Chapter 293
Ivankov looked around and said, "Did you drop something? Then get it quickly."

Louis said with a smile, "Thank you very much."

After the words fell, Louis pretended to look for it on the ground.At this moment, Ivankov also stretched out his long nails and pierced Louis' body.

Louis noticed that Ivankov had pierced his body with his nails and said, "It seems that you are different from what I thought, and you are not a tease."

Ivankov proudly said, "Of course, you suddenly appeared here and said such things without wearing a prison uniform. Do you really think I'm a fool?"

Louis asked curiously, "Aren't you a fool?"

"What? How dare you call me a fool?"

Ivankov said angrily.

"Yes, you actually dared to take the initiative to attack me, and you still didn't take your hand back. Should I say that you are too confident? Of course not, you are obviously stupid." Louis laughed, his body was like a muddy swamp The general began to absorb Ivankov's arm.

"What to do? What to do? Have you been arrested?" Ivankov yelled in panic after feeling his situation.

Then, he smiled at Louis and said, "I'm lying to you, lightning cut his body apart."

Since he was caught by the other party, cutting the other party's body will completely solve the problem.

"Yes, Ivankov."

Inazuma's hands turned into two scissors and rushed towards Louis.


A crisp sound sounded, and Louis was cut in half.Ivankov could see Inazuma across from Louis' parted body.

However, Ivankov can still feel that his hand is still attracted by Louis, and this suction has not weakened in the slightest.

"What the hell is he?" Ivankov terrified. Just now he could not change his face, but now he is really panicking.

The cut Louis said with a smile: "I am an ability user just like you, the difference is that you can only use one ability, but I can have many abilities."

Ivankov asked stupidly when he heard the words: "Really? Then can you let me go? We are half of the same kind after all."

Louis laughed and said, "Have you ever seen someone spit out the meat that is placed around their mouth? Ivankov."

As soon as the words fell, countless grains of sand appeared on the ground, covering the entire 5.5th floor.

"Is this the rustling fruit?"

Seeing this, Ivankov was surprised and said, this method of producing sand grains out of thin air can only be done by the sand fruit.

Louis laughed and said, "Yes, I just got it from Crocodile in the Kingdom of Alabasta, so you can enjoy his power and don't even think about running away."

Ivankov hurriedly shouted to Inazuma: "The lightning cuts the sand, let's go."

Crocodile has overturned the car in the opponent's hands, and he doesn't think he can take advantage of it.So, it's better for them to sneak away quickly.

"Yes, Ivankov."

Inazuma heard the words and continued to wave the big scissors to cut the sand grains, but as he cut, he found that the sand seemed to be endless.

Seeing this, Ivankov was surprised and said: "You have actually awakened the fruit? It's impossible for you to get the fruit for how long, how can you awaken."

"It's not that you can't think of everything in this world, but that you dare not think about it. Ivankov." Louis said with a smile. Of course, he had no choice but to awaken the rustling fruit in a short period of time.But there is no problem in mastering it for a short period of time.

And he believed that with his own understanding of the rustling fruit, it wouldn't take much to fully form it.

Facing the endless sea of ​​sand, Inazuma said with an ugly face: "Ivankov, there is no other way. We are not his opponents."

"I know, but it's not our style to catch it without a fight." Ivankov said with big eyes blinking scary words.

Upon hearing this, Louis looked at Ivankov, who had been subdued by him, and said, "Okay, don't struggle anymore, you've all been wrapped into rice dumplings by me. Just calm down."

"Otherwise, I will use other means to process you."

Ivankov didn't even think about it when he heard the words: "If you have any means, use it, I'm not afraid of you."

"You requested this on your own initiative, and I have no intention of attacking you. You requested it yourself, so I will grant your wish." Louis said, making "Zi Zi" sounds in his hands lightning.

Seeing this, Ivankov couldn't help but stand up all over his body, and panicked: "I was just joking, don't take it seriously."

"I know you're joking, so I'm joking too." Luis smiled, and put his hand on Ivankov lightly. Ivankov was immediately called out by the electric shock, and black smoke rose from his body.

After the lightning dissipated, Louis looked at the pitch-black Ivankov and said, "How is it? Do you want to do it again? I don't think you are very satisfied."

Ivankov, who was a little dazed by the shock, quickly waved his hands and said in horror: "No, no. I am very satisfied, and I don't need thunder and lightning."

"That's good, then I'll start charging you for your abilities. Which of you two has an opinion? You can say it. I'm a very fair person. I won't shock people at every turn. I believe you should know this. Yes." Louis said, the lightning in his hand couldn't help beating.

Seeing this, Ivankov and Inazuma couldn't help trembling and shook their heads quickly.Said he had no opinion.The opponent can draw at will.

Seeing this, Louis said with a smile: "Since none of you have any objections, then I'm not going to be polite. Thank you both for your cooperation. I have met some guys who don't like to cooperate. It's so rare to meet you two. people."

After saying that, Louis began to extract their abilities. Although the pain of extracting the devil fruit was not as painful as that caused by lightning, the two of them still passed out from the pain.

Seeing this, Louis shook his head and said, "It's the same as always, so I'll send you out as a reward, so that you won't be troubled when you go out."

After the words fell, Ivankov, Ina Zuma and the monsters were sent to the kingdom of the monsters by opening an air door by Louis.

After dealing with them all, Louis came out from this floor, and began to grope around the entire undersea prison. While carefully exploring the surrounding situation with his knowledge and arrogance, he began to look for the people in each floor. Those who can.

(End of this chapter)

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