Dad, this seems to be the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 185 Knowing Heroes Also Have Females

Chapter 185 Knowing Heroes Also Have Females
Back home, Murong Yan tossed and turned her mind on today's so-called 'game', thinking about eating, drinking, and sleeping.

She found out sadly that Sun Yue's way of fighting was almost unsolvable. What's the use of Song Jun even if he could fight?Even if Sun Yue increases the fighting power of the Song army tenfold, so that every Song soldier can be as good as ten, but they won't fight with you!

Unless Da Song can win the Sixteen States of Yanyun and prevent Dangxiang from using his technique of calling him father, not only her, but she believes that even the officials can't do anything about it.

So, if such a persevering and brazen leader really came out of the party members before Da Song took back Yanyun Sixteen States, what should Da Song do?Is there really no recruiting?

Perhaps, Da Song can only pray that they will not have such a hero.

It's a pity that Sun Yue, who is familiar with history, knows that there will be such a hero in the party, a shameless person who fought with his own efforts, the emperors of Song Taizong and Zhenzong, Li Jiqian, he will only be better than Sun Yue He was more vicious, cunning, and shameless, which made Da Song even more helpless. Zhao Heng beat him so much that he almost called him father.

To be fair, Li Jiqian is a hero who is my enemy and enemy. It is not without reason that Li Jiqian is revered as the Saint of Zhongxing by the party members. For the sake of Lingzhou City, he can be the grandson of the Song Dynasty while cruelly attacking the defenseless people of the Song Dynasty. Even if you raise a butcher's knife, you can run in the vast Gobi desert for more than ten years, enjoying peace every day, and making yourself look like a ghost.

To put it objectively, he is really a hero of the party people, a hero who makes people excited, and is respected as the hero of Tuoba Sigong.But it is the lingering nightmare of the Song Dynasty.

The strategic thinking that Sun Yue played today is completely copying Li Jiqian. Is it simple?Maybe it's really simple, but who can persevere like him for more than ten years? Lingzhou City was consumed by people with this simple perseverance, which established the party members in the Song, Liao, Tiger and Wolf. The cornerstone of the establishment of the country was exhausted until the end of the Song Dynasty, and even the reinforcements did not want to be sent. Li Hang, who has the name of the holy minister, had to say that if Li Jiqian did not die, Lingzhou would not be able to maintain this kind of extremely demoralizing remarks sooner or later. However, no one in the civil and military circles of the dynasty could angrily scold him for growing other people's ambitions and destroying his own prestige.

As for Li Yuanhao, the grandson of the so-called founder of the Western Xia Kingdom, Li Yuanhao, hehe, he is really not worthy to even carry his shoes.

Therefore, when Li Jiqian really grasped the power of the party and started this rogue style of play, Da Song would really be over, and he would really be reduced to a big coward. The best time for the great hero of the people to die in the womb, even if the Southern Tang and Houshu fight later, we must first understand this party item.

It's a pity that no one in the civil and military circles of the Manchu Dynasty took this set of rhetoric seriously, including Cao Bin, the so-called leader directly under the first handsome man in the early Song Dynasty, and Zhao Pu, the master who had the power over the world. He got it back: unfounded worry.

But he didn't expect that the first person to agree with him was a so-called prostitute.

Murong Yan, who was tossing and turning, couldn't help but feel chills all over her body when she thought that the Song Dynasty would be completely cut off from horse breeding land, but she couldn't help but think, what kind of monster is this Sun Yue?

There is no doubt that this is a civil servant. Although he is in the Privy Council, he has never done a single military service, and his talent is well known. Other children at this age can compose two sour poems. But he However, he made such a subtle policy of punishing and rewarding loyalty as the ultimate theory, which became famous all over the world. Everyone in the Song Dynasty believed that how many people's life goals were the number one scholar, it was as easy as picking something out of a pocket for him.

He is not even 12 years old. He has only worked as a clerk in the Privy Council for a year. He has no political experience at all. In the army, he has only served as a military supervisor for less than four months. He can actually focus on ten A few years later, he keenly discovered the real serious problem of the Song Dynasty.

One must know that Murong Yan was born with pride, never obeyed others, and never felt that she was inferior to any man in the world, but at this moment her eyes were really opened.

Could it be that the people I usually come into contact with are all useless people, and they are all rubbish, so I just sit in the well and look at the sky?Is this the real unparalleled national scholar?
For the first time, Murong Yan developed a strong interest in Sun Yue, an interest she had never had before knowing that she was going to marry him.

Thinking of the absurd so-called bet before today's deduction, Murong Yan's face became hot.

Do I not only have to marry him, but also allow him to keep concubines?Do I, the female devil in the capital, have no face?
In fact, Sun Yue himself didn't take that bet seriously. People, I can't stop talking, I really don't think so much.

So much so that when Murong Yan appeared in front of him the next day, he was completely dumbfounded. He was about to swallow a sip of tea, but spilled it all on the floor with his mouth wide open.

"Aunt... aunt, what do you mean? I... I... I don't understand."

I saw a row of beauties standing pretty behind Murong Yan, each one of them is stunning in the world, each has its own strengths, um, some have big breasts, some have long legs.

"These are my maids. They have been with me for a while. They are known as Twelve Golden Flowers outside. If I marry, they will be my dowry maids."

"I know... know... know, I heard that the Twelve Golden Flowers are all poor people you saved, but you brought my house here today... what do you mean?"

"Since I want to marry you in the future, your place will naturally be their home. I just want to go on a long trip, so I want them to live with you first. You can arrange a place for them, and you can simply treat it as yours first." Maid, but they have been with me for a long time, although they each have their own abilities, they are really not very good at serving people, they are clumsy, and you may be wronged."

"No, no, no, I'm wronged, I'm absolutely not wronged, this is the first prize, twelve, I'm too busy, the happiness came so... so suddenly? Ah bah! That... I'm not that Meaning, what I mean is, this...well, we are not outsiders, right? Since they feel like sisters with you, aren’t they my sisters? Don’t worry, I promise to let them live with me comfortable."

"Although I don't know what's going on in your mind, but it seems very nasty. Let me remind you that dowry maids are not equal to housemaids. They are mine, and I promised them that I will find them what they like in the future. Your wishful lord, of course, if anyone among them is willing to follow you... Well, I would accept it too, but if you dare to mess around with others besides them..."

As she said that, Murong Yan slowly picked up the teacup on the table, with a slight force, the whole cup shattered with a click.

"I clearly understand that there are twelve best in the family, so I went out to look for them without a heart, ah bah! I mean, is it right for you to have no maids around this year? How about I leave... two for you? "

"No, I'm going to Xiazhou this year, it's not appropriate to take them with me."

Sun Yue was stunned: "What are you doing in Xiazhou?"

"Go and see Dangxiang, go and see Tubo, and see if all the things you said will happen in the end. I am a noble, and since I am supported by all people, I must do something for all people in this world."

Sun Yue was stunned: "A great chivalrous man, for the country and the people?"

"Huh? That's true. A great knight serves the country and the people, hahaha. Yes, it's well said. I'm going."

Saying that, Murong Yan handsomely gave Sun Yue a military salute commonly used in the army, turned around and left, and when she reached the door, she suddenly turned her head and said: "I believed what you said yesterday, but others don't believe it, what can you do? Aren't you going to make some changes?"

Sun Yue said solemnly: "There is still time, there is still at least ten years before the rise of Dang Xiang, ten years, maybe I have already become the deputy envoy of the Privy Council."

(End of this chapter)

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