Dad, this seems to be the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 160 Apology Letter (book list owes 3)

Chapter 160 Apology Letter (book list owes third)
What touched Sun Yue more was that Han Chongxun stood firmly on Sun Yue's side this time. In fact, the best choice for him in this matter should be to tie Sun Yue backhand and hand it over to Li Chuyun, because he He is a pure soldier, and fighting a war is a soldier's business, and political matters have nothing to do with him.

But Han Chongxun resolutely bet his life by accompanying Sun Yue. You must know that Sun Yue is just a prisoner, and he can't do anything without Han Chongxun's help.

Sun Yue has to remember this love for the rest of his life, and if it goes wrong, his father, even if he is the commander in chief, can't save him, and he might even be implicated by him.

Things in this world, no matter how difficult it is, as long as you take the first step out, then the one who bites the bullet later is the same thing, rebellion is like this, let alone mutiny, anyway, Tian Shouqi has already been killed, so kidnap Li Chuyun , there is no psychological barrier.

After a firefight, Li Chuyun soon became a prisoner under Sun Yue's surprise, but they were also surrounded by soldiers brought by Li Chuyun. The Ninth Battalion of the New Army did not retreat. It was Murong Yanzhao who came belatedly.

Of course, the soon-to-be Murong Yanzhao sided with Sun Yue this time. To be honest, he wished that Sun Yue could kill Li Chuyun directly.

You must know that Li Chuyun is only a supervisor of the army, and Murong Yanzhao is the real commander of the [-] army. Coupled with his invincible prestige after serving in the army for decades, the chaos was quickly put to rest. Beijing, ask the officials to come down, the rest is to see whether Sun Yue or Li Chuyun's life is harder.


In Kaifeng, Zhao Guangyi opened Sun Yue's letter of guilt, and there were thousands of words written on it, but if you say this is the letter of guilt, except for the opening word "Sun Yueshu", it is a bit of a confession No relevant text was found.

If you want to say that this is a statement of defense, it seems that there are not a few words on it that describe what happened, and the written part is not different from the battle report. After all, the battle report was written by Murong Yanzhao, and Murong Yanzhao will never Harm him, so the facts are all there, there is no bias at all, there is really nothing to quibble about.

So, what did Sun Yue write in such a long space?This guy actually wrote a policy theory frantically! !You think you are taking the No. [-] examination!

"Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, Wen, Wu, Cheng, and Kang, how deeply they loved the people, cared about the people, and treated the world like a gentleman and an elder... Legislation is precious and strict, but responsibility is precious Leniency. Because of the meaning of praise and derogation, rewards and punishments are used to control, and it is also loyal.” It is Su Shi's famous work.)
To be honest, this policy theory is really good. It is the best policy theory that Zhao Guangyi has read since he read the book.

This literary talent, tsk tsk, I guess there is no one in the whole world who can match it.But you use this thing instead of the letter of guilt, which is a bit incomprehensible. The most important thing is that my elder brother just listened to it, and he listened with a fascinated look, and nodded again and again, as if As if he finally found a confidant, anyone who is not blind can see the admiration on his face.

If I don't praise him, I'm afraid I'll be regarded as a fool!

"See what?"

"This... um... Sun Yue is persuading you to be kind to the people in Hunan. I can understand this. He tied up Li Chuyun because Li Chuyun did not agree to persuade Zhang Chongfu to surrender, and what he did in Langzhou this time , It is indeed too much. The people in Hunan all hate him for not dying. He did this to show the benevolence of my Great Song Dynasty and reduce the number of murders. It is all out of a public heart. As for this strategy... Chen I can't figure out what this kid wants to do."

Zhao Kuangyin laughed loudly and said: "This kid is afraid that I will chop off his head and is threatening me."

"Threat? This policy?"

"He is trying to build momentum for himself. This article is full of nonsense, but it is all very reasonable nonsense, but it is also brilliant. Believe it or not, within three days, this article will spread all over the world." Throughout Kaifeng, he has a lot of relationships with Fan, Wang, and Wei people, so the three veterans naturally want to build up momentum for him. Although they don't have real power, their prestige among the scholars will not diminish. It won't take long. The reputation of righteousness can be spread all over the world. His bold and reckless act this time naturally became an act of pleading for the lives of 26 households in [-] counties in southern Hunan. On the one hand is Li Chuyun who cannibals for no reason. On one side is the benevolent and brave Sun Yue. Whose side will those scholars be on? At that time, this matter will not be a conflict between him and Li Chuyun, but a conflict between military law and righteousness, military law and righteousness Who is older? It is because of this crap that it is possible to have a court meeting, if I really kill him, I will wear the hat of a faint king."

Zhao Guangyi said with a smile: "This is the first time I saw my brother being threatened, but he was not angry at all, but so happy."

"Hahaha, from today onwards, the [-] households in Hunan are the people of my Song Dynasty, and I, their father, saved my tens of thousands of children. Why should I Angry with him? The brat talked to me about the strategy of strengthening the root, what is the root? This is the root! If Li Chuyun really wants to make trouble, how many years will it take me to make shit out of him in the past three to five days Can you wipe his ass clean? The only difficult thing about this matter is that the brat is too courageous and broke the military law. The so-called military order is like a mountain, and the military law is ruthless. It’s cured, what to do with Zhengchou, he just wrote such an article, so I don’t have to bother to find reasons for him to be merciful outside the law, it saves me a lot of trouble.”

"So Sun Yue doesn't have to die?"

"Well, it's hard to say. It also depends on the opinions of the courtiers and the voices in the army. You can also help me with this matter. Get moving and build momentum for him with Fan Wang and Wei. No matter what, you have to give this child to him." Keep it."

"Brother seems to think highly of him."

"Of course, he actually made a great contribution in this battle. In my heart, he is comparable to Murong Yanzhao's contribution to breaking Tanzhou. To win the battle, I fought a lot, and my Song Dynasty has no shortage of victorious battles." However, there is only one person in the Song Dynasty who can rule the world without killing people! What I said before is not nonsense. This son is benevolent, resourceful, brave, and not pedantic. The person who laid the foundation of Zhao and Song Dynasties for a hundred years."

(End of this chapter)

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