Chapter 332 Quote

"Yes, Mr. Long."

"But now the World Government and the Tianlong people have disappeared. Is it time for the bear to come back?" Sabo asked.

Long Wenyan said, "We'll discuss this matter later. The Revolutionary Army will never abandon any comrade."

"Okay, Mr. Long."

Sabo nodded and said, then continued to listen to the meeting.

And after the meeting, after discussing about the bear, they started to contact the bear to let the bear come back.

But the bear insisted on completing the task, so Sabo and others had to use force to bring the bear back.

While Sabo and others were acting, Louis was practicing hard on O'Hara.

Robin looked at Louis who was doing push-ups and said with a smile: "Boss, are you sure you don't want to take off the black robe on your body? The weather is very hot now. You will be sweating all over later. "

Louis said, "No, my body is very cool. I won't sweat, and I won't die even if I don't breathe. So, there's no need to take off my clothes."

"Really? Boss, you are really powerful. You plan to keep practicing here instead of looking for devil fruits and ability users?" Robin asked curiously.

"We must look for it, but we can't neglect our cultivation. Anyway, the time is still so long, so there is no need to be so anxious." Louis smiled and continued to do push-ups.

Seven days later, a huge explosion occurred in the naval scientific research department. Sabo and others looked at the bear who attacked them, and their faces could not help showing a trace of haze.

Karas looked at the gathered navy soldiers and said to Sabo: "I'm afraid we won't be able to take the bear back today. He looks like he has been completely transformed. Let's leave first and find a way when we go back. Sabo."

"Well, let's go."

Sabo nodded when he heard the words and said, although he really wanted to bring the bear back, but for now, they couldn't do it.

And, if it drags on.The Marines are coming.At that time, it will be difficult for them to take advantage of the fact that they have fewer enemies and more enemies.

After Sabo and others left, Polusalino arrived.

"Master, you are too slow."

Zhan Taomaru looked at Polusalino and complained, if it weren't for the Naval Research Department having so many Pacifisms and the original model, they would have almost failed to hold on.

Polusalino waved his hands and smiled and said, "Zhan Taowan, don't be so angry. Didn't the old man come here as soon as he received the news? Where are the revolutionary soldiers?"

"I ran away a long time ago." Zhan Taowan said unhappily, and then returned to the scientific research department with an ax on his shoulder to clean up the mess.

Seeing this, Polusalino shrugged and followed him to the scientific research department.

On the sea, on a small boat, Sabo looked at Karas and asked, "Karas, what can you do to cure the bear? He doesn't know us at all."

"This..., I'm afraid I can't help it." Callas shook his head upon hearing this.

Ivankov on the side rubbed his chin for a while when he heard the words, and seemed to think of something?
Inazuma saw it and said, "What can you do? Ivankov."

Ivankov rubbed his chin and said, "I heard that Shiji not only became younger, but also healed his feet and the rudder on his head. There is also that guy from the Whitebeard Pirates Sage. , Wasn’t it always rumored that he was killed by Blackbeard before? But recently someone saw him appearing alive in the Whitebeard Pirates.”

"Moreover, there are recent rumors that O'Hara was not actually destroyed, but just flew from the sea to the sky."

"Is there such news?" Sabo asked Karas, who was looking at the side.

"I didn't pay much attention to this, but we can investigate after we go back later." Karas said.

"Then what do you want to say about these things, Ivankov?" Sabo continued to ask.

"I just want to say that there is a guy in the sea who may have the ability to bring the dead back to life and heal everything. However, that guy is probably a hunter with abilities." Ivankov said with a serious face.

"Even if you are a hunter with abilities. As long as you can cure the bear, everything is worth it." Sabo said firmly.

Seeing this, Ivankov thought about what the bear had looked like before.He could only nod his head and said, "Okay, then let's go back and investigate."

After Ivankov and others left, within a few days, the resurrection of the dead at sea and other strange things surfaced.

"Unexpectedly, it turned out to be true. That ability hunter really has the ability to resurrect people. Then it is definitely possible to solve the bear problem."

"Then, how do we find him next? Let him help us treat the bear?" Sabo asked, looking at Karas and the others.

"According to the rescued victims, the ability hunters have a relationship with the new navy established by Zefa. We can start from this aspect." Karas said.

"Yes, but if you want him to help you, you have to prepare a gift, otherwise, Karas will use your ability." Ivankov reminded.

Sabo heard the words and said: "Devil fruit is not a big problem for us. Our current problem is how to find the ability hunter."

"I heard that his whereabouts are erratic. According to intelligence, there has been no news of him in the recent period."

"Otherwise, let's hold a fighting competition and use devil fruit as the reward for the champion. Do you think this can lure him out?" Ivankov suggested.

Sabo nodded and smiled when he heard the words: "It's a good idea. Since the other party is a hunter of abilities, he will definitely not let the devil fruit go. Let's do it now, and you go spread the news to the whole sea." .”

"Okay, I'll let the comrades spread the news." Callas laughed.

"Well, let's find a suitable place now and decide on the venue." Sabo laughed.

Then the plan to attract the ability hunter to come out started like this.

Enter O'Hara a day later.Robin walked up to Louis, who was still practicing, and reported: "There will be a fighting competition on the sea recently, and the winner will get a devil fruit."

"Boss, do you want to participate? I have prepared all the materials for you."

"No." Louis said without thinking.

Robin felt very curious when he heard the words: "Boss, this is not like your usual style. Isn't the devil fruit in your goal?"

"Yes, but I won't waste time and work hard to participate in some fighting competitions. I just need to know who won the championship and go to him afterwards."

(End of this chapter)

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