Chapter 352 Combat
"Okay, teacher."

Shikamaru and others immediately climbed up the tree when they heard the words, they can't deal with such a big bear now, they have to avoid it.

After Naruto climbed up the branch, he found that Rock Li was still standing still and looked at the big bear that had come, and he couldn't help shouting anxiously: "Rock Li, come up quickly, what do you want? You won't be its opponent's."

"Yeah, Rock Lee, come up quickly." Ding shouted while holding the twig carefully.

But Rock Lee had no intention of going up the tree until the bear pounced on him.He dodged the bear's first attack with a roll, and then began to circle around the bear.

Louis nodded satisfied when he saw this: "You have to be careful, the bear's movement is not as clumsy as its appearance. Its burst will be stronger than yours, but you must be more agile in its movements. You just need to use your advantages , you can deal with it.”

"Remember the shuriken throwing technique I taught you, you can hit it with your shuriken while running."

Rock Lee, who was running, immediately took out his shuriken and threw it at the bear when he heard the words. Naruto and others standing on the tree also took out their shurikens to support Rock Lee, and started to face the people who were chasing him. bear toss.

After Shikamaru and the others attacked the bear covered in shurikens, he immediately turned the target of the attack and climbed up the tree. Naruto on the tree saw it, and immediately started to climb to a higher place in fright.

And Choji and the two continued to throw the shuriken, trying to make the bear climb down from the tree at Naruto's feet.But in the scarlet eyes of the bear, Choji and the others have long been ignored, and now it just wants to vent its anger.

Seeing this, Locke Li turned around holding Kunai in both hands, and rushed towards the tree-climbing bear. The bear climbing the tree was about to get down from the tree trunk after sensing the danger, but the distance from the ground meant that it was now There is no way to get down.

At this time, Rock Lee had already climbed up the tree a few steps, held Kunai and inserted it into the bear's neck, and then fell to the ground with a backflip, and quickly opened the distance.


The bear climbing the tree let out an angry roar, its blood-sprayed body made its consciousness blur, and its weak limbs couldn't hold the tree trunk at all.The whole bear body just fell from the tree.

Seeing this, Shikamaru and the others couldn't help showing happy smiles on their faces, not only because they killed the bear, but also because their exercise was confirmed.

Louis looked at the three people who came down from the tree and Locke Li reminded: "Don't go there now. Although this bear looks dead, it's hard to guarantee that it won't fight back with its last breath."

Naruto, who was about to go up and step on the bear's corpse, immediately backed away quickly after hearing this.Taking out Kunai from his body, he looked cautiously at the dead bear.

Rock Li also moved like Naruto when he heard that, and the time passed by like this.

Soon, the four of them carefully staring at the bear stood for more than half an hour under the shining sun.The faces of the four could not help but beaded with sweat, and they still looked worried that the bear was still playing dead.

Louis looked at them like this, and held back his smile: "You can go up to check it now. It has bled so much, no matter how strong its vitality is. If it continues to flow like this, it will almost die."

The four of them could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then approached the bear corpse cautiously.After confirming that the bear was really dead.

Don't show excited smiles on the four of them. With this bear, they don't have to worry about food for the past few days.

Seeing the happy faces of the four, Louis reminded: "Hurry up and peel off the bear's skin, deal with its internal organs, and divide the meat from its body, then cut it into small strips and put them by the campfire Let's roast it. Otherwise, in this heat, the meat will start to rot in a few hours."

The faces of the four calmed down instantly when they heard the words, and then they began to do what Louis said.

If the bear meat was so rotten, they would really cry.

At night, the four finished dealing with the queen bear.Finally, they could sit down and rest. This time they learned how to be smart and not only buried all the internal organs in the ground, but also buried fish bones and mouse internal organs.

They are now waiting for the bear meat to dry completely on the branches next to the campfire.

"How do you feel today? Is hunting easy?" Louis asked with a smile.

When Li Luke and the others heard this, they couldn't help showing a moment of fear on their faces.Fortunately, there are four of them now, and there is a teacher here.

Otherwise, if they encountered this bear in the wild, they would definitely panic.

Louis looked at the four people's reactions and educated him: "It seems that you have learned a lot today. Then it will not be in vain for you to come out. Remember today's battle, this will be the most valuable experience for you to become a ninja in the future .”

"In the face of danger, you can't handle it alone. Therefore, you can only win if you trust your teammates to cooperate with each other."

After hearing the words and thinking for a while, the four nodded and replied, "Yes, teacher."

"Well, now that you know. Go to bed early. It's getting late, and I'll continue on my way tomorrow. The sea is far away from us."

"Okay, teacher."

The four nodded upon hearing this, and Louis returned to his bed to sleep when he saw this.

Locke Li and the others also roasted the bear meat into jerky and collected them, and returned to their respective beds to sleep.

The next day, when it was only dawn, the four of them were called up by Louis. After a simple meal, the four of them extinguished the bonfire and left.

Because they didn't come out to perform tasks.So, what about trails?Louis didn't go out of his way to erase it either.He believed that if someone wanted to sneak up on him, he would definitely surprise the raiders.

"Come on, one by one, and don't look like you haven't woken up. Our plan in the morning is at least [-] miles ahead. Let's all jog." Louis shouted, and then started to run.

Hearing this, Naruto could only trot weakly, waking them up so early.They didn't wake up at all, and now they can't lift their spirits.

Like Naruto, Rock Li and the other three also ran with their heads tilted. Louis couldn't help but shook his head when he saw it.

Soon the four paid the price for their actions, and the stones on the road told them what the consequences of inattention are.

The four of them basically fell down after hearing their screams.

"You guys, I told you to be more energetic. You just didn't listen, and now you know the consequences. The stones on the road will not give way to you."

(End of this chapter)

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