Dad, this seems to be the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 155 Tuberculosis (book list owes 2)

Chapter 155 Talking Tuberculosis

At the mobilization meeting, Sun Yue repeated the same sentence to the soldiers of the whole army for the eighth time: "I repeat for the last time, we are a new army, which is different from the original forbidden army. The imperial court supports us as a battalion. We can support the other three imperial guards, so in this battle, we must let the court see our value, especially the political commissars of each battalion, Du Te mother, let me take care of them, I am definitely not joking, after breaking the city , anyone who dares to plunder people’s wealth, rape women, will be killed without mercy! Moreover, his family members will no longer enjoy the treatment of military members, and will be dealt with as deserters! Do you understand!!”


The audience answered lazily, without any energy.After all, no patient person can stand listening to the same passage eight times.

Sun Yue nodded and was about to go down. After thinking about it, he still felt uneasy: "I'll emphasize it one last time..."

After a long while, Han Chongxun led Sun Yue off the high platform almost on his shoulders, and let him say that it was going to be dark, and they were going to attack Yiyang City at night.

The news of Murong Yanzhao's defeat of Yueyang has come. After investigation, it was found that all the Hunan-South troops in the Xiangjiang River Basin have gathered in Tanzhou, and gathered under the command of Yang Shipan, the number one general in Hunan-South. -The strongest showdown between the No. [-] soldier in the South and the No. [-] soldier in the Song Dynasty, Yiyang City is almost empty.

Of course, Han Chongxun would not miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and immediately gave the order for a surprise attack. Unexpectedly, Superintendent Sun Yue, who always paid no attention to anything, actually spent the whole afternoon in the mobilization meeting, making him angry. It hurts a bit.

Brother, don't you know what it means to be fast?What if Yiyang City is prepared?
Sun Yue thought for a while, then called Zhuo Boxin over, and said, "Brother Zhuo, I'm really sorry, the water village outside Yiyang City is handed over to you, please explain to the brothers, it's not that I don't believe them, It's really... oh."

Zhuo Baixin smiled and said: "Sun Dujian doesn't need to explain. Don't say you can't believe it. The people under me can't even believe me. I have been fighting for more than ten years. The army that breaks the city without looting has never heard of it." As I said, since you insist, I will obey you."

Sun Yue said embarrassedly: "I have wronged Brother Zhuo, but don't worry, I have the final say to distribute all the property in Yiyang's treasury to the soldiers. I promise, we will give you as much as we share with the new army, and we will never compete with you." You take one more copper plate."

"Okay, okay, I can't believe you, but I'm wondering, what's the point of doing this? Are you going to fight? Isn't it enough if you can win? If you don't let the soldiers rob, who will work hard to attack the city for you? ?”

Sun Yue said: "If the soldiers can only boost their morale by robbing, then I don't think I can build this new army. It is precisely because of the way wars have been fought for so many years that the hatred between us descendants of Yan and Huang is hard to dissipate. , That's why there is a century-old chaos that has never been seen in a thousand years, so how can what I do be meaningless?"

Seeing that Zhuo Boxin liked to listen, Sun Yue wanted to take the opportunity to brainwash him and instill her own ideas, but Han Chongxun was so anxious that he almost stabbed him: "Living ancestor, have you finished your vernacular? I beg you, hurry up Yes, it will be a tough battle in a while!"

Sun Yue shrugged when she heard the words, spread her hands together, and motioned for herself not to speak.

Han Chongye roared: "Let's go! Surprise attack on Yiyang City, whoever breaks the city first will be rewarded by the whole battalion. Sun Dujian said that those who have made meritorious deeds in this battle can be given places to your family members in the Military Commission of Luoyang Cement Factory. Kill them! !"

When all the soldiers heard it, oh my god, they can be fought, and they ran away screaming. This mother has been listening to the supervisor nagging all afternoon, and the annoyance is so annoying. The soldiers feel There seemed to be hundreds of flies.

They felt that there was no need to study military law or non-military law in the future. If they lost the battle, they would let the governor lecture all afternoon.


after one day.

Han Chongxun, Zhuo Baixin and a group of soldiers sat on the ground, serving out tank after tank of wine, grilling meat on the bonfire, punching fists, and having fun. Sun Yue originally wanted to join, but now all the soldiers in the army are looking at him It's annoying, but he kicked him out in a daze, and let him do other things first.

The battle ended much faster than expected. Facing them elites, the defenders of Yiyang City knelt down without holding on for an hour. Not to mention, there were dozens of brothers who lost their heads. If it weren't for the high prestige of these political commissars, they might have caused a mutiny.

Han Chongxun was still nervously researching the deployment. After all, they can be regarded as a thorn in Hunan's eyes. This place is no more than two hundred miles away from Langzhou or Tanzhou. It's a win.

What was unexpected was that Murong Yanzhao had already taken Tanzhou down with their brilliant efforts!This crackling speed is so fast that it is dizzying to watch. You can join them after only a few days of repairing. In this way, their lone army will not be alone, and the hearts of the big guys will be put in their stomachs all at once. in.

Standing in front of the government office in Yiyang, Sun Yue gathered together all the dignitary and powerful gentry in Yiyang City, and started his high-spirited speech for the tenth time:

"The Song Dynasty and Hunan are originally one family. I guarantee you that wherever our army of the Song Dynasty goes, they will definitely do no harm to the people of Hunan. How we lived in the past is how we are living now. , Don’t worry, I, Sun Yue, guarantee with my personality that as long as Song Jun bullies others, you can come to me and I promise to handle the matter for you without any bias."

Sun Yue found out that he was quite talkative. It had been another day since he talked about this bit of chattering yesterday, and he couldn't stop talking about it. The people in Yiyang City are now But he is obedient and obedient. In his opinion, it is all his credit.


"My lord, there are more than a thousand lake-south troops in the north of the city. Are they allowed to enter the city? Commander-in-law, let you decide."

Crushed army?Could it be Yang Shipan's remnants and defeated generals?

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it's all one family, one family, even if it is Yang Shipan's defeated soldiers, as long as they put down their weapons, they are all descendants of Yan and Huang. Is our Song Dynasty a teacher of benevolence and righteousness?"

As he said that, Sun Yue led a large number of Yiyang local gentry to the city wall, intending to deliver a touching speech to the defeated army below the city, teaching them what a Han family is, and making a beautiful political show.

But I heard the group of defeated soldiers below shouting while running: "It's not good! It's not good! Run for your life! Song Jun is eating people~~"

Sun Yue's complexion suddenly sank.

This is not Tanzhou's defeated army!It's the defeated army from Li Chuyun in Langzhou!

"Come on, come on, they're not routs, they're all spies, they're spies, what about Han Chongxun? Let him shoot me, shoot them all! Don't let one go! Cavalry battalion, go out of the city and kill the enemy!"

(End of this chapter)

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