Chapter 211 Talk

"We don't have anything to ask, but we are willing to listen to what Brother Louis is willing to say." Marco heard the words and said, suddenly asked him to think of something to ask Louis, but he couldn't think of it, so he just let Louis Tell yourself.

"Okay, then I'll just say it straight, Crocodile knows, right? It's our big sand crocodile brother." Louis said with a smile when he heard this, since he said it was chatting about other people's secrets, of course it started with people the other party knew Speaking of.


Markojoz nodded and replied when he heard the words, Crocodile and the others naturally knew.

"Since you all know that you have impressions, then it's easy to talk about it. He was cleaned up by Captain Whitebeard decades ago. You should have been there at that time."


"As for him, after being defeated by Captain Whitebeard, he became Shichibukai. He has been hiding in the Alabasta Kingdom recently. Do you know what he is doing there?" Louis Xiaodao made a fool of himself to let them guess, since it is a chat, Of course you said something and I said it, otherwise it would be so boring for him to talk about stand-up comedy here alone.

"The Kingdom of Alabasta is located in the desert and combined with Crocodile's fruit ability, it can increase his strength a lot." Joz heard the words and said, talking about the Kingdom of Alabasta would remind him of the boundless desert. the sea.

"That's right, I can't tell that Brother Joz is a big and thick boy, but he is thoughtful. But that's just one of the reasons." Louis said with a smile.

"Then what on earth is he trying to do, Louis."

Ace asked curiously when he heard the words, obviously he was also very interested in this kind of gossip knowledge.

"He wants to take over the entire Kingdom of Alabasta. You know the drought that lasted for a year in the Kingdom of Alabasta, right?"

"I know, but I heard that it has been raining again recently, and there are frequent floods." Ace nodded and replied.

"The drought that year was a good thing Crocodile did. The purpose was to create a rift between the king of Alabasta and the people so that he could take advantage of it." Louis continued after hearing the words.

"But the kingdom of Alabasta is a desert, with poor resources and no Baileys. Why does Crocodile want the kingdom of Alabasta?" Marco asked in confusion. Although what Louis said seemed to be true, Alaba The Kingdom of Stan is such a poor place, what does Crocodile want it for?

"Although the Kingdom of Alabasta is poor, it keeps a big secret. Our classmate Crocodile ran away because he knew the news of this secret." Louis laughed.

"Is it about the secrets of many Baileys and treasures hidden in the Kingdom of Alabasta? Louis." Bucky said immediately after hearing the word "secret". From Bucky's point of view, the Kingdom of Alabasta has existed for so long. There are many treasures.

"Bailey's treasure, do you think Crocodile won't be able to get what he wants?" Louis said angrily when he heard this. Bucky, an idiot, thought of such cheap things when he talked about secrets.

"Then what's the secret? Since you said that, brother Louis, you must know it." Joz heard the words and asked. He was obedient and didn't hear it in the end, but it was very uncomfortable, even if he was A person who doesn't like to listen to gossip and meddle in other people's affairs, and he doesn't like to be half-obedient.

"The ancient weapon Pluto. You have heard of it. Crocodile did not know where to get the news that the ancient weapon Pluto was sleeping somewhere in the Kingdom of Alabasta, so he ran to the Kingdom of Alabasta. He planned to plan the country first, Then seek Pluto."

"Is the ancient weapon Pluto? Does the Kingdom of Alabasta really have such a terrible weapon?" Marco heard the words and said, obviously frightened by the news.

"Uh, what is Pluto? Can anyone tell me about it?" Ace asked suddenly when Jozmark Baki was shocked.

Although he doesn't know what Pluto is, the ancient weapon sounds powerful, but the problem is that he doesn't know what it is, can anyone explain it to him?

"Pluto is one of the three ancient weapons. It has the title of evil warship. It can blow up an island with one shot." Louis explained.

"Oh, it's just a boat, it's just sinking an island, Dad can do it easily." Ace said indifferently.

"Of course, Captain Whitebeard is known as the strongest man in the world. Crocodile wants to seek the Kingdom of Alabasta and get Pluto to deal with Captain Whitebeard." Louis said that Ace did not say anything. wrong.But the question is how many people in the sea can achieve such a powerful destructive power with just a few gestures.

So this is the charm of Pluto, it can make ordinary people have the same destructive power as Whitebeard.

"If Crocodile makes such a plan, then he may be disappointed. Although Dad is not in good health during this period, he can't be dealt with by Pluto." Joz shook his head when he heard the words, feeling that Crocodile Some whimsical.

"I also think so, so Crocodile doesn't spend time to enhance his strength. It is not advisable to always use external forces to enhance his strength. The external force will eventually disappear one day, and his own strength is the guarantee of strength." Louis Wen Yan nodded in agreement, then looked at Ace and said, "Ace, you should learn from this, don't rely too much on the fruit ability, because the fruit ability will be restrained, but physical skills will not .”

"Uh, I've been doing a good job of physical training. Louis. If you don't believe me, you can see it from me." Ace raised his domineering arm covered with armed colors and said, although he didn't know why he got it from Crocker. What Dahl talked about talked about himself.

But Ace felt that he still needed to explain something, lest Louis think that he had the fruit ability, and physical skills were nothing.

"That's right, it looks decent, but I don't know how to fight?" Louis said little by little when he saw this. Ace's armed domineering looks thick, but he doesn't know how much attack he can resist.

"If you want to try Luis, I can also accompany you through a few tricks. After all, I haven't seen you for so long. I also want to know how far I am from you." Ace said when he heard the words. There has always been a gap in his strength. Although his strength has grown rapidly in recent years, he still wants to know if he has caught up with Louis.

"Do you want to fight with me? Have you thought it through? Ace." Louis said when he heard the words.

(End of this chapter)

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