The Pirate Hunting Gourmet

Chapter 255 Transaction Failure

Chapter 255 Transaction Failure
Louis couldn't help but regretted when he heard the words: "Well, then I know, this time I will disturb Grandpa Warring States, I'd better find a new buyer."

Such a big golden ball, no matter what he said, he would never sell it cheaply.Did he know that Warring States must want him to be cheaper by saying this.But if he gave the Warring States a little cheaper, wouldn't he be at a loss?So it is impossible for him to be cheap.

At worst, find another buyer, such as Doflamingo.Although he doesn't know if Doflamingo has so many devil fruits, it doesn't prevent him from extracting devil fruits himself. Fruits, Pika's stone stone fruit, Diamanti fluttering fruit, etc. These fruits are very good.

Thinking about the Dressrosa Kingdom having at least 13 Devil Fruits waiting for him to harvest, he couldn't help but be moved.

If it was said that just now he only had the idea that doing business with Doflamingo was good, then in an instant it became that he had to do business with Doflamingo.

After all, even the Navy Headquarters couldn't come up with so many Devil Fruits at once, so why not take the initiative to find Doflamingo, and if Doflamingo is willing to buy it, he will be happy to make a deal with him, If Doflamingo is unwilling to buy it, then he can only grab it.

After all, it has already been robbed once.The first time is raw and the second time is familiar, he doesn't have the slightest burden on his heart.

When Zhan Guo heard this and waited for so long, he realized that Louis had stopped talking after saying this sentence. He couldn't help but feel a little bit drummed, so the latter could only be cheeky: "Uh, Louis, can you see if you can lower the price?"

"After all, you have to know that although the old man is a marshal, he can't produce so many devil fruits and Bailey."

Louis said again after hearing the words: "I know this is very embarrassing for Grandpa Zhan Guo, so this time I will disturb Grandpa Zhan Guo."

"Um, don't you think about it?"

Warring States heard the words and said, very helpless for Louis to pretend to be stupid, obviously he just needs to lower the price, why is Louis so upright?
Louis shook his head and said:
"I don't think about it anymore. Thank you, Grandpa Zhan Guo, for taking the time out of his busy schedule to talk to me. I really interrupted you this time."

"Well, it's not an interruption, after all, the old man and your grandfather are very good friends."

"If you're free, remember to come to the Navy Headquarters early to play." Sengoku said with a smile, there is no righteousness in business, and Louis's medical skills are more important to him than his status as Garp's grandson.

"Okay, thank you, Grandpa Sengoku." Louis smiled and ended the call.

When Bucky saw Louis put down the phone bug, he came up and said:

"What's going on? You haven't negotiated a deal with the Navy Headquarters, so what buyer should we find next? Louis."

"Don't worry, I've thought about it a long time ago. Who is the second buyer? You will find out soon, and whether he is willing or not, we have to sell the item." Louis said with a smile, and shot Pat Bucky on the shoulder.

Baki heard the words and asked: "Then you should talk to the captain, don't let the captain get confused."

Louis was always talking like that, and half of what he was saying didn't make it clear to him, and it was disgusting.

Upon hearing this, Louis patted Bucky again, almost hitting Bucky into the floor and said, "Don't worry, you'll know when the time comes, don't worry, when have I ever lied to you?"

Bucky: You lied to me all the time, not honest at all.

Even though there were thousands of words in his heart, Bucky was honest and didn't say anything.He knew that Luis was a vengeful guy.

Louis: Bucky, don't think that you are hiding it well. In fact, I know what you are thinking. I don't clean you up now because the time has not come. You will cry when I clean you up later.

Zoro looked at the two men who were vicious, and a few drops of cold sweat fell on his forehead, and then he said:

"Louis, then who do we go to buy gold?"

"Of course it is our classmate Doflamingo, the super rich man. He is not only rich, but also has a sense of justice. He especially likes to be kind and charitable. I think we will bring gold to him, and he will be very happy to take the devil Fruit and Bailey gave us."

"Uh, what you said doesn't seem to have anything to do with him except being rich." Sauron was stunned when he heard that. He didn't remember that Doflamingo was such a good person. He only knew that Doffer Langmingo is an arms dealer, a human trafficker and the dark king of the underground world.

"Don't worry, these are just your misunderstandings about him. I believe he will speak well. After all, under my fist, few people can insist on not speaking well."

What if the opponent is disobedient?Of course, he was obedient and convinced by the beating. As an empathetic and just person, Louis is still very self-aware. Since you can’t make the other party agree with you in this sea, you can only fight to make him agree with yourself.

"Then what's the difference between ours and Ming Qiang?" Sauron couldn't help sweating when he heard the words. Louis's trading method is really fresh and refined, which is referred to as strong buying and strong selling.

He originally thought that Louis was a person with more brains, but now that he looked at it this way, well, except that he and Luffy had the same looks and somewhat similar personalities, most of his brains were still muscles.

"Don't be surprised, okay? Fisting in this sea is the fastest solution. Don't you want to negotiate with him bit by bit? I don't have that much time to spend with him."

"And what do we mean by robbing? It's obviously just delivering the goods and paying the money, okay? It's just that the other party is a little reluctant to pay. I believe you have encountered this often. Can you tell me about your purchases? Are you willing to pay when?"

"Isn't this the same reason? People often only want to get, but don't want to give. Right."

Louis was very helpless when he heard Sauron's innermost thoughts. Why did they think he couldn't do things with his fists?Or do they think he is insidious, he just simplifies things a little, how can they have so many things, and Sauron, as a swordsman who can only draw his sword when things happen, are you a little bit Fifty steps laugh at a hundred steps.

When Bucky heard that he was going to snatch Doflamingo, he immediately said happily: "That's right, what Louis said is very reasonable, and the captain agrees very much. When are we going to make a deal?"

"This matter has to be delayed, because I still have some things to do." Louis said with a smile. Although Bucky was a bit stupid, he was still very good at answering him.

(End of this chapter)

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