Chapter 139
After leaving Zhao Pu's house, Sun Yue finally accepted the appointment.

The early Song Dynasty was not an era of peace at home. Unifying the world was Zhao Kuangyin's main task. But in the Privy Council, sooner or later he had to go to the battlefield to gain a wave of experience. His name had already been reported to the front. If it is an adult, I am afraid that I will never be reused in this life.

Sun Yue is a child. Although he has privileges, it is better not to use this privilege in general.

What he is most concerned about now is who his partner is and who will serve as the commander of this new army.

Because the composition of these nine vanguard battalions, which were promoted as pilots of the military reform, is relatively complicated, they are all from different guards. Now they are temporarily drawn out to form an army. They are all supervised, but the commander is vacant. , the Privy Council discussed it for several days but did not come up with a reason.

But one thing is certain, this position will definitely be a second-generation general, I just hope that the person is not too bad, and it is better to have a little more real skills, at least not to deceive myself.

Turning on the horse, Sun Yue's riding skills are now a little bit better. Although he can't ride a horse and kill him, at least he doesn't have to worry about running and falling himself to death. Since he is a new official, he must go and see his cuteness The subordinates are not, they will go to war in a few days, and he, the capital prisoner, is just doing ideological work.

A full battalion should have 500 people. The vanguard battalions of the new army are all elite battalions, so even if they are not full, there are more than 400 people. Nine battalions plus one army is about 4000 people.

When I think about becoming the leader of 4000 people, I can't help being a little excited.

Naturally, Sun Yue went to the first battalion first, that is, Li Hang's battalion. As soon as he entered the door, he happened to see Li Hang talking impassionedly, blushing and thick-necked.

"Brothers! We are going to fight soon, are you afraid!"

"Not afraid! Not afraid!"

"Come on, you are not afraid, but I am afraid! My special mother is also a child prodigy, she is sixteen this year, and she hasn't even fucked a woman yet, how about you? Have you ever done it?"


"Brothers, we still have some money in our camp account, how do we spend it?"

Everyone looked at each other for a long time, and finally someone shouted: "Go to the Yaozi! Go to the Yaozi! Go to the Yaozi!"

Li Hang patted his thigh and said, "Yes! Let's go to the brothel, even if we die on the battlefield, we'll have a good time!"

Sun Yue was speechless in the back, and just kicked his buttocks, "What are you doing, is there such a morale booster?"

All the soldiers laughed. As a member of the Military Commission, Sun Yue was familiar with this group of soldiers.

Li Hang said with a sneer: "Third Brother, why are you here?"

"It's not too close, I'm your prisoner now, okay, you, as the political commissar, take the lead and lead the soldiers to visit the brothel? Is your two money enough to pay the bill? Why, you plan to overlord."

"Don't talk nonsense, brother, you can't talk nonsense about this crime. Our battalion has saved more than 200 guns. Isn't this also to boost morale?"

Sun Yue said angrily and amusedly: "I have saved more than 200 pennies, just to take a look at it? What kind of shit are you? Don't make a fuss. Inform eight of them to hold a meeting with you."

Li Hang said with an unhappy face: "Oh, I see."

After a while, nine political commissars and nine battalion commanders all arrived, doing their best to listen to Sun Yue's speech.

They are very familiar with each other. Sun Yue has only been busy with their affairs in the past two years. Uneasy.

"It's all here. These nine political commissars should be familiar with me. There should be none of the battalion commanders who don't know me. I won't introduce myself. From today until the end of this battle, I will It means that everyone is in prison, as for how to arrange after the war, it depends on the wishes of the Privy Council and the court, the commander has not yet been decided, I will hold a meeting for you on my behalf."

"This is the first time for the new army to form an army. It has always been based on the battalion. Before the battle, I think it is necessary for you to familiarize yourself with the cooperation. I don't understand the drills, and I don't take care of them. Wait for the new commander to come. After that, he will be in charge of it, what I mean is that if you organize any activity, it will be regarded as a team building, do you have any opinions?"

Everyone hesitated for a while, but didn't think it was too suitable for a while, Li Hang slapped the table and said: "Captain, let's go to the brothel together."

Sun Yue couldn't laugh or cry and said: "Don't you have anything else on your mind?"

The Political Commissar of the Second Battalion on the side smiled and said: "Don't tell me, Du Jian, this man is nothing more than that if you want to get acquainted with him. Drinking, women, it would be even better if you can drink a meal of flower wine. I feel that what Xiao Li said is unreasonable."

Sun Yue said with a look of surprise: "How much money do you all save, you dare to propose flower wine?"

"We didn't save much money, but it's because of you. Who doesn't know that your Sun family is now the richest man in Song Dynasty! Metropolitan, let's treat you!"

"That's right, Metropolitan, let's treat you."

"Please! Treat! Treat! Treat!"

Damn, it was a very serious meeting, but it turned out to be so loose, or is it because I am young that I don't have the majesty to hold the scene?Is there such a bear leader?

Of course, Sun Yue couldn't let his subordinates just hold him back like this. He slapped the table and said, "Let me tell you, the cost of raising 4000 people in our new army is enough for the imperial court to raise [-] ordinary soldiers. We spent twice as much as others Above, this battle has to be more than twice as good as others, as long as you can do it, isn't it just a flower wine, one person is consistent, I invite it!"

"Oh~ Lord Dujian is righteous!"

"But I have to tell you one thing. When you get to Jinghu, I will take care of the people below. Anyone who dares to supervise the bank women or take the needles and threads of the people over there, don't blame me for not being able to supervise them. Talk about human feelings, kill without mercy!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, the rules of the battlefield, break the city and rob for three days.

"Captain, this seems unreasonable, other soldiers..."

"Do the other soldiers have political commissars? Do the other soldiers have professional arrangements? Do the family members of the other soldiers have work arrangements? Do the other soldiers have special women's flower wine? Are you comparing with other soldiers at this time? I'm ugly. In the front, this time, our new army has the right to act cheaply. Do you know what this means? It means that even the supervising army can’t control me. Anyone who dares to commit crimes will be killed. No discussion! Of course, the Some were captured, some should be rewarded, you should all remember this for the soldiers. Who has an opinion?"

As he said that, Sun Yue glanced at everyone in turn with an extremely serious look. He was telling them with his actions that this matter was serious.

"Okay, since there is no objection, then move out all the meat in the camp, bonfire! Barbecue! Li Hang, you go and get a few brothers, and ask Uncle Cao for wine, and take another two thousand guan from his account , go and ask my sister to come over to work in the army."

(End of this chapter)

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