The Pirate Hunting Gourmet

Chapter 288 Miserable

Chapter 288 Miserable

He doesn't want to meet Sauron either, but fate is something you can't just do if you don't want to, sometimes fate will come to you by itself.And this kind of fate is generally called evil fate.

While Louis and Hawkeye chatted, Bucky and his gang ran for their lives.

"Captain Bucky, why are our identities exposed? We obviously didn't do anything. Why did we get a reward of 100 billion Baileys?" Mochi looked at Bucky and trembled. They woke up this morning and found that All posted about their bounties.

And Captain Bucky was offered a reward of 50 billion Baileys, but he and Kabaji were each offered a reward of 25 billion Baileys.

What made him feel wronged the most was that they were accused of attacking the Holy Land of Mary Joa, but this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the newspaper accompanied them to command countless pirate ships to bombard the Holy Land of Mary Joa Photo.

"You idiot, don't you see that we have been wronged? Why do you want to ask the captain how to explain it to you?" Bucky said angrily when he heard the words. That is to say, they have no way to show up to explain in person, otherwise, what else would they need to run?

After all, the world government still has a navy, but they won't listen to his explanation.After all, they want to take advantage of them now, so how could they give them this chance.

"Then who wronged us? Captain Bucky." Moqi heard the words and continued to ask, even if they were wronged, he would have to die to understand.

"Of course it's that bastard Louis. The captain didn't think about what he wanted the captain to do, but he hasn't come to the captain for so long, and the captain has figured it out. He probably wants the captain to take the blame. Ah." Bucky said in tears, that bastard Louis actually cheated him like this, it's really disgusting.

He really couldn't think of anyone who knew his details so well and could make such a photo.

He can guarantee that he has never been to that place, let alone made this gesture.Apart from the fact that Louis' ability can be faked so easily, there is no other person to be found.

"So what the hell are we going to do now, Captain Bucky?"

"Of course I ran away, otherwise, what else could I do? You still want Captain Ben to scold Louis? We're still counting on him to come and save our lives, so we can't fall out with him." Bucky said with a dark face, God knows How angry is he now, and he has nowhere to vent?He was obviously just looking for a guarantee, and he didn't do anything, so he was listed as the deepest and most dangerous pirate in the sea.

Especially the sentence in the newspaper once he found out that there is a bonus for life and death, it made him feel cold all over his body. He can already predict how miserable his life will be in the future, and he will definitely spend it under the pursuit of pirate hunters .

And their only life-saving straw is Louis, who made them take the blame. This is simply not letting them live.In this case, he might as well let the navy catch him earlier, at least he doesn't have to be held in such a big scapegoat.

When Bucky was in tears, Kabaji walked up to Bucky holding the phone bug and said, "Captain Bucky, Louis is calling."

"Really? Bring me the phone."

Bucky stopped his tears when he heard the words, and Kabaji immediately handed Bucky the phone bug, Bucky took it and said angrily: "Louis, you bastard, let Captain Ben take the blame for this, right? You didn't say you were such a cheater Captain's?"

"Otherwise, the captain will never agree to your condition, 555~"

"Okay, okay, don't cry so sadly, I thought you must be scolding me now, so I called you in time. Don't worry, don't be so pessimistic, you are just a scapegoat, and you won't Is there any actual danger." Louis comforted with a smile, he had just chatted with Hawkeye, and felt that Bucky had almost seen the rewards they were counted, so he called to chat with Bucky Who knew Bucky, who usually looks stupid, but is very smart, unexpectedly guessed it was him right away.

Bucky heard the words and said slightly: "Then what are you going to do? Are you going to keep Captain Ben being hunted down?"

Louis said with a smile: "Of course not. Don't worry, you won't be hunted down. I've tampered with your ships a long time ago. As long as you stay quiet and don't make any big moves, it's completely transparent. No one will find that there is a ship in a place that blends in with the environment."

"So, in this way, have you planned to cheat Captain Ben?" Bucky understood that Louis had already planned to cheat him, and even prepared the way for him.

"This is a fair trade. I have never cheated you, and you were the one who said there was no problem at the beginning."

How can it be called a pit when both parties are voluntary?This is obviously your love and my wish, okay?

"That's because the captain didn't know that you asked the captain to do such a thing. You didn't tell the captain that it was so dangerous." Bucky scolded, if he knew, he would be offered a reward of 50 billion Baileys , even if he had eaten the bear's heart and leopard's heart, he dared not agree to it.

"Okay, okay, things have already happened, it's useless for you to complain, why don't you think about what you should do next, you can't stay at sea all the time, you still need to find a place to settle down Come down and wait for the limelight to pass." Louis said with a smile, Bucky and the others complained to no avail, Dahai didn't regret giving them medicine in class.

After hearing the words, Bucky could only admit his fate: "Okay, then do you have any recommended places to go?"

"Of course there is. I think Sky Island is good. You can go up there to avoid the limelight." Louis laughed.

"Um, are you sure the captain will not be wanted on the board?"

"How can I guarantee this, I can only say that you will be safer on the top than at sea."

Bucky nodded when he heard the words and said, "Okay then, the captain is going to the empty island to avoid the limelight now."

"Well, go early, things will come to light in a short time, and you won't have to take the blame by then, the difficulty is only one thing, you have to hold on, Bucky." Louis cheered.

"This captain can't stand it anymore, so you should clarify for this captain earlier." Bucky said with a sad face.

Still hold on?It would be good for him to pee out of fear the moment he didn't read the newspaper, and told him to hold on, he was just a little pirate.Why should I accept a reward that this identity should not have?

(End of this chapter)

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