Chapter 341

Zhao Kuangyin was lucky to go to Luoyang, and he exploded the water in Luoyang like a stone breaking the sky.

Officials at all levels and gentry all behaved as if they had been beaten with chicken blood. The streets were as clean as if they had been licked with their tongues. Many merchants and restaurants offered discounts to see their popularity. I don't know when a group of people sitting and playing chess has gathered on the Internet, and every now and then, one or two lines of poetry that are not bad will come out from these people's mouths.

It's also a pain in the ass.

What Zhao Kuangyin wants to do, the Chinese and the Koreans all know, most of them want to raise objections, but the reasons they use are too open and aboveboard, who can stop it?Do you want to make the official family unfilial?
Zhao Guangmei, as the Governor of Henan Province, naturally had to go out of the city to greet her. After getting off the carriage, Zhao Kuangyin also praised Zhao Guangmei's performance, laughed, and went to Anling with Zhao Guangmei in her arms to pay homage to her late father.

This is the reason why Zhao Kuangyin came to Luoyang. Originally, this was just a formality, but when Zhao Kuangyin knelt in front of the mausoleum, he couldn't help but think of Zhao Guangyi and Zhao Pu. How happy their family was back then. Meimei, the old couple treats Zhao Pu like a son, Zhao Kuangyin is busy with military affairs, Zhao Guangyi's homework is mostly supervised by Zhao Pu, and thinking about it now... a moment of grief came from it, and he actually burst into tears in front of the mausoleum .

Zhao Guangmei was embarrassed. He lived in Luoyang, so naturally he would come here to pay respects from time to time. His feelings were not as strong as Zhao Kuangyin's, but Zhao Kuangyin was crying. Wouldn't it be inappropriate for him not to cry?But he is not an actor, how can he cry when he can say it.

In desperation, Zhao Guangmei had no choice but to pinch her inner thigh fiercely, grinning her teeth and howling loudly, but it was a pity that there was no rain when there was thunder.

Zhao Kuangyin ignored him, and after taking the opportunity to cry and vent, he became a high-ranking emperor again, and said to Zhao Guangmei, "Where are the father and son of the Sun family?"

"Father and son of the Sun family are all white now, so..."

"Whoever is white but not white, call them here."


"Forget it, are they at home? Let's go there."

"it is good."

Zhao Kuangyin turned around to leave, but suddenly stopped, and ordered: "After a hundred years, I will be buried with my parents." Pointing to an open space beside Anling, he said: "This is where my bones will be buried."

Well, the Song Dynasty imperial mausoleum has been decided.

However, it was said that Zhao Kuangyin came to the Sun's residence in person, and the Sun's father and son naturally went out to greet him from a distance. The two of them were somewhat prepared for this, and many things in the residence were arranged in an orderly manner, and Zhao Kuangyin walked around like a leisurely stroll. Come, the father and son bowed slightly to salute, Zhao Kuangyin casually took the father and son one by one, like old friends, and walked towards the middle gate of the Sun Mansion, all the officials who followed behind were envious.

"The Sun family is small, so there's no need to follow everyone. It's fine as long as the third child is with you. You all can go back."

After saying a word, Sun Chunming made a gesture with his eyes, and the servants of the Sun family rushed over and closed the door, which made the accompanying officials feel awkward among each other, and all sighed, what is a holy favor?In the past, some people thought that both the father and son of the Sun family got off their horses as a sign of the pill, but now it seems that they are bullshit.

It's useless to be envious. Who can tell people that they are really capable, but no one dares to go back to their respective homes. What can they do?Just wait, but fortunately Sun Chunming was careful, and after a while, a servant girl came out with a brazier and ginger soup, and moved a bed for the adults to rest.

But when Zhao Kuangyin entered the mansion, he saw carved beams and painted buildings in the courtyard of the Sun Mansion, birds singing and flowers fragrant, so exquisite and prosperous, he couldn't help laughing and cursing: "You father and son are so out of touch, this courtyard is not much worse than the imperial garden."

Sun Yue quickly said: "The officials don't talk nonsense, both of us father and son earned money from business, and never evaded taxes. It was all legal income, but we never did anything like corruption or bribery. .”

Zhao Kuangyin laughed out loud, and didn't say much anymore. After all, the Sun family and his son were the richest man in the Song Dynasty many years ago. It's not like he didn't know that. It’s even rolling up and down. Every year, the Sun’s family pays 200 million yuan in taxes, and they really pay attention to the benefit of the country and the people in business. Don't use it for profit, and truly become rich and benevolent.

While talking and joking, Murong Yan personally served melons and refreshments attentively. Zhao Kuangyin was taken aback when he saw the melons. It was late autumn, and the ripening season of melons and fruits had already passed. No, but the melons in this season are either raised in hot spring water, small and sour, or stored in the ice cellar, shriveled and less juicy, but the melons in front of me are all big and plump, as if Freshly picked ones are average.

After taking a bite, it was really sweet and juicy, and Zhao Kuangyin couldn't help sighing again: "I take back what I just said, the life of you father and son is better than that of my official family."

The father and son couldn't laugh or cry, this is certainly a joke, but if someone with a heart listened to it, it might not be a sentence of condemnation, and quickly explained: "This is a new experiment this year, called a vegetable and fruit greenhouse. Colorless glass is used as the ceiling to ensure sufficient light, so that fruits and vegetables can grow all year round, but because the price of glass is still high today, this thing can only be grown at home. This year is the first year, and I didn't know if it would be possible before, but in the future, it will naturally be set up in the university."

Sun Yue also answered: "Actually, the key to this thing is glass. Nowadays, the scale of glass factories is getting bigger and bigger, and the price of glass is getting cheaper. I believe that sooner or later, this kind of greenhouse will be popular in every city. Let every gentry and even ordinary people have access to out-of-season fruits and vegetables.”

Zhao Kuangyin was very interested, so he asked them to take him for a walk in the greenhouse. He saw with his own eyes the strings of peaches, apples, cantaloupe, cold melon and other things growing happily in the greenhouse. , the palace must have one."

Sun Chunming naturally responded repeatedly.

Zhao Kuangyin suddenly said with emotion: "The benefits of glass are so great. If the price of this item can be reduced, it will be a real national treasure, which will benefit the country and the people. I have heard about the glass factory. What you did Yes, the expansion of the glass factory must not be shaken, I heard that because of this, Murong girl was injured? How is the injury?"

Murong Yan didn't expect that Zhao Kuangyin would turn the conversation to herself after looking at a big shed, she was stunned for a moment and then said quickly: "Thank you for your concern, it's nothing serious, just keep it for a while, don't use force with others, and pass the time." It will heal in time."

Zhao Kuangyin nodded and said: "Girl, I watched you grow up. I know your personality very well. Although Sun Yue is talented, he is a full-fledged lazy rascal. He needs a wife like you to strictly control him." Guan Li, Brother Murong is gone, I am your mother's family, if he treats you badly in the future, you can come to me anyway, and I will make decisions for you."

"Thank you for the kindness of the official uncle, my husband... he treats me very well."

"Hmph, isn't it good? He killed people in the street because of you, and he is the grandson of Wang Yanchao."

Sun Yue had nothing to say and could only smile awkwardly.

"Love between husband and wife is a good thing, but as a big wife, it is your responsibility to persuade your husband. As for the matter last time, even if it was just because of Brother Murong's face, can I forgive him? How old is he, can't he be more stable?"

Well, now Murong Yan is also embarrassed.

"It's only this time, it won't happen next time."

(End of this chapter)

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