Chapter 326

(I beg all pirate readers to check out the original version in the past two days. There is no serious recommendation for two months. The grades continue to decline, and there is no motivation to update)
After scolding, Han Derang's thoughts of committing suicide were temporarily extinguished, and Sun Chunming returned to his study very helplessly, sitting there blankly, not knowing what to think.

Sun Yue just came in and asked, "What's wrong?"

Sun Chunming explained the matter.

"Fuck, the ancients were so sick. Persistence in things that can't be eaten is more important than life."

Sun Chunming frowned, and sighed, "You kids don't read Wang Shuo anymore."

"Wang Shuo? The one with Feng Pants?"

"Fart, it's Feng Pants hanging out with Master Shuo! Oh, there's a generation gap between us."

"No, what does this have to do with Han Derang?"

"Master Shuo has a saying that I have always liked. He said: 'Faith cannot be eaten, so it is not important; religion cannot be eaten, so it is not important; freedom cannot be eaten, so it is not important; principles cannot be eaten. Eating is not important; we believe in the life of pigs, so we also get the fate of pigs, and sooner or later we will become food for others."

"Father, the readers of Dianniang are all good comrades now. You can easily lose your subscription and get 404 when you talk like this. Those who don't know think that the author is a penny."

cross out.

Let's read normally.

"Okay, okay, I understand, that is to say, he has principles and doesn't want to be hostile to the Liao Kingdom, so let's not let him touch anything related to the Liao Kingdom."

"How is that possible? He can't pass the Jinshi exam and can only follow the two of us. Don't tell me. Even if I am a civil servant, there are still [-] defenders stationed in Luoyang City. At least in the past few decades, the Song Dynasty and the Liao Dynasty The battles in the Song Dynasty will become the mainstream of the world. Which thing he did in the Song Dynasty has nothing to do with the Liao Dynasty?"

"Father, didn't you keep telling me that Uncle Cao and Uncle Fang are not good enough and have bad vision? The canal is about to be completed, and your capital layout can almost be started. When the time comes, the business in Luoyang City, Our family's business will probably be more than ten times bigger than it is now, and you don't have time to watch it, why don't you let Han Derang take over? Is he also Uncle Cao's nephew, and Uncle Cao and the others won't have any objections."

Sun Chunming was confused when he heard the words: "It's good, but he is also a regent, so he will manage the business for our family? That's not the way to overkill. I still want him to be our father's right-hand man." .”

Sun Yue said with a smile: "Who said that doing business has nothing to do with national affairs?"


Sun Yue picked up the brush on the table, and wrote five big characters like flowing water: Shangchao Yanyinzhi!

After finishing writing, he pretended to be beeping, wanting to see his father's sudden realization and surprise expression, but Sun Chunming asked in pain, "What do you mean?"

Well, the general history buffs may not know much about this thing, so Sun Yue had to give Sun Chunming a simple science popularization.

The introduction of commercial banknotes and salt originated in the early Ming Dynasty. It was a system created by Zhu Yuanzhang. In the early Ming Dynasty, Meng Yuan could be expelled from Mobei to a large extent because of this excellent system. To a large extent, it also stems from the collapse of this system.

To put it simply, the imperial court contracted out the project of transporting military rations to businessmen. No matter what method you use, you must complete the work with quality and quantity, otherwise your whole family will be killed.Of course, risks and benefits coexist, and the court will give them some salt as a reward.

Needless to say, the efficiency of merchants has been much higher than that of the imperial court since ancient times. With this system, the loss of grain transportation is at least [-]% lower than that of the imperial court itself, and there are very few delays.

After these merchants get the salt, they usually use it as currency to exchange spoils with the soldiers, and then find a way to transport it back, so that the income of the leading soldiers is significantly increased, and the desire to fight is greatly enhanced, which is also a surprise.

Of course, for a weird dynasty like the Meng Dynasty, no matter how good the system is, it will be ruined by them. They can even destroy paper money, which is cheaper than paper, let alone salt. One hundred thousand catties of salt, dare to issue [-] million As a result, by the middle of the Ming Dynasty, Yanyin was basically worth less than banknotes.

By the way, I would like to make complaints about silver. It was also during the Ming Dynasty that silver really became popular on a large scale and became the main currency, but it was definitely not because the commodity economy was more developed. Forced by this kind of monetary policy, they had to use silver (the banknotes issued in the Ming Dynasty were more fierce than yuan. The most bizarre thing is that their copper coins are not only short of catties, but also every time they change emperors, they will issue new ones, while the old copper coins, It is not allowed to be used, otherwise it will be arrested. Of course, the imperial court in the late Ming Dynasty became so poor because of this fucking financial policy).

In contrast, the court of the Song Dynasty had too much conscience. From the perspective of copper coins, not only was it worth two pounds, but it could even be exported in large quantities to be used as currency in neighboring countries. The cost is really high, and private casting has no profit at all. Even when paper money was issued in the Southern Song Dynasty, it insisted on a reserve ratio of less than one to three at the beginning, which was much higher than later generations. Suddenly, the court couldn't stand it anymore, so it had to issue more, and then the Southern Song Dynasty collapsed.

So in general, the credit of the Song Dynasty is still very reliable, or the basic conscience of the scholar-bureaucrats in the Song Dynasty is still there, and there are enough restrictions on the imperial power, so don't worry too much about this thing that will disturb the people of the world. They are not like Mengchao, they don't treat the common people as human beings.

After explaining all this clearly to Sun Chunming, Sun Chunming probably understood what Sun Yue meant, and couldn't help but muttered: "You mean, let me take the lead in handling such things?"

"Yes, Luoyang will definitely be the economic center of the entire Song Dynasty in the future. If you propose it, the merchants in the Song Dynasty will definitely support it enthusiastically. You may even initiate the issuance of banknotes in the future. After all, Jiaozi did not Was it created by a group of businessmen from Sichuan and Sichuan?"

Sun Chunming frowned and said, "But in the end, isn't it still an enemy of Khitan? The introduction of commercial banknotes and salt is essentially a military supply system."

With a smile, Sun Yue said confidently: "Come on a little bit, first use business to get Han Derang on the boat, and then we will move forward bit by bit, and he can't decide whether to do it or not. Boil the frog in warm water. If you betray There is a process of gradual adaptation, and you will not be dying, this is human nature, not everyone is Hong Chengchou, but likewise, not everyone is Wen Tianxiang."

 The remaining chapter is being written, and it will be published later as much as possible.I really don't have a manuscript.

(End of this chapter)

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