it be..."

“Of course it’s someone who’s harmed me.”

"This... is a big deal..."

"I can be sure that the official family was killed by someone. Killed by Zhao Guangyi."

Zhao Dezhao looked at him firmly, although he was [-]% sure in his heart that this was the case, he didn't dare to speak nonsense.

Only then did Zhao Dezhao realize that the entire face of Sun Yue, who has always been famous for his elegance and chicness, was almost distorted. His teeth were clenched tightly, and his veins were exposed, and his hands were tightly clenched, like a ghost.

Others may only guess randomly, but Sun Yue is [-]% sure. If it is possible that Zhao Kuangyin died of acute illnesses such as cerebral hemorrhage in history, this time, he definitely died of conspiracy. .

Because this year according to the public era, it should be 973, and the original Zhao Kuangyin died in 976.

"Your Highness, we are now on an expedition. There are only more than [-] defenders in Kaifeng City, and this time we have more than [-] troops returning north. As long as you nod, I will be responsible for persuading the four of them. How about official revenge?"

"This... this is treason."

Sun Yue jumped up and kicked the table with a bang, angrily said: "It is Zhao Guangyi who conspired against him! Killing brothers and usurping the throne is worse than pigs and dogs!"

Zhao Dezhao was startled and said quickly: "Yue, please calm down. There is no evidence for all this. Besides, there are hundreds of thousands of soldiers going north from all over the world, and many of them have families and businesses in Kaifeng City. How can we do it?" You must be willing to follow me? I have never had prestige in the army. Besides, as for the other four commanders, who knows what they have in mind? If things don't work out and my second uncle finds out, wouldn't it be... let's take a long-term approach."

Sun Yue was furious, grabbed his collar and pulled him up and yelled: "Do you still think he is your second uncle? In the situation in front of you, you still have a third chance of trying. If you just go back to Kaifeng honestly, , do you understand what it means to be a man for a knife and me for a fish? Who will discuss with you in the long term, are you so qualified to say this! "

"I... I... I... Let's talk about it when we return to Beijing."

Sun Yue stared at him for a while, and Zhao Dezhao avoided him in embarrassment, not daring to look at him. It took a long time for Sun Yue to laugh and throw him back on the chair, with tears streaming down his face: "Really?" What the hell is a tiger father and dog son. What have I been doing for more than ten years?"

Zhao Dezhao was ashamed and angry, his face was flushed red, but he still lowered his head and said nothing. Sun Yue had no interest in persuading him anymore, and left crying and laughing all the way, like a madman.

What kind of mood was that? Sun Yue didn't know, but I was really heartbroken when I heard the news today, both sad and ashamed.

A few days ago, he also received a letter from Sun Chunming's family, saying that Zhao Guangmei had successfully built the West Canal, and that the Luoyang waterway could lead directly to Chang'an. The old city wall was pushed down to build a bastion, and now that the country is unified, the prestige of the officials is in full swing, and the trend of moving the capital is unstoppable, he is quite happy.

As a result, it was obvious that someone was forced to jump over the wall in a hurry. Zhao Kuangyin's plan had to be said to be perfect and executed well, but he probably never thought that his good brother would catch people off guard in such a way. The way, completely disrupted his century-old plan.

And Sun Yue can guess without having to investigate. Zhao Guangyi's success in this matter is not only because Zhao Kuangyin was unprepared, but also because he has written over and over again asking to fight the Southern Tang Dynasty, so that the elites in the capital are very special. They were sent out, and the rest were all controlled by the Crane Control Army controlled by Zhao Guangyi!Exactly the same as in history!
Obviously, we just need to wait a little longer.

(End of this chapter)

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