The Pirate Hunting Gourmet

Chapter 336 Running away

Chapter 336 Running away
"Really? So that's the case. I thought he was too excited to see me, so he was so happy that he had a headache." Ace scratched his head and laughed.

Kerla and the others couldn't help but see black lines on their foreheads when they heard this, but Sauron was still drinking the wine calmly.

Having met Louis' grandson and grandson, he has completely adapted to their words that can make people speechless.

"By the way, Sabo, are you going to meet Luffy with me? He must also want to see you very much." Ace smiled.

When Sabo heard the words, he didn't even think about replying: "Where are we going to meet?"

"See you at the Navy Headquarters. That idiot said he would be a pirate in the future. Now he's going to the Navy." Ace laughed.

"You are a pirate, we are a revolutionary army, are you sure we won't be arrested if we go to the Navy headquarters?" Kerla said speechlessly.

"That seems to be right." Ace said thoughtfully, and it seemed that he would really be arrested again when he went to the Navy headquarters.

"Didn't you think about it when you said it?" Kerla and others complained.

"You can ask Lu Fei to come out." Sauron reminded, he really couldn't stand it anymore, the IQ of this group of guys made him wonder what did they eat to grow up?Or are they the same as Luffy?They're all one-sided guys.

Ace was pleasantly surprised when he heard the words: "You are still smart, Sauron, then let's ask Luffy to come out."

"Then you can call." Sabo said with a smile.

Then, Ace started picking out phone bugs.After the phone bug was taken out, Ace looked at the phone bug but began to hesitate.

Seeing this, Kerla and the others said strangely: "What are you hesitating about? Just call."

"I don't know Lu Fei's number." Ace scratched his head in embarrassment.

Kerla et al.: ... (*`*) retarded.

"Then let me fight." Zoro said after hearing the words, he is really a good brother of Luffy, and his memory is really the same.

"Then I'll trouble you, Sauron." Ace laughed.

Sauron nodded when he heard the words, and then started dialing the phone bug.The phone rang almost instantly.

"Zoro, have you figured out that you want to be a navy with me? I'll go to you right away, where are you now?" Luffy on the other end of the phone bug laughed.

"You guy, don't make random claims. I never said that I want to be a navy." Sauron growled, not knowing why he wanted to beat Luffy as soon as he heard such nonsensical words.

"Really? It doesn't matter. When I have time, I will bring you to the headquarters to play, and you will know how to be a navy." Luffy laughed.

Sauron suppressed his anger and said, "I didn't call you today to tell you about this, but to tell you about something important."

"Oh? What's the matter?" Luffy said without interest.

"Ace and Sabo are waiting for you in Dressrosa, come here now." Sauron said.

"Sabo? You found him? That's great, I'll go there now." Luffy said excitedly, and then shouted at his grandfather:

"Grandpa, I'm going to Dressrosa. Where are Sabo and Ace?"

Ace, who was standing by the side, was stunned when he heard the words, and leaned in front of the phone bug and cursed: "You idiot, I asked you to come alone. I didn't ask you to bring grandpa."

As soon as Ace finished speaking, Karp's voice came from the other end of the phone bug: "Huh? Ace, you kid, don't want to see the old man?"

"No...yes" Ace forced a smile.

"Okay then, the old man will go over now. Neither of you two brats are allowed to run away." Garp said.

"Grandpa, give me the phone bug. I want to talk to Sabo." Luffy said, jumping up and down, trying to snatch the stolen phone bug from Garp's hand.

"What's the point of calling? We're going to Dressrosa now." Karp said angrily, and then hung up the phone.

In Dressrosa's bullfighting arena, Sabo and Ace looked at the phone bug that hung up, and couldn't help but feel something bad coming from their hearts.

"Okay, you guys have finished talking to Luffy. Then I should go." Sauron said.

"You don't plan to sit here for a while, but we haven't seen each other for a long time. Sauron." Ace smiled, trying to keep Sauron to come down and meet grandpa together.

"No, no. This is your family business, and I, an outsider, don't get involved." Zoro smiled, he didn't want to see Luffy.He didn't want to be involved in their beaten team, so he was ready to run away.

"Then can you ask Louis to come with you? This is our party." Ace laughed, since he couldn't keep Sauron, he could only drag Louis into the water.

After Sauron heard that he called Louis' phone bug, he handed the phone bug to Ace and said, "I'll help you get through, and you can tell him about other things."

Ace heard the words and took the phone bug, while Zoro walked aside and didn't get involved.Said that he was just a tool man who lent the phone bug to Ace, and he was not involved in any pitfalls or anything.

After the phone bug dialed, it was quickly connected, and Louis' voice came out: "Zoro, what do you want?"

Ace laughed and said, "Zoro has nothing to do with you, but I have something to do with you. Louis."

"Oh, it's Ace. What do you want from me?" Louis asked curiously.

"It's like this, can you come to Dressrosa, Sabo and I are here. Luffy will come over later. We can have a meal together." Ace laughed.

"I'm afraid that's not possible. I'm very busy right now, so I can't get out." Louis said with a smile.

Don't think he doesn't know what Ace is thinking.As for Luffy, that idiot's brain can find Dressrosa by himself?It must have come with grandpa.

When the time comes, it will be easy for him to get out but it will be difficult for him to get out, so it is better not to go.

"Okay, let's meet again when we have time." Ace smiled, his face full of bitterness.

"Okay, goodbye." Louis smiled and hung up the phone directly.

Zoro took the phone handed by Ace and the queen smiled and said, "Okay, since the phone call is over, I'll go first, you guys have a good chat with Luffy, goodbye."

After speaking, Sauron ran away directly.No intention of going back at all.

Seeing this, Ace had no choice but to do it, and Sabo's Kerra and others laughed: "Sabo, just wait for Luffy now, and we will leave first. We still have a lot of things to deal with, just I won't be with you anymore."

"Ah? Why?" Sabo asked puzzled.

"It's nothing, just get to know your brothers here. We'll leave first, and you can come back after you finish your business." Karas laughed, and ran away with Kerla and others.

Who is Cap?They are very clear.For the sake of personal safety, they had to slip away.

(End of this chapter)

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