The Pirate Hunting Gourmet

Chapter 313 Shocked

Chapter 313 Shocked
And at this moment, Scuyad, who was standing beside Whitebeard, attacked Whitebeard with a giant knife. The defenseless Whitebeard didn't expect his "son" to attack him, so he was directly stabbed by the giant knife up.

After seeing this scene, the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates wanted to come up to deal with Skuyad, but they were all stopped by Whitebeard.

Whitebeard drew out his giant knife and said, "Why did you do that? Scuyad."

"You have been deceiving us all the time. You clearly knew that my original pirate group was destroyed by Roger. You also concealed the news that Ace is Roger's son."

"There is also the deal you made with the Navy, don't think I don't know. Your deal is that you will not kill Ace and the Whitebeard Pirates. Instead, the pirates in the new world will be wiped out." Skua German said excitedly.

The pirates who were fighting couldn't help being shocked by this news.

Whitebeard looked at the navy when he heard the words, then looked at Skuyad, and shouted: "I have never done this kind of deal with the navy, and now the pirates who don't want to fight can leave at will, I won't blame you of."

"And Skuyad, none of you are allowed to do anything to him. It's the old man who didn't consider him. This matter is the old man's mistake."

White Beard said, hugged Skuyad tightly and said, "Stupid son, I love you even so!"

"Father..." Scuyad burst into tears when he heard the words, he still doesn't understand that he was cheated.

"It's really a touching father-son relationship, but it's a pity that this is a battlefield now." Polusalino said with a curled lip.

"Just take care of yourself, Polusalino. Don't bother with these pirates," Sakaski reminded.

"Oh, I got it. Don't be so angry." Polusalino laughed, and then continued to watch the battle.

On the other side, the white beard let go of Skuyad and said: "Okay, Skuyad, you can stand here. The old man is going to save Ace."

When the words fell, Whitebeard jumped off the Moby Dick, brandished the Kusanagi knife in his hand and swung it towards the ground, the huge chopping wave cut the ground and headed straight towards the high platform behind Polusalino and the three of them. and go.

Seeing this, the three of Sakaski immediately stood up from their seats and stood in front of the high platform with their hands outstretched to resist.


After the chopping wave hit the three of them, huge smoke was splashed, and after the smoke cleared, the three of Polusalino stood on the spot intact.

Sakaski looked at Whitebeard without saying a word, and rushed towards Whitebeard with his fists dripping with lava. Kuzan immediately followed after seeing this.

On the spot, only Polusalino was shooting long range with a golden light in his hand.


The golden light shone on Whitebeard's exposed chest, making the sound of gold and iron. Whitebeard's chest was not as defenseless as Polusalino and the others thought.

Whitebeard patted the hot part of his chest, brandished the Kusanagi knife and said angrily: "A bunch of despicable guys, let me die."

After finishing speaking, he swung his big knife and collided with Sakaski's lava fist that rushed over. Sakaski couldn't help but back up.

After Sakaski felt it, his face couldn't help but change.Whitebeard's strength far exceeded their expectations, and it was beyond their expectation that he would be able to achieve such strength after being attacked by Scuyard.

When Sakaski thought so, Whitebeard kicked on the ice blade stabbed by Kuzan. Looking at the smoke and dust brought up by Kuzan after being beaten, Whitebeard cursed:

"Another despicable brat, if you have the ability, go together. The old man just wanted to see how much you have."

When Whitebeard finished speaking, Sakaski seized the gap and pulled himself out from under Whitebeard's knife.

"Things are a little troublesome."

Kuzan looked at Sakalski and said that his sneak attack could be stopped by Whitebeard, so they might not be able to take down each other so easily now.

Sakaski nodded when he heard the words and said: "I know, there is a problem with his strength. It is beyond the information we have."

"Yes, Polusalino has to come together. I hope the three of us can stop him." Kuzan looked at Polusalino in the distance and said to Sakasky, who heard the words He looked at Polusalino and nodded.

Upon seeing this, Polusalino also ran over immediately.

White Beard looked at Polusalino and the three of them standing together, and said with a big laugh, "Come on together, you three brats, and let me see how different you are from the veterans of the Warring States Period."

After finishing speaking, White Beard rushed towards the three of them.Upon seeing this, the three of Polusalino immediately launched a counterattack.The entire battlefield was quickly divided by the four-person battle, and the navy and pirates immediately stopped fighting and watched the amazing battle.

Marco looked at his father with a one-to-three advantage and said to Joz and others beside him: "It seems that the father does not need our help. We only need to help the old man watch Ace. "

Joz nodded and said: "Yes, this is just the beginning. Next, they will really feel the terror of the old man."

Marko and the team captains were talking, and the pirates of the team couldn't help cheering violently when they saw their father pressing down on the three navy generals to fight.

On the high platform, Warring States looked at the situation on the battlefield, his face was full of haze:
"Whitebeard's strength... is a bit weak."

He Wenyan nodded and said: "I can see that his strength does not appear to be regressing due to age at all, and, judging by his appearance, his strength is still at its peak."

"I'm afraid this battle will be difficult to end, Warring States."

"I know, and Kaido is still here. We can't use all our combat power to deal with Whitebeard." Sengoku said, his eyes fixed on Kaido.

On the other side, Jack looked at his boss rubbing his fists and shaking his body, and asked, "Boss, you don't want to join in again, do you?"

Kaido nodded and said, "Yes, the guy with the white beard is actually so strong. He must have played against me before. After this time is over, I have to go to him to compete."

Jack smiled and said, "Then I wish you success soon, Boss."

"Well, you look at that boy Ace from the Whitebeard Pirates. If you have a chance, go up and save him. If you are attacked by the navy later, I have a reason to intervene." Kaido said, Bai Beard won't let him intervene, so he can create his own opportunity to intervene.

He still didn't believe that he helped White Beard save people, and White Beard dared to be rude to him.

(End of this chapter)

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