Chapter 211 Cracks
The civil and military officials were talking a lot, Zhao Kuangyin was also looking at him with interest, while Zhao Guangyi had a frosty face and looked at Sun Chunming with a knife-like look.

In fact, the vast majority of court quarrels are not about right or wrong, because there are few things in the court that are absolutely wrong, let alone absolutely good. The good or bad of a thing depends more on how you go about it understand him.

Every quarrel, to put it bluntly, is nothing more than a collision between different identities. At this level of bosses, each person does not represent themselves, but the entire interest group behind them.

For example, Han Chongyun, even if he seems unable to say why, he still has to stand up in this matter, because he is the palace commander, and behind him are the soldiers of the entire Forbidden Army, even if this matter is essentially a big problem for Da Song. A bad thing, he would have agreed to it too.

And Zhao Guangyi is a civil servant leader, and his position has nothing to do with right or wrong. He must oppose this kind of thing, because cement, if used in internal affairs, can create political achievements no matter how it is used. In the words of later generations, it is a gdp artifact. Whether it is for the benefit of the people or cultivating trusted disciples, this is the same thing as a killer.

And now if it is replaced by a horse, it has nothing to do with their entire civil service system, at least it has nothing to do with the civil servants on his side, because horses are used for war, and those who have achieved military exploits are a matter for soldiers, and it is for the Privy Council. thing.

On the contrary, Wu is heavy, but literature is light. Although the sage talks about the way of civil and martial arts, Yin Yang Tai Chi embraces the unity, but in fact, it is just the principle. The most useless thing in this world is the principle. There have been riots by Chinese people with clear words until the early Song Dynasty for 3000 years, and there has never been a so-called balance between civil and military forces.

It is the most obvious truth that martial arts are heavy, but writing is light, and the emperor is the one who cheats and adjusts the weight in the middle.

Don't care about what this matter does to Da Song, just say that for the civil servants, it is absolutely harmful to Zhao Guangyi, but for Zhao Pu, it is an opportunity to seize real power. It will also increase his personal prestige after he succeeds.

Does Sun Chunming understand these principles?He understands!He definitely understood, and precisely because he understood, Zhao Guangyi's eyes almost burst into flames when he saw him hitting him in the face so decisively.

Who promoted you from a small ramen shop owner to today's richest man in the Song Dynasty, with the right to know the Kaifeng mansion?Well, if in the Han Dynasty, I was equivalent to your official, your words already constituted a serious crime of infidelity, do you know that?

In this regard, Sun Chunming had no choice but to sigh in his heart, but on his face, he was still very determined. Zhao Guangyi stood up and said angrily: "You said that the actual operation is not difficult? You said this is a good policy? Then let me ask How do you transport cement from Luoyang to Qinzhou, how do you hire labor, how much cost can you recoup, and how do you ensure that merchants are willing to sell horses to the imperial court?"

Sun Chunming answered one by one in a timely manner: "Actually, there is no such trouble. This thing is inexhaustible. Now it is nothing more than a small amount of production, and the court can't take care of it. This thing, the cave in Luoyang, is not counted. In comparison, it is everywhere in the Sichuan and Sichuan regions, and even in Guanzhong, the lime reserves are much larger than that in the Central Plains. It’s more cost-effective to ship on the side.”

Taking a peek at Zhao Guangyi, he found that he had already gritted his teeth, so Sun Chunming had to pretend not to see it, and continued: "Secondly, businessmen have a good nature to pursue profits, but a good Northwest horse is worth twenty guan, and the imperial court can't do it." The original price was recovered from the hands of the merchants. In fact, war horses were not the most profitable material, but it was actually very easy for these courts to control them.

I have a suggestion. The imperial court can use war horses instead of taxes to achieve the purpose of controlling merchants. For example, when a caravan sets out and returns, every time a unit of camels is brought back, two war horses must be handed over to the imperial court as taxes. Fu, as for what the camel brought, the imperial court ignored it. Is there any profit in this calculation?Absolutely, and it is very thick. I think businessmen all over the world should be more than happy to accept it. "

"Furthermore, the artisans are made by the families of the Zhongwu Army. Can the imperial court subsidize some money? In fact, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We can use this to cast a few complete Han cities, and the imperial court will send officials. The county magistrate, Ren Zhifu, and a large number of Hu and Han mixed populations, maybe within a few decades, the Dingnan Army will naturally become the current Zhongwu Army and Tianxiong Army."

"To sum up, I believe that this strategy is a great one, and it will not do any harm to the imperial court. I beg the officials not to hesitate."

For a while, the entire court was silent. Everyone thought that Sun Chunming might not listen to Zhao Guangyi's words in this strategy. central.

But Sun Chunming slapped Zhao Guangyi in the face in such a decisive way, which was beyond everyone's expectation.Even if he properly pretended to be confused and stupid at this time, and let the officials make a decision after a haha, he still had an explanation for Zhao Guangyi.

You must know that although there is no procuratorial system in the world and the world, and there is no such thing as an official, but in any case, Zhao Guangyi is also Sun Chunming's benefactor. This kind of support is even life-saving. Great kindness from above!Changing courts without reason is the number one taboo in officialdom.

What is this now?And why?
Everyone could only sigh, pity the hearts of parents in the world.

Sun Chunming was also helpless. He and Sun Yue had a tacit understanding. If it was simply because of different political views with Sun Yue, he would not give face at all. The beaten Sun Yue was speechless and fine.

But this is a Northwest party item!This is not a so-called civil and military struggle, not a matter of 30 horses, but a genuine struggle for the survival of the Great Song Dynasty for a hundred years and the fate of the country!

What kind of war horses, what kind of Hexi Corridor, they are all pretense, Sun Yue’s real purpose is to let Dangxiang Zhucheng abolish them. You must know that Li Jiqian has already been born. In the whole Song Dynasty, only he and Sun Yue The two of them knew what chaos in the party meant. At a time like this, how could you let him say no to such a good policy against his own conscience?
Sun Chunming may be at a disadvantage, even if Zhao Guangyi wants him to frame Zhongliang for him in the future, he can do it, but with this kind of national power, life and death are at stake, so why can't he risk his life? .

It was the same when he secretly gave cement to Fu Yanqing back then, and now it is the same when he slaps Zhao Guangyi in the face in public. He has his own bottom line.

 Thanks to 24kq for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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