Chapter 47 Theme Song Selection!
The popularity rose, and countless passers-by who didn't know the truth clicked in.

After they saw the deliberately edited video, coupled with the malicious promotion of the marketing account.

They exploded, and countless people felt that Li Xianyu was too much.

Relying on his father's rock and roll king, he ran amok in Creation 2021.

A few passers-by who remained rational scoffed at this.

However, they all understand the principle of protecting themselves wisely and wait for the further development of the situation.

In the lounge, did Li Jiaju, who had just finished recording the show, dare to sit down and take a sip of water.

The assistant teacher ran in panicked with his mobile phone in hand.

"Brother Jiaju, something serious has happened!"

"Your meager blog has been blackwashed, and many people are scolding you!"

Li Jiaju smiled and continued to drink tea calmly.

A mere black fan is insignificant.

The person who became famous has not been scolded?
"They all said that you operated in secret, and that Xianyu relied on you to dominate the program group."

"Private messages have also been attacked. Now various marketing accounts are working hard to write articles to smear you and Xianyu. The company is doing its best to search for who is the instigator behind these marketing accounts."

"In addition to your meagerness, they also went to Xianyu's Weibo to scold you..."

Holding a teacup, Li Jiaju, who was drinking tea calmly, shook his arms slightly.

The tea soup in the cup also rippled.

"Give me the phone, I'll take a look."

He put down his teacup, took his phone and clicked on Li Xianyu's Weibo.

After watching it for a while, Li Jiaju smiled, his eyes full of coldness.

You guys stretch your hands too long, don't you?
"Notify the company that the release time of my next album will be adjusted."

"Isn't that Li Minxuan top class?"

"Then I'll have a good touch with him this time!"

"I'd like to see if it's Bangziguo's top performer, or me, China's king of rock and roll!"

The assistant teacher hurriedly responded.

At the same time, I was filled with emotions.

Sure enough, Li Xianyu is Li Jiaju's reverse scale.

You black fans are really enough, why are you scolding Li Xianyu for being bad?

Take a look, directly provoke the king of rock and roll, a tiger who has been silent for a long time!

Tsk, fan behavior, idols pay.

Good luck to your brothers!

Three days later, create the 2021 base.

Mentor Zhou Nan gathered everyone here.

During this time, they did not ask any trainees about their training.

Because only in this way can we see how strong the trainees' self-restraint is.

To create 2021, we must be strong people, not bastards who fish in troubled waters.

"Attention all trainees, we are about to start this theme song selection."

"This selection will affect everyone's ranking!"

"And I want to tell everyone in advance that the ranking changes this time may be very big."

"There are 11 people in class A, and there are 14 of you."

"Both Classes B and C will be screened for 22 people, while Class F will have more people."

"So now, who wants to be the first to perform?"

Trainees, you look at me, I look at you, no one dares to come out to test the water first.

Be aware that there is no sound here, you have to sing and dance.

It is a test of rhythm and memory.

Don't tell me that this assessment is going to affect the rating!
Made, doesn't it mean that the best is better.

And us bastards, are we going to be at the bottom?

The current scene on the field is very similar to the classroom in school.

No one dared to speak for fear of being called out by instructor Zhou Nan.

But the outstanding ones don't have so many worries.

For them, it’s just a matter of playing house and sprinkling water.

Just as Li Xianyu wanted to make a move, Pu Yisheng stood up.

Dancing is his housekeeping skill.

As the hip-hop champion of Bangzi Country, although the award is not very rich in gold.

But anyway, it is a symbol of strength.

Pu Yisheng glanced at Li Xianyu provocatively.

Boy, it's very attractive.

Do you dare to dance with me in Battle?

Immediately afterwards, Jin Zhangxu, who was demoted to Class C, also stood up.

He lost to Li Xianyu in the group stage and fell directly from Class A to Class C according to the rules of the program team.

This theme song selection is an opportunity for him.

An opportunity to stand up is also an opportunity to provoke the opponent!
He and Pu Yisheng have complained to senior brother Li Minxuan a lot recently, and they heard that senior brother has already made a move.

I bought a lot of marketing accounts, and there are hot searches.

Now Li Jiaju and Li Xianyu's Weibo has already become a dump!

Clicking in and looking at it is a swear word, and some people even directly sent out a string of ** symbols.

Damn, Chinese netizens are stupid.

You can't even see this kind of malicious induction, especially for brain-dead fans, whose memory and IQ are like those of a fish, with only seven seconds.

Back then, when the Korean wave invaded China.

But Li Jiaju stood up and carried the banner, which led to the Korean wave's cultural invasion plan had to be postponed for several years.

This kind of person is a hero in our Bangzi country.

As a result, in China, you were scolded for three days!
But I have to say, good scolding.

He is Li Xianyu's father, he should be scolded for only one!

(End of this chapter)

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