The Pirate Hunting Gourmet

Chapter 326 Finding Someone

Chapter 326 Finding Someone
Facing his grandfather's words, Lu Fei just spit out the sea water and passed out completely.

Garp sighed helplessly when he saw this, threw Luffy onto the warship, and jumped out of the sea.

The undersea prison seemed very quiet today. The guards were all hypnotized by Louis, while the prisoners looked at Louis and dared not speak, thinking of the quails with their heads shrinking.

In Level 1 Red Lotus Hell, Louis looked at the prisoner and said:

"The purpose of my coming today is very clear, as long as you help me attack the Holy Land Marie Gioia. I can let you get out of this dark place."

The pirates were very happy when they heard that they could go out, but when they heard that they were going to attack the Holy Land Marie Joa, they were immediately discouraged. Some pirates said:

"You can master your ability. You don't need the help of us guys at all. You can just help us out. We promise that we will never be pirates again."

The other pirates immediately echoed after hearing the words: "That's right, that's right. We will always remember your great kindness, my lord."

"I don't need you to remember my great kindness for the rest of your life. What I need is someone who can attack the holy land of Maryjoa for me. If you can't do it, then spend the rest of your life here." Louis said unhappily, turned around and planned to leave.

The pirates immediately started to panic when they saw it, and some pirates gritted their teeth and shouted:

"My lord, wait, I am willing to follow my lord to attack the holy land of Mariejoa, and I hope my lord can take me away."

After hearing this, Louis couldn't help but stop, looked at the pirate who spoke with satisfaction and nodded, "Okay, as long as you can survive from the holy land of Mariejoa, then you will be free."

"Thank you sir."

The pirate said happily when he heard the words, Louis waved his hand, and the pirate who spoke came out of the cage.

Seeing this, the other pirates immediately started shouting:

"My lord, take me with you. I am willing to go with you to attack the holy land of Mariejoia."

"Yes, yes, sir, take us with you."

Louis looked at the excited pirates and said: "From now on, all the guys who are willing to attack the Holy Land Mary Joa with me are close to the railing, and if they don't want to, they should be close to the inner wall, or I will throw them into the Holy Land later. Mary Gioia is gone, don't cry."

"Yes. Yes. My lord."

The pirates immediately started to line up after hearing the words, not for a while.The pirates of the entire Level 1 Crimson Hell stood in line.

Louis waved his hand when he saw this, and the pirates who were willing to attack the Holy Land Mariejoa with him came out of the cell.

After the pirates came out, they moved around a lot.Can't help shouting excitedly.

Seeing this, Louis stretched out his big hand and said:

"Okay, now follow me to the next floor."

"Yes, my lord."

The pirates replied excitedly, and walked down with Louis.

In Level 2 Beast Hell, Louis once again harvested a group of pirates in the same way, Level 3 Hunger Hell, Level 4 Burning Hell, Level 5 Extreme Cold Hell, until Level 6 Infinity Hell.

The appearance of Louis made the atmosphere a bit awkward, and the pirates who followed Louis tactfully stood up here, because this is the place for the strong, and they are afraid that they and others will not be able to bear it.

"Caterina Depon, you guys don't seem to be very lucky. I let you go, and you came back here." Louis looked at Katerina Depen and others and smiled.

Catalina Depon and others couldn't help but turn dark when they heard this.San Juan Bad Wolf even cursed: "You liar actually bully honest people, you will not end well."

"Where did I lie to you? According to the agreement, I didn't send you to the Navy headquarters." Louis shrugged, saying that the matter had nothing to do with him.

"But you sent me to the holy land of Mariejoa, and I was beaten by a group of people. I was almost killed." San Juan Wolf slapped the railing angrily.

"Really? But it has nothing to do with me, and you didn't say that you can't take you to the holy land of Mariejoia, so I'll take you there. It's totally reasonable." Louis explained.

San Juan Bad Wolf was so angry that he trembled all over.

Seeing this, Shiliu of the Rain kicked the railing to attract Louis' attention, and said:

"Okay, you came to Level 6 Infinite Hell this time to tell us this, right? What are you here for? Let's make it clear."

Louis said with a smile when he heard the words:

"Haha, I just like your quick-talking personality. Now that you've said it like this, I won't play tricks on you."

"I need a group of people to help me attack the holy land of Mariejoa this time. Those who are willing to go with me should stand up for themselves. After the matter is completed, I will not pester you any longer. If you don't want to, I won't either. Reluctantly yours."

"Are you going to make us work as coolies again, and then arrest us again? Let me tell you, don't try to deceive us anymore. I won't be fooled again." Katerina Depon said angrily , Then leaned against the wall and ignored Louis.

When Louis saw this, he didn't care about Katerina Depon. Anyway, if she didn't go, someone would go.

"Attack the Holy Land Mariejoa? Take me with you. I like fighting the most." Kaido patted the railing and smiled, looking like he wasn't afraid of being tricked at all.

Louis looked at Kaido and said, "Kaido, didn't I let you go last time? Why are you still here?"

Kaido scratched and laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Hahaha, I planned to take revenge last time. But there were too many people. I didn't win that's why I was arrested again."

"Then you won't run? If you want to leave with your strength, no one should be able to stop you." Louis said speechlessly. Kaido looked like a tiger with a tiger's head and a tiger's brain, but was it really that difficult? Ugly clearly.

Hearing this, Kaido slapped his chest and shouted: "I am Kaido of the Beast, how could I escape."

Seeing this, Louis immediately blocked his ears and said, "Okay, then I will add you to this operation. You want to bring your pirate group?"

"Of course, I want the entire holy land of Mariejoa to fall under my feet." Kaido smiled cruelly.

"Then you come out first. In order to ensure the smooth attack on the Holy Land Marie Gioia, I plan to find the Golden Lion and come with me." Louis said and asked Kaido Jack and others to come out.

Louis looked at Kaido who stretched his muscles and bones, and said to the other prisoners in Level 6 Infinite Hell: "Okay, any of you who want to attack the Holy Land Mary Gioia with us, please raise your hand, otherwise, we will leave."

(End of this chapter)

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