Chapter 78 Lost
"Why are these snakes jumping? Aren't they supposed to swim twisting their bodies?" Seeing the snakes bouncing past in front of him, Sauron wondered.

It was the first time in his life that he had seen such a strange thing.

"Let's go, we should be able to solve our answer earlier. This must be something at fault. These plants have not mutated, but these animals are strange, which proves that this source cannot be moved." Louis Wen Yan looked at the snake walking away and saw that there were no abnormal plants around, and said.


Sauron heard the words and immediately followed the pace of Louis.

"I think the culprit should be here." After walking for a while, Louis stopped and said.

"Uh, how are you sure it's here? Louis."

Sauron asked curiously, not understanding why Louis was so sure.

"Which tree leaf have you seen grow at the bottom, and the top is bare like a tree root? Sauron."

After hearing this, Louis pointed to the trees around him and asked Sauron, couldn't Sauron see such an obvious feature?
"Um, don't they look like this? Louis." Sauron was taken aback when he heard that, and then said.

"These are the most common trees, Sauron. Just look at the leaves and smell the smell?" Louis said completely speechless. Isn't Sauron really that idiot like Luffy?Why can't you even see this.

"Hey, it's really a common tree. Louis." Sauron immediately started to follow the example of Louis, and soon discovered that he knew all these trees.

"Okay, let's look for it here. The culprit who made this island like this should be found soon." Louis looked at the ordinary trees around a strange tree and knew the origin of the island. The answer lay in the woods in front of them.

"Okay, leave it to me, Louis." Sauron heard the words and said, wanting to leave with strides.But was pulled by Louis.

"Louis, didn't you ask me to look for it? Why are you pulling me?" Sauron looked at his pulling Louis, puzzled.

"Tie yourself up for me, don't look for something, if you lose yourself, I'll still look for you."

While tying vines to Sauron, Louis said, asking Sauron to find a way. It's like a meat bun hitting a dog with no return. It's better to tie Sauron with a vine and rest assured.

"Louis, no, you have to trust me." Sauron immediately said, trying to save his image.

"Okay, don't break the vines, just walk slowly, and if you find that the vines are too tight to continue walking, just turn back."

"I'll go look for it first, let's meet up at the same place later." Louis said, ignoring Sauron's words, and then walked away to find the culprit.

Seeing this, Sauron was silent for a while, and could only reluctantly pull the vine away.

"Being able to make the animals and plants on the island look like this, it seems that the culprit must not be simple."

"Hope is a powerful devil fruit, but I'm afraid the hope is not too great. I haven't heard of a devil fruit that can change the surrounding environment by itself."

Although Louis is extremely looking forward to getting a powerful devil fruit, based on what he has seen and heard, he has never heard of a devil fruit that can change the surrounding environment by itself without being eaten.


Passing back and forth in the woods, Louis had no trace of developing a devil fruit at all, and he couldn't help but began to doubt his own deduction, but he was still a little bit unwilling. After thinking twice, Louis clicked on his character column, intending to share his knowledge and knowledge. Dian, give this piece of land to the inside and outside of the investigation, anyway, Dian added to the knowledge and domineering without any gain or loss.

Thinking of this, Louis immediately began to add [-] points of novelty after the knowledge-colored arrogance, and the knowledge-colored arrogance immediately jumped to nearly [-] points, which should be enough for him.

Here is his current status in the character column:
Name: Louis
Age: 12
Title of Curiosity Hunter: A small achievement (you have tasted the flora and fauna that many islands can have at a young age, and you are now shining on the road to curiosity.)
Combat power: 1602.4 (Your strength has changed, even if you deal with two or three naval captains at the same time, it is just a bit difficult for you.)
Curiosity points remaining (points not added): 1858.4.


Note: The skill level is too high, and it is difficult to exert its full power if the strength is not enough. Please add points to the host properly.

Note: Strength doesn't have to be improved by the system, you can also get it through hard work.The novelty points obtained do not have to be on strength, you can also point on other talents or skills, such as cooking, music, etc. (Balanced development can become an excellent talent.)
After a little satisfaction, Louis began to explore the ground with his knowledge and arrogance.

"Huh? Are these two devil fruits?"

Louis couldn't help but be amazed when he felt the knowledgeable domineering discovery underground.

He said why he didn't find the devil fruit. It turned out that there were still two devil fruits buried in the ground.

Sure enough, it is easy to use after upgrading the domineering color.

"Zoro, Sauron. What about you?"

Now that the Devil Fruits were known to be buried underground, the matter now was to dig them out. Louis immediately thought of his good friend Sauron and asked him to come and help dig them out.

"Hey, what about Sauron, a melon guy?"

"Those who don't know how to step on a horse will run away again."

After shouting several times, but getting no response from Sauron, Louis couldn't help muttering.

"It's so strange, why did I come to the coast. This vine is too long, it seems that I have to go back along the vine to find Louis." On the coast, Zoro looked at the endless sea and shook his head. Said, and then started to walk along the vines tied to him, and found the source of the vines in a short while, a root with fresh soil and leaves.

"I said why this vine is so long. I pulled it out. I hope Louis won't be angry when he finds out that I walked to the coast."

Looking at the vine roots on the ground, Sauron couldn't help touching his head with a headache, and said.

(End of this chapter)

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