Chapter 331

Sun House.

Murong Yan served Sun Chunming dishes with a calm expression, and didn't mention anything about Sun Yue's failure to return all night last night.

Sun Chunming was quite embarrassed. To be honest, he liked his daughter-in-law quite a lot. Elders, they always hoped that their daughter-in-law could take care of them. It's really inconvenient for this Nuoda Sun's mansion to not have a woman in charge, and he still approves of Murong Yan's management skills.

"Daughter-in-law, don't worry, when the brat comes back, I will definitely teach him a lesson."

"No need, father-in-law, we have nothing to do, you just let us solve it by ourselves."

"This... well, but you have to know that I am on your side. This matter must be the brat's fault. If there is anything that needs my help, just say it."

"Thank you father-in-law."

Sun Chunming took it for granted. Murong Yan is not like Yang Rong. She holds back when she is wronged, and passively waits for the man to find out. This is not her style. She is the one who wants to applaud and play woman.

After breakfast, he went to the yamen after serving Sun Chunming, then turned to Fu Rong and said, "Let's pack up and go out, and bring my sword with me."

Fu Rong was taken aback, and quickly said: "Ah? Miss, please calm down. My uncle spent the night at the three princes' mansion last night. After all, the three princes are now in their 20s, and they are the governor of He-nan mansion. If you Calling at the door, everyone looks ugly, isn't this going to piss off my uncle, I beg you, miss, you just give my uncle a soft look, can't you live a good life, my uncle is actually very good to you. "

Murong Yan flicked her head and said, "Who said I'm going to find him."

"Then you are..."

"Go to the glass factory. I want to see what's going on with this special woman. If it's really that Han who sows dissension, my mother will definitely kill him."


Women in this world are actually divided into two types, one is ordinary women, and the other is Murong Yan.

Official boots in Tsing Yi, tight trousers, a belt tied casually with a rope, hair tied on top, a sword in his hand, and he went out. He had a heroic face, but his chest was flat. Thought he was a handsome man.

This guy really just went to the glass factory with only a sword in his hand.

This style, this battle, especially when he frowned and sneered, the players all felt chills on the back of their necks.

Carefully pouring tea for her, he asked, "Young Madam, did you come to look for shopkeeper Han? This... he has something to do right now, he is busy, how about you..."

Murong Yan squinted at him seemingly casually, and the servant who answered felt his heart beating a little, but saw her take a sip from the cup, and said with a smile: "In that case, then don't rush to find him. Where is he, Zhuo Boxin? Call him here."

Zhuo Boxin is the general of Murong's family, and has been with Murong Yanzhao's confidant for more than ten years. Since he wants to see him, he must not be here to make trouble. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the news, and Murong Yan also knew that Helping everyone, he waved his hand and told them to disperse.

After a while, Lao Zhuo came, Murong Yan invited him to the side to sit down, and said softly: "Old Zhuo, you are from my own family, and I have a close relationship with my mother-in-law's family. I can believe it. Yesterday, because of some things, I had a fight with my husband. When I think about it today, I feel aggrieved no matter how I think about it. You know my temperament. If I can’t vent my anger, I will get sick. Tell me, what is going on here? I understand my third brother, he shouldn't be the kind of person who is greedy for petty gains. "

Zhuo Boxin thought for a long time, and then said carefully: "Young mistress, I was not very clear about this matter, but the shopkeeper Han checked the accounts a few days ago and found that more than 100 million yuan was missing. This is absolutely true. of."

Murong Yan frowned: "What did the Murong family do?"

"This... It's hard to say at the moment, but even if the third master didn't do it, the third master must know about it. Such a large sum of money, and such a seamless job, can't be done by a family or two. "

"Are you sure it's more than 100 million missing?"

"This, it should be true. In fact, in this factory, especially the few shareholders of the management, to be honest, they have always been a little bit critical of the Sun family. Naturally, there is no need to talk about the means and vision of the Sun family, but there are some things. Indeed... Well, let’s put it this way, every day in the factory, the tax alone costs thousands of dollars, and what you pay is a heavy tax. You said, this factory does not mention the military’s shares, but these owners, whoever is not stomping The one who made the imperial court tremble three times? Only this one item, the annual loss of income is probably more than one million."

"After all, my father-in-law is the right to know the He-Nan Mansion. Luoyang City is waiting for prosperity. It is time to spend money. It is understandable for him to do this. If his own property takes the lead in tax evasion, how will he govern in the future? ?”

Zhuo Baixin said: "Actually, it's more than that. Many of the rules of the Sun family are also difficult to understand. For example, he does not allow workers to sign a contract of sale with the master's family. Instead, they sign a three-year labor security contract. And these are small details. What really aroused the dissatisfaction of others is that he is now, but he is still planning to expand. During this period of time, he has absorbed a lot of funds and built a lot of steel furnaces. All the money from the country landlord Lao Cai will also be accepted.”

“Isn’t it good that the factory is getting bigger and bigger?”

"Oh, it's good, it's not good. Actually, I can see that the Sun family and his son are people with big ambitions and big ideals. They don't care about money, but...others do. Glass is something that rich people use after all. , Now that the canal is connected, the output will increase at once. The price has not risen a little bit, and there is even a trend of price reduction in the surrounding area of ​​Luoyang. Although there will be more glass sold in time, but the big guys will hold less shares. After calculating the inside and outside, in fact, the profit is getting less and less, so..."

"So you're saying that other people in the factory are very dissatisfied with this, and that's why they partnered to steal money, and even more than that, other shareholders in this factory have formed an anti-grandchildren front, right? .”

"This is."

"In your opinion, is my third brother a member of this small front?"

" know the temper of the third master. He definitely doesn't bother to do things like being greedy for money, but you also know that most of the managers in the factory are the children of those old generals. After all, our Murong family started in the army, and now that the commander-in-chief is gone, we rely on that little relationship, so... well, you know that he loves saving face the most."

Murong Yan nodded, he probably already understood what happened.

To put it bluntly, when the Sun family does business, they think about the country and the world, and they go for political purposes, and they are all about money. How can the three of them turn against all the second generations for the sake of the Sun family?

"Old Zhuo, it has been two years since your wife passed away."

"Uh... yes."

"There's never been a continuation?"

"Ah, I... have no such plan."

"There is a maid by my side named Lamei. She has been with me for many years and she is also very smart. If you don't mind, I will be the master and marry him to you."


"From today onwards, you will be the representative of my Murong family, and I will talk to the third brother."

(End of this chapter)

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