The Pirate Hunting Gourmet

Chapter 300 Big Event

Chapter 300 Big Event

Louis nodded and said, "Okay, since you don't say that anymore, I'll let you do it."

After finishing speaking, Louis also controlled the Thunder Giant and rushed towards Magellan's Poison Giant Soldier.


The Poison Giant Soldier was disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye during the fight with the Thunder Giant. Magellan, who controlled the Poison Giant Soldier, noticed it, his face turned ashen, but he continued to inject venom into the Poison Giant Soldier.

After Louis saw it, he also increased the output against the Thunder Giant. It turned out that the Thunder Giant was the same size as a giant soldier.It directly surpassed the height of the Poison Giant Soldier, lifted the Poison Giant Soldier like a child, and rushed towards Magellan.

Seeing this, Magellan immediately cut off the connection with the Poison Giant, and attacked the Thunder Giant with the horns that had been plucked from his head.


Magellan rushed to the giant's chest, and didn't flinch when he heard the sound of the electric current. He stabbed the thunder giant's chest with both horns and swiped hard, a naked eye crack was immediately exposed on the thunder giant's chest.

Seeing this, Magellan immediately waved his horns and attacked towards the gap, but was quickly knocked away by the fist protruding from the gap.

After flying Magellan, Louis put away the Thunder Giant, looked at Magellan crawling out of the pile of rubble on the ground, and said, "If you want to fight hand-to-hand, I will accompany you, just come."

After the words fell, he waved to Magellan.

Seeing this, Magellan rushed up again immediately, but was soon crushed and beaten by Louis.

Half an hour later, Louis disappeared while grabbing the bruised and swollen Magellan. When Magellan reappeared, he was already in Marine Vanduo, the naval headquarters.

There was no way to prevent the sober Magellan from doing stupid things, and Louis had to make the Navy look at him more reassuringly.After all, Magellan was not a bad person, so it would be a pity to die like this.

After Louis finished solving Magellan and got the poisonous fruit, in the new world, in the Whitebeard Pirates, Tiki looked at the devil fruit in Sage's hand, and his saliva dripped from the corner of his mouth.

Saqi looked at Saqi's appearance and said with a smile: "Tichi, I remember you said last time that you want this devil fruit. Can you see if it is this one?"

"Yes yes, this one, thank you, Thatch."

Tiqi nodded when he heard the words and said that he would never be wrong.The devil fruit in Saqi's hand is the dark fruit that he has been looking for for so many years.

After hearing the words, Saqi handed the fruit to Tiqi and said, "That's for you, Tiqi."

"Really? Thatch."

Tiqi heard the words and was a little afraid to believe it. He didn't expect that Saqi would give him the fruit so easily.

"Of course, we've known each other for so long. It's just a family, it's just a devil fruit, it's not a big deal." Sach said with a smile.

After hearing the words, Tiqi accepted the devil fruit that Saqi handed over, stepped forward to hug Saqi, and said gratefully: "Thank you so much, Saqi."

"It's no big deal, Teach. We're family."

"Then can you do me one more favor, Sarge."

"What are you busy with?"

Sage asked, but then he knew, because the sharp pain from his body spread all over his body immediately.

"Give me your life, thank you for your help. Thatch. I will always remember you."

Tiki smiled, his face full of ferocity.Then he threw Saki aside, took out the devil fruit with bloody hands and ate it, and left immediately.

When the members of the Whitebeard Pirates found him, he was already a corpse.

After finding out that Sage had been killed, they immediately found the killer.But when he learned that the murderer was Tiki, Ace took the initiative to resign from Whitebeard to arrest Tiki.

And Whitebeard agreed after hearing Ace's request, so Ace set off like this.

After Ace left, Louis' phone bug rang.

When Louis saw that the expression on the phone bug was Marco, he was quickly connected.

"Long time no see, Marco."

"You call me, is there any business you want to do?"

Louis asked in a teasing tone, but found that Marco did not answer after finishing speaking.Only then did I realize that something might be wrong.

"What the hell happened? You call me and don't say a word, you always have to reveal something to me, don't you?"

"Sage is dead, killed by Tiki."

Marco's sad voice came from the phone bug.

"Oh, a devil fruit. Give it to me, and I'll revive him for you. I thought it was a big deal. Why didn't you tell me earlier, why should it be so scary?"

Louis opened the mouth and said, he thought that something terrible happened, such as Marco's lovelorn or something, didn't he just die?Isn't resurrection enough?What's the big deal.

"Can you resurrect people?"

Marco asked in a daze when he heard the words, startled by the sudden good news.

"Um, you don't know that I can resurrect people, so why are you calling me?"

Compared to Marco's shock, Louis was also a little confused.If Marco didn't know that he could resurrect people, why did he call him in the first place?What are you doing when you're full?
"I called to tell you and ask you to help pay attention to the news of Tiqi." Marco said weakly.

"Marshall D. Teach? Didn't I tell Ace to be careful with that guy last time? I said that that guy is not a good guy, why didn't he listen to me?" Louis shook his head when he heard this.

"You said it? Why didn't I know?" Marco murmured.

"I didn't tell you, how could you know? I said I told Ace."

Louis said unhappily, and then continued:

"But it seems that he didn't take my words to heart. Believe it or not, you'll hear in a few days that that idiot Ace was captured by Marshall D. Teach and sent to the Navy."

Marko shook his head when he heard the words: "Impossible, Tiqi's strength is not that strong."

"Whether it is that strong or not, you will know soon, and you will receive the news in two or three months at most." Louis yawned.

Marco heard the words and said, "Then what should we do? Do you want Ace to come back?"

"You can handle this matter for yourself. What's the use of asking me? And you don't think it's useful if you say it? Ace's temper doesn't hit the south wall and doesn't look back. Moreover, this time Marshall D. Tikki is still in his squad, he won't listen to you."

"Also, what you need to do now is to refrigerate Sach's body. Then go find me a devil fruit." Louis reminded.

(End of this chapter)

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