The Pirate Hunting Gourmet

Chapter 400 Allowed

Chapter 400 Allowed
"Isn't this the wooden dungeon that the first Hokage-sama knew? How could he do it too?"

Ding said in surprise.

Shikamaru, who jumped and avoided the trees with Choji, said, "He must have transplanted the cells of the first Hokage-sama, otherwise he would not be able to use Mudun. And didn't you find it? The face on his chest is just like the one on the Hokage rock. exactly the same."

"Is that so? No wonder." Hearing this, Ding Ci finally figured out what was going on.

"Lan Feet"

A huge slashing wave formed as Li Locke stepped out, cutting down trees one by one.The newly formed forest was immediately destroyed in sevens and eighties.

Uchiha Madara couldn't help showing a hint of surprise when he saw this, but he quickly put it away.

"What kind of ninjutsu is this? I don't feel the slightest fluctuation of Chakra."

Terumi Mei, who was acting as an audience, said curiously, she hadn't discovered how such a wind blade was formed.

"This is body art, of course there is no chakra fluctuation."

Tsunade said lightly, she had heard of this trick before.But I didn't know that this move would be so powerful under Rock Li's feet.

Lei Ying immediately said, "Is this a physical technique? Don't be joking, okay? This old man has never used such a powerful physical technique before."

As Raikage of Yunyin Village, the village of Ninjutsu, he has never heard that ninjutsu can reach this level.

Tsunade asked back after hearing the words: "If this is not a physical skill, then tell me what is the ability to use such a powerful wind blade without using Chakra?"

"This one……"

Lei Ying was at a loss for words when he heard the words, and couldn't speak at all.

In the ninja world, besides ninjutsu, there is only physical speed. If chakra is not used, it can only be physical.

If he insisted that it was ninjutsu, then the ninja world would definitely treat him as a laughing stock in the future.

"Wheel Tomb Border Prison"

Four invisible shadows appeared near Madara, attacking Rock Lee.

The sudden appearance and disappearance of shadows did not trouble Li Rock, because their every move was caught by his domineering.

"Perfect Susano"

The huge chakra giant was as big as a mountain peak, and the sharp long sword slashed down with his full body. Rock Lee dodged immediately when he saw it, and counterattacked by taking advantage of his small body.

For Uchiha Madara, Locke Li is a bit like an unbeatable cockroach now, and he is very bored now.

"Master Madara, Nine-Tails Jinchuriki and Eight-Tails Jinchuriki are rushing to the battlefield."

When Uchiha Madara had nothing to do with Li Locke, Bai Ze's avatar emerged from the soil to inform Madara.

Madara heard Bai Jue's words.The psychic technique was immediately activated in the hand, and Ten Tails was immediately psychic out.

"Although I really want to continue fighting with you, but time is running out, I have to deal with you as soon as possible." Madara said, and immediately squeezed the seal in his hand.

"What is he trying to do?" Terumi Mei looked at Uchiha Madara's movements and wondered.

"I'm afraid he wants to become the main force of the Ten Tails." Tsunade guessed.

"How is this possible? Nine-tails and Eight-tails didn't collect everything at all?"

"Maybe he only needs a part of the chakra of the nine-tailed beast." Gaara said upon hearing this.

These ten tails don't look like fakes. Since the tailed beasts haven't been collected, the ten tails can move. It only shows that the resurrection of the ten tails doesn't need the complete nine tailed beasts.

"Then what should we do now? We should stop him, otherwise, when he becomes Ten Tails Jinchuriki, it will be even more difficult for us to deal with him." Raikage said, his figure had already moved.


Rock Lee appeared in front of Uchiha Madara standing on Ten Tails, and attacked Uchiha Madara with one foot, but as his attack passed through Uchiha Madara's body, Li Rock immediately knew that the opponent's body and shadow had exchanged up.

Madara, who exchanged seats with the shadow, looked at Rock Lee and said, "It's useless. Although you are very strong in physical skills, if you can't break my ninjutsu, then you can't hurt me, and I have become a Ten Tails Jinchuriki, everything is over."

The huge ten tails slowly disappeared, and the white chakra feathers began to cover Madara's body.Raikage, who was about to sneak attack, was kicked away by Madara before he could make a move.

"So strong, is this Ten-tailed Jinchuriki?" Terumi Mei said with an ugly face, feeling the aura emanating from Uchiha Madara.

"Yes, and judging by his appearance, he should have become a legendary fairy."

It's nothing for Uchiha Madara to become Ten Tails Jinchuriki, but what's frightening is that the opponent looks exactly like the legendary immortal, which is terrifying.

"You can't beat him, let me do it." Ning Ci appeared next to Li Luoke and said.

Locke Li shook his head and said, "No, this is my battle, thank you for your kindness."

"But you are not his opponent at all, you are looking for death if you go on like this." Ning Ci reminded.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I use that one." Rock Lee said confidently.

"Are you going to use that? But you have to ask the teacher for permission first. And the teacher is not here now." Neji reminded.

"It doesn't matter, the teacher can hear it." Rock Lee smiled and shouted towards the sky: "Mr. Louis, can I use the eight-door dunjia?"

Listening to Rock Li's words, Terumi Mei couldn't help but helped Tsunade on the side with his forehead and asked:

"Uh, Brother Li Rock, does he have a problem? What is he doing?"

"It should be asking his teacher's opinion." Tsunade said.

"Then where is his teacher now?" Onoki asked.

"If I remember correctly, his teacher should still be in Konoha." Tsunade said.

"Then what's the use of him shouting?" Terumi said silently.

"I don't know either." Tsunade shrugged and said he didn't know anything.

As soon as the few people finished speaking, Louis' voice came from the sky: "You can use it, but you can only open seven doors."

"Thank you, Mr. Louis, I understand." Rock Lee said happily, and the blue steam began to surround his body.

"You are his teacher? I want to fight you." Madara, wearing a chakra feather coat, appeared in the sky and said to Louis.

Louis shook his head when he heard the words: "No, you are too weak, and you have no idea of ​​letting me do it at all. If it was Kaguya Otsutsuki, I might be interested in doing two tricks with her."

"Really? Then let me see your skills."

As soon as Madara remembered asking for the Tao, he threw it towards Louis, and it was the first time he was looked down upon so much.He wants to see what the guy who doesn't have a trace of chakra fluctuations in front of him is capable of.

(End of this chapter)

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