Chapter 202

"Louis, I've got the autumn water you mentioned. See if we should go."

When Louis found Sauron with Perona, Sauron was holding Qiushui in his hand and looking at it.

"Well, it's time to go."

"The other one is for you, she is yours."

Louis nodded when he heard this and said, he threw Perona to Sauron, and Sauron immediately ended it when he saw it, and didn't find out what Louis threw to him at all?After all, when a person is looking at what he loves, he will accept whatever the people close to him give him.

"Huh? Louis, what did you give me? It's actually warm enough to move." After taking Perona, Sauron's eyes remained on the autumn water, and he didn't realize that he was holding Perona's leg to hang her in the air.

"It's not a big deal, it's just a daughter-in-law for you." Louis said.

"Huh? Daughter-in-law?"

Sauron, who was looking at Qiushui, couldn't help but paused when he heard the words, and then looked at Perona, whose hands were tied tightly and struggling constantly.

"Yes, after all, you don't have a girlfriend at this age. I'd be ashamed to tell you about it. Do you remember our agreement? You said you would have a girlfriend before you turned 17, but the fact is that you don't No." Louis said when he heard the words, Sauron couldn't help but blushed slightly.

"But even if that's the case, you can't snatch her here." Sauron heard the words and said, and put Perona down.

"I've seen that the two of you are destined to be a good couple, so don't resist. This is a good thing that you can't find with a lantern." Louis said with a smile. Look at how good he is. , arranged for Sauron's wife.

"My own lifelong affairs, I think it's better for me to handle it myself. I won't bother you, Louis." Zoro looked at Perona who was still struggling and said, they are obviously robbing their wives, Such a twisted love will not bear fruit.

"Well, anyway, the two of you will still be together after going around for the last time. I won't interfere any more." Louis said, releasing Perona after hearing this.

"You perverted sex devil bastard kidnapper, don't let this princess touch you again, or this princess will never end with you." After Perona was released, she ran for a distance with her hands and feet and said harshly, and then she didn't look back. The Sa Yazi escaped.

"I can't do good things these days. It's really hard for me." Louis said as he watched Perona leave and shook his head.In this chaotic sea, he just wanted to bridge the gap between the two of them.Who knew Perona misunderstood him so much.

"Stealing people and things is not what good people do, even if we are robbing pirates." Sauron reminded after hearing the words.

"Um, what I'm doing is a matchmaker. It's a major event to promote the prosperity of mankind." Louis said righteously when he heard the words, and he was making a contribution to mankind.

"How does this have something to do with human affairs?" Sauron couldn't help but have a black line on his forehead when he heard that. Although he didn't read much, Louis also lied to him.

"It's a bit complicated to explain, and you'll know later. Let's get out of here first." Louis said after hearing this, this explanation is a bit inappropriate, Sauron should explore by himself in the future.


Sauron nodded and replied when he heard the words, put Qiushui back into the scabbard and followed Louis back to the boat.

"Master Moria, are you okay?"

Beside the big water truck, after Hobak rescued Moria from the big water truck, he expressed concern.

"You look like I'm fine? Hobak." Moriah said unhappily. He was soaked in seawater on the waterwheel for so long, how could he seem to be fine?

"I'm really sorry, Lord Moria. But I can't help it. The intruder is too powerful, and Perona was taken away by them." Hobak apologized after hearing the words.

"What? Perona? Where are those guys?" Moria couldn't help but angrily said when he heard the words. The damn intruder not only robbed his financial report, injured him, but even robbed his subordinates.

"Master Moriah, I am here."

Perona, who was rushing here, heard her captain's voice and shouted loudly.

"Are you captured by them? Perona." Hobak asked in confusion when he saw Perona appear.

"That perverted pervert kidnapper wanted to snatch me back to be his subordinate's wife, but his subordinate refused, so I was released." Perona heard the words and said, her words were full of anger.What's wrong with her, Mrs. Perona, that nasty green algae dared to say that she didn't like her.

"How is Absalom? Is he okay?" Now that Perona has returned, Moria is now concerned about another of her subordinates.

"Abu Salom, I'm awake now, but the injury is a bit serious. So I can't come to see you. Lord Moria."

Hogubak said, Absalom has multiple fractures and is now lying on the hospital bed wrapped like a rice dumpling.

"It's okay, I'll go see him."

Moriah heard the words and said, it's great that all the subordinates are fine.

"How is it? How is the harvest this time? I see that you have carried a lot of big and small boxes." After Louis returned to the ship, the ship started immediately.

Louis looked at Bucky who couldn't hide his excitement and asked.

"Of course, Moriah is worthy of being the king's Shichibukai. There are so many Baileys and treasures hidden. There are [-] million Baileys. Louis."

Bucky smiled when he heard this, his face was full of uncontrollable happiness.

"Really? Then the [-] million Baileys, [-] million to me, [-] million to Sauron, and the remaining [-] million Baileys, you can share." Louis said after hearing the words, and divided the [-] million Baileys. up.

"Ah! Why is the captain's allocation so small, only [-] million Baileys." Bucky heard the words and said, obviously there are [-] million Baileys, no matter what he says, Mr. Bucky should divide [-] million Baileys.

"I cleaned up Moria, I cleaned up Absalom, and I cleaned up Perona. Sauron cleaned up the mobs along the way for you, and you are only responsible for moving the treasure and Bailey. "

"I'm willing to give you 1 million Baileys. It's not bad for you to share with Mochi and the others. You have to know that you haven't made a single shot since you came to the island." Louis heard this and began to count the copy of Moria. contribution.

"Okay, then who shall we fight next time? Doflamingo, Seaman Jinpei, or Boya Hancock?" Bucky knew that he had no way to argue after hearing this, but he still thought about what to do next. Qi Wuhai made a fortune.

(End of this chapter)

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