The Pirate Hunting Gourmet

Chapter 350 The Professor

Chapter 350 The Professor
On the third morning, after Rock Li and the others got up from the bed, Louis confiscated all the dry food.

Ding Ci watched his rations go away from him, resisting not to look at them.

After packing up the dry food and putting them in the bag, Louis looked at the four people who were staring at him and said, "Okay, if you don't want to go hungry in the next time, then it's best to stick to the knowledge I taught you." remember."

"Although, you may not need to use it in the future. But it will not harm you to learn one more survival skill."

Shikamaru and the others nodded when they heard the words, can they not learn now?If you don't study, you will starve to death.

Seeing the different expressions on the faces of the four, Louis no longer hesitated and started leading the four to the forest.

"When you enter the forest, you can pay attention to whether there is a path without vegetation in the forest. If there is, then this is the path of the beast, that is, the path of the beast. There will be many footprints and feces of the beast on this path, and at the same time Vegetation will also have animal hair on it."

"All you need to do is to make a trap on this path, and there are many kinds of traps. I will teach you the spring trap first. The principle of this trap is very simple. It only needs a small tree full of elasticity and A strong rope and a little twig will do."

"Don't think about catching large prey. Large prey are not something you can deal with now. So, you have to keep in mind how I set the trap."

After Louis reminded, he began to practice.Shikamaru and the others immediately gathered together to watch.

It didn't take long for a small trigger trap to be completed in Louis's hands. After reading it, Rock Li and the others remembered how to make the trap.

Louis got up from the ground and looked at the four of them: "It seems that you all know it, so you can go out and do it yourself."

"Okay, sir." Rock Lee replied, and he was the first to leave for the trap.

Louis nodded after watching Rock Lee leave, and then found that the three Naruto guys were still standing still, and couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Seeing Louis's appearance, Shikamaru quickly explained: "Sir, don't you still want to teach us how to collect plants? I want to make traps after I finish learning."

"Oh, that's it. Then come with me." Louis nodded, and then walked forward.

The three Shikamaru immediately followed after seeing them, but as they walked, they found that their teacher was leading them to Rock Lee.

Although I don't know why?But they decided to wait and see.

"Xiao Li, come here too. It just so happens that there is a palm tree here. I will teach you where to eat this tree."

Upon hearing this, Rock Li immediately put down his work and ran over to study.

Louis looked at the four people who were engrossed, and said without intending to do it first:

"This is a palm tree. I'll give you a few minutes to remember its appearance and learn about its characteristics so that you don't misunderstand it. Then I will tell you where you can eat it."

Shikamaru and the others immediately wandered around the palm tree upon hearing this.

"Is this tree really edible? The leaves are so unpalatable." Naruto said, sticking out his tongue, he ate some leaves, chewed them and found that he couldn't swallow them at all, and the taste really made him unbearable .

"Could it be that the part we ate was wrong? I saw that the bark seemed to be chewable, so I'll give it a try." Ding Ci said, he opened his mouth wide and gnawed on it.

Soon, Ding Ci's face began to change.Holding his mouth and stammering: "It's so hard, the bark still pricks my tongue."

Shikamaru couldn't help but have a black line on his forehead when he heard the words: "You two, can you not eat casually? Be careful of poisoning, the teacher just asked us to observe and remember."

"Yes, I just let you observe it. But it seems that you should remember the same by now."

"Then I'll tell you where you can eat this tree."

After Louis finished speaking, he walked towards the palm tree.When Rock Lee saw him, he immediately gave way to Louis, and Naruto Shikamaru followed suit.

"First cut him down along the root. Of course, if you can break the tree directly like me, you can pretend that I didn't say anything."

As Louis finished speaking, the palm tree broke with a "snap" when Louis bent over.

When Shikamaru saw it, he looked at the tree trunk and at his own arm, and still felt that he was better off with a knife.

"The next step is to use a knife to draw along the root of the trunk to the top of the tree. When you do this step, you can cut off the branches first."

"Of course, students who find it troublesome. Just like the teacher, you can directly insert your fingers into the tree trunk as a knife." Louis said, inserting his fingers into the tree trunk and swipe the top of the tree, the bark of the entire tree trunk is the same as taking off his clothes The layers are separated.

When Li Luoke saw it, he couldn't help but admire him.Shikamaru looked at his fingers after looking at it, and felt that he was better at paddling.

"After cutting the bark, we can find the core inside the trunk. Remember not to eat the rough fiber outside, only the crisp and slag-free parts can be eaten." Louis reminded, and the palms that were pulled out After breaking the core into five pieces, he ate one and gave the rest to the four of them.

"It's delicious." Ding Ci had a happy smile on his face.It tastes so good, he decided, he will be cleaning up this kind of tree today.

Louis looked at the faces of the four people after eating, and clapped his hands to get their attention:
"Okay, now that you all know. Then go find something to eat. Remember not to run too far, or you will be in danger."

"Okay, teacher."

The four nodded when they heard the words, and then went to find their own food.

Louis nodded as he looked at the four people who had dispersed, and then began to look for his own food.After all, eating dry food every day is not a problem, and he has to relive his life in the wild.

"Naruto, do you want to cut palm trees with me? The cores are delicious and abundant. It's much more convenient than catching small prey." Ding Ci asked.

Naruto shook his head and refused: "No, the core is good. But I want to eat meat more. I just saw a stream nearby, and I'm going to catch fish."

Choji nodded when he heard the words, and then looked at Shikamaru: "Okay, what are you going to do, Shikamaru?"

Shikamaru heard the words and said: "First, set up a few traps, and then go to collect palm cores. Next, let's see if Naruto can catch any fish? If I can catch them, I will catch them again."

"Is that so? Then I'll go find the palm tree first." Ding Ci said.

"Hmm" X2
Naruto Shikamaru and the two nodded, and then the three separated and moved towards the plan.

(End of this chapter)

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