Chapter 106

Zhao Kuangyin said half curiously half funny: "Since you have the best of both worlds, you might as well talk about it."

Anyway, it started, and Sun Yue simply relied on Tong Yan Wuji to speak freely, saying: "Officials, I think what Master said is not wrong, but there are two more words to add to the strong and weak branches. Character."

"What word?"



"Yes, I think that a big tree can only withstand wind and rain if its roots are deeply rooted. Even if the nutrition cannot keep up and the trunk cannot grow, as long as the roots are still there, the tree will not be afraid of falling."

Zhao Kuangyin was rather curious about this statement, and said, "It's interesting, let me explain in detail."

"Yes, the official, you asked before why the world has never been so chaotic since history. I thought it was rooted in the military system. Before the middle Tang Dynasty, there were no professional soldiers in the world, or very few professional soldiers. Yes, whether it is the military merit system in the Qin Dynasty, the Liangjiazi system in the Han and Jin Dynasties, or the Fubing system in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, it is essentially a military aristocratic system. After figuring out the rules, although there are no long-lasting dynasties, everyone generally knows how to play. According to the experience of the predecessors, as long as the officials are not stupid, the national line can always last for a while."

Zhao Kuangyin nodded to express his approval and signaled him to continue.

"Whether it is the soldiers of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, or the good family sons of the Han and Jin Dynasties, the ministers call them the compulsory soldier system. The essence of this compulsory soldier system is actually based on land, honor, and titles to motivate soldiers. At the time of founding, when the country was founded, there were generally more land and more titles, and people in the world also paid more attention to honor. As long as the power of a few military nobles was balanced, the emperor could sit back and relax. There are fewer and fewer titles, and titles are becoming more and more excessive, and titles are always worthless when the world is peaceful, so the military system will collapse, and the collapse of the military system is the number one reason for the subjugation of the country in all dynasties."

Zhao Kuangyin's beard has been pulled down. Although he had no education before, he has been the emperor for the past two years. He has read a lot of Confucian classics and listened to many lectures given by famous teachers. The reason for the country's death is the lack of benevolence and morality, and the collapse of rituals and music, and even the number of days. Although Zhao Kuangyin sometimes thinks it is quite nonsense, everyone said so, and gradually he believed it a little bit.

Hearing what Sun Yue said today, I suddenly felt enlightened. This is much more straightforward than benevolence, etiquette and music. The so-called benevolence, whether it is a good king or a good minister, all you can do is to delay this. It's just a process.

If you say this to those great Confucians who have read sage books all their lives, they will probably sneer and treat it as nonsense, but Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Pu are pure soldiers who started as soldiers, and the other is pure soldiers who started as petty officials. The official actually nodded frequently, urging him to speak quickly.

Seeing that the two audiences seemed to be cooperative, Sun Yue felt a little more at ease, and her thoughts became clearer. She continued to talk eloquently: "Since the mid-Tang Dynasty, Wu Zetian, with the implementation of imperial examinations on a large scale, the system of poor families The establishment of the military aristocracy has disappeared, and with a series of productivity changes such as land reclamation, crop innovation, and Jiangnan development, the recruitment system began, and the military and civilians were clearly separated for the first time. This is an unprecedented military system, and people still If you use the old method of management, problems will naturally arise.”

"To put it simply, in the days of conscripts, the soldiers at the lowest level took orders from their clansmen and village chiefs, and such a small group also took orders from the local regimental lieutenants. Most of the local regiment lieutenants came from military aristocrats. For example, Suwei in the Tang Dynasty and Liangjiazi in the Han Dynasty, because the power of these military aristocrats was in a state of disunity, so as long as the officials did not commit suicide like Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, they were determined to fight against the powerful and powerful aristocrats all over the world. The military aristocracy is very difficult to unite."

"But now this kind of recruiting system is different. The soldiers at the most basic level obey orders from the team leader, the team leader obeys the battalion commander, and the battalion commander obeys the command envoy. When they come down layer by layer, the soldiers only know the general above them but not the leader of the general." This has caused the so-called arrogant soldiers to drive away the commander, and the situation where the emperor chases the king. If the previous method is followed, the emperor will focus on the hero. In fact, the minister thinks that it will not be of much use, because Changing a general is actually the same. What determines the relationship between the ruler and the minister is not whether the minister is brave or not, but whether the ruler can take advantage of it. Of course, it is a good way to make the general not know the soldiers and not know the general. If it is troublesome to mobilize the army To the extent that even the officials themselves are overwhelmed by the layers of personnel relations, naturally no one will rebel, but if the army really develops to that point, it will be a million-strong army, and I am afraid it can only be a million-dollar army. A pig is here."

Zhao Kuangyin nodded his head when he heard this. It is not the titans but the king that decides the relationship between the monarch and his ministers. He was really touched by this sentence. You must know that three years ago, Zhao Kuangyin was a fart, let alone the old one. As a Jiedu envoy, Zhang Yongde and Li Chongjin in the imperial army were no more senior and prestigious than him. As a result, Chai Rong threw Li Chongjin to Yangzhou before his death, and Zhang Yongde even told him to go home, leaving behind him and Han Tong who were less qualified. Come to be the head of the house, but the result?
Obviously, it was useless, and Zhao Kuangyin didn't think he was the one who robbed the Chai family, and Han Tong had to do it if he didn't.

Sun Yue's words were very straightforward. They were so straightforward that they were completely true. There was no falsehood at all. He didn't quote even a single word from a saint. He didn't even talk about benevolence and righteousness. He didn't even talk about the number of days. However, he felt enlightened. , I feel that what he said is a bit more clear than Zhao Pu.

"If we want to talk about the solution, we need to talk about the solid root of the minister. The court is a tree, the place is the branch, and the center is the trunk. Then this root is the people of the world, but this is too general. Dividing into four classes, scholars, farmers, businessmen, is naturally correct, but since the mid-Tang Dynasty, there has actually been a brand new class in the world, that is, soldiers. I think that as long as all soldiers recognize our Great Song Dynasty, a little Demons, ghosts and ambitions, no matter how hard they try, they are still clowns. Similarly, if the soldiers are more eager to change the dynasty than the commander, just like the officials, no matter how loyal the general is, what good will it be? So I thought, If the eyes of the strong and the weak are only focused on the generals, restricting the generals through layer upon layer of repeated structures will not solve the problem fundamentally. Instead of saying that it is restricting the generals, I think it is better to say that it is appropriate to abolish martial arts .”

Zhao Kuangyin smiled and said: "My boy, you actually taught me a lesson, so tell me, how did you make the 30 soldiers of the Great Song Dynasty loyal to the imperial court?"

(End of this chapter)

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