The Pirate Hunting Gourmet

Chapter 354 Shocked

Chapter 354 Shocked
"What? Is Rock Lee so strong?" Shikamaru said in shock.

Louis nodded when he heard the words, and then explained: "Yes, but I just said that he can use the Lanjiao. But I never said that the power he used would be as powerful as mine."

"However, if he can use Lanjiao, he can almost learn other supporting skills. At that time, even if he loses Chakra, his combat effectiveness will not be weakened in the slightest. This is the advantage of physical skills. Although it is difficult to cultivate, once you enter, your combat effectiveness and cruising ability will be much stronger than ninjas."

"That's amazing." Ding Ci said enviously.

"Okay, let's not talk so much. Everyone has had enough rest and enough food. We should continue on our way." Louis stopped the topic, and continued to take Li Locke and others to the beach again.

And with Louis showing his hands this time, Ding Ci and the others obviously ran more seriously.

A few hours after the five left, a team of ninjas appeared here where Louis and the others stopped.After they looked at the scene, they couldn't hide the shock in their eyes.

"According to the traces here, these trees and these wandering ninjas were killed by the sharp wind blade in an instant. According to the traces at the scene, at least one Kage-level powerhouse shot."

"I know, I'm not blind. The scene is like this, and I can still analyze it. Let's go, we should leave. The things here should spread to the ears of other ninja villages soon."


The ninjas nodded and left immediately.

After they left, another group of ninjas came here at night.They stayed for a short while and then left quickly.

It didn't take long for the news about a ninja who was good at using Feng Dunying to spread throughout the ninja world. Many ninja villages were curious about which village's combat power this ninja was?Or is it that person?
For all that happened in the ninja world, Louis didn't know, after he cleaned up the wandering ninjas.Then use the ability to eliminate their tracks, no matter how good at tracking ninjas are, there is no way to track them.

And the facts are similar to what Louis thought. Many ninjas gave up after they couldn't track Louis' traces.

This incident has also become the most puzzling thing in the ninja world this year. They can't figure out what method the other party used to isolate them from all tracking methods.

More than ten days later, Louis took Li Locke and others after a long journey, eating and sleeping in the open.Finally reached the beach.

Looking at the blue sea and the fine sandy beach, Naruto and the others couldn't help showing happy smiles.

Louis looked at the smiles on the faces of the three and said:
"The three of you can play if you want to play, but you still need to solve the food and accommodation by yourself. Xiao Li, you stay here, I have a task for you."

"Okay, teacher." Naruto replied happily, and immediately jumped into the sea while running while taking off his clothes.

When Ding Ci saw him, he followed quickly, taking off his clothes in a similar manner.Shikamaru was more conservative. He walked slowly to the beach, took out his clothes for a change, and then began to take off his clothes and jump into the sea.

Louis looked at the three people playing, turned his head to Rock Li and said, "Okay, Xiao Li, come with me."

"Yes, teacher." Rock Lee nodded and replied.

After hearing this, Louis walked away with strides, and Rock Lee immediately followed after seeing him.

Not long after, Naruto and the others saw Rock Lee swimming in the sea.It's just that when Rock Lee was swimming, there was an extra piece of wood behind him.

Seeing this, Shikamaru immediately understood that this was Louis's training of Rock Lee.

In the following time, Ding Ci and the others had a good time.And Rock Lee's gymnastics gradually strengthened under Lewis's teaching.

The time is slowly approaching a month without knowing it, and Shikamaru looks at the time that is about to pass.Looking at Louis who still had no intention of taking them away, he asked:

"Teacher, I remember that we should have been out for a month. It has been 29 days now. It will be a month soon. Why don't we go back?"

"Don't worry, let's have fun. We will start again tomorrow, and the time will come." Louis smiled, then looked at the bamboo forest on the side, got up and walked over.

Shikamaru immediately followed after seeing it, and saw Louis cut down a bamboo and made it into a pole.Then I cut down a few more bamboos, peeled them into thin slices, and started to weave things on the spot.

After a while, two big baskets appeared on the spot.Shikamaru was a little puzzled when he saw it, and didn't understand why Louis did this?

Louis looked at Shikamaru who was scratching his head, and said with a smile, "Shikamaru, come in and see if it's crowded? Tomorrow, you four will sit in a basket with two of you. I'll take you some time to rush back to the village. "


Shikamaru couldn't help being surprised when he heard what Louis said, and before he could react, he was grabbed by Louis and stuffed into the basket.

By the time he realized it, Louis had already started weaving straw ropes.

"Mr. Louis, isn't it a bit unsafe for you to let us go back here?" Shikamaru said with a dark face. The four of them are not goods, so why did they sit in the basket?

Louis, who was weaving the straw rope, paused when he heard the words, nodded and replied, "It's a bit unsafe."

Shikamaru couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and when he felt that they finally didn't have to sit in the basket, Louis said the last part of his sentence: "Let me reinforce the basket for you, and of course make it higher, so that you won't fall out. "

Shikamaru: ... ╭(°A°`)╮

Louis looked at Shikamaru's petrified appearance and ignored him.I just speeded up the knitting speed in my hands, and as soon as possible, I could perfect the seats for Li Locke and the others tomorrow.

At night, when Naruto and the others learned about their tomorrow's seat and how to go back, their faces were full of shock (°Д°≡°Д°). They didn't believe that they and others would be picked back.

But the two larger and higher baskets placed aside were placed in front of them again, and they could only believe this fact.

Louis looked at the expressions on the faces of the three people and said angrily: "You three guys, don't think that you have been wronged by sitting in baskets. You should know that I can carry you away. It is something that you can show off for the rest of your life. "

"Remember to go to bed early tonight. Tomorrow's journey will be a little bit rocky and bumpy, but in order to get back to the village in time, I believe you can endure it."

(End of this chapter)

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