The Pirate Hunting Gourmet

Chapter 422 Arrival

Chapter 422 Arrival
"What are you afraid of? You are asked to go over to shoot, but you don't need to do it yourself. Did you see the guy next to him? He beats you, and you are in charge of shooting."

"Uh, who is this?" Hearing what Louis said, the reporter finally realized that he was not the only one in the room, and there was a white figure standing beside him, and he looked intently.

I saw that the white figure was unusually tall, muscular and powerful, but I didn't know why the whole body was so white that it was scary.

"My name is Dabai, and I am the boss's number one thug. I will be responsible for your safety, unless I die in battle. Otherwise, you don't have to worry about it. Now we should go. Will you go by yourself or should I carry you?" Dabai asked, already walking up with steps.

"I think it's better to go by myself, so I don't need to trouble you."

Looking at the other party's appearance, if he dares to let the other party carry him away, maybe the hands are not light or heavy, he might as well move his legs himself, at least it will look better, and his colleagues will see him being carried downstairs , that would be ugly.

"Then let's go." Dabai said, making a "please" gesture to the reporter.

After the reporter heard goodbye to Louis, he walked downstairs.

"Who is this?" The waiting cameramen were a little curious when they saw Dabai coming down with his companion.

"This is the boss's subordinate. We are going to the place of the Great Demon King this time, and we have to rely on his protection." The reporter said.

The cameraman and the others couldn't help being taken aback when they heard this.Then he said: "You are not joking with us, I am afraid you will die if you go there now, you must be joking with us."

"Yeah, yeah, why would the boss say that we are going to die, can you stop joking?" the sound engineer said.

"This is true. If you don't believe it, then I can't help it."

Why don't the reporters hope that this is a joke played by the boss with them, but the fact is that it is true, and the boss asked them to go to that devil's place to shoot.

When the cameraman and others heard the words, they quickly said: "Well, I suddenly remembered that there are still some things at home, and I have to leave now. You should find other people to help and take my place."

"I also suddenly remembered that my wife is going to give birth today. I have to go back immediately. See who else is idle and let him go with you."

After talking, the few people were about to run away, but at this moment Dabai stood up and said to the backs of these people who were about to leave: "If you plan to run away now, then you won't have to come back later. "


Hearing this, the cameraman, sound engineer and others quickly stopped and turned their heads in disbelief.

"If you dare to leave today, you will be fired. You haven't heard clearly, do you want me to tell you again?" Dabai said.

"You can't do this. I have done meritorious service for the boss and shed blood for the TV station. I want to see the boss."

The cameraman and others spoke.

"You don't need to go. The boss said that I will take full responsibility for this matter. Since I have spoken, you should either go honestly with us, or get the hell out of here." Dabai said, his words were full of intolerance .

"This..." Hearing Dabai's words, the cameraman and others couldn't help being embarrassed.

Then began to discuss in a low voice:

"What should we do? The boss's words are threats. Should we go or not?"

"I want to go, I have worked here for so long, the salary is so high, and the boss promised that we will retire when we reach our age, and the company will also provide pensions. If we resign now, then what we did before Everything was in vain."

"But if you go, have you forgotten how the big devil killed people? We will die."

"Didn't that white guy say that? Will he protect us? What are you afraid of? Besides, have you forgotten that the boss is also a martial artist? Since he dared to let us go, he must be sure."

Although they were terrified, they finally set off with Dabai under the temptation of company benefits and bonuses.

"It's really a bunch of trash, they can't catch my move at all. It seems that this world is just like this, so let him destroy it." Big Demon King Piccolo said.

"My lord, please take care of yourself, this kind of thing can be done by your subordinates." The bird head military division at the side said, Lord Demon King is very old now.

You can't waste your energy like this, it will shorten your life.

"Yes, my lord. It is enough to leave these guys to us."

The green skins standing on the side spoke.

The Great Demon King Piccolo nodded upon hearing this: "Okay then, I'll leave them all to you, and I'll take a rest first."

"My lord has a flying machine coming, want to shoot down the tower?" the green skin with wings asked.

As soon as he raised his head, he realized that there was an aircraft flying towards them in the sky.

"No, it's probably the guy who came to die again, let them come down and kill them directly." Big Demon King Piccolo said.

It would be too cheap for them to smash the aircraft directly.

What he wanted was to look at the other person in fear.

"Yes, my lord."

The green skin nodded, watching the aircraft fall from the sky.

"Which TV station's aircraft is this? What are they doing here at this time?" The reporter looked at the pattern printed on the falling aircraft and asked.

They are a little puzzled, what else can the other company do here at this time, do they still want to be caught like them?That's probably impossible. The other party doesn't need two cameramen and a host.


The door of the aircraft opened, and Dabai walked over with strides.

Behind him are reporters and cameramen broadcasting live.

"You two green-skinned guys, come here, and I'll give you a chance to strike first. Otherwise, I'm afraid that you two will die here without even having a chance to make a move."

Dabai said, beckoning to the two green skins.

The host and others following behind Dabai were instantly dumbfounded. They looked at Dabai weakly and said, "Uh, Mr. Dabai, are you too much?"

"No, it's just two ants. I can crush them to death with my backhand. Take care, you don't need to be afraid."

Dabai knows what they mean, but who is he?Even if it is not as powerful as the boss.

It is more than enough to watch the fried fish in front of me.

The green skins who heard Dabai's words couldn't help it instantly.He cursed loudly: "What are you talking about? You hairless monkey."

"I'm going to tear you apart and let you know how powerful I am."

(End of this chapter)

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