The Pirate Hunting Gourmet

Chapter 17 Departure

Chapter 17 Departure
"Louis, is what you said true? Sabo is really not dead?"

"555~, that's really great."

In Dadan's house, after listening to Makino's narration, Luffy burst into tears immediately.

Ace on the side also hugged his head and whimpered.Everyone else in the house wiped their eyes too.

"I said, do you two want to go to Shuangyue Village with me? Maybe you can find out the destination of Sabo and others."

Louis looked at the crying Luffy and Ace who was sobbing, and asked.

Anyway, Sabo really stayed in Frost Moon Village, those onlookers must know it, he just took this opportunity to see the difference between the animals and plants produced in Frost Moon Village and their village.

"Go, I'm going. Louis."

"Ace, let's go now."

Luffy stopped crying when he heard that, pulled Ace and said.


Ace nodded and replied when he heard the words, stood up and went to find Sabo with Luffy.

"Calm down, you two, how can you go like this?"

"Let's leave tomorrow after I have contacted the ship that is going to sea."

Dadan blocked the door, smoking a cigarette, and said to the two of them.Lu Fei and Ace looked like this one by one, how could she rest assured to let them go.

"Ms. Dadan is right, please calm down first."

"By the way, let me also take a hot bath and fix my hair."

Louis echoed the words, touched his long hair and felt that it was time to take a rest.He had been on a desert island for several months and hadn't had a hot bath yet.

"Yeah, don't be so anxious, you two."

"Since Sabo is still alive, you must meet one day."

Makino persuaded, comforting Luffy and Ace.

"Alright, Luffy Ace."

"I brought you such good news, you should always thank me. I happen to be hungry, so hurry up and prepare food for me."

"You still have to rely on me to ask you tomorrow, otherwise you know what the people who rescued Sabo looked like? What did their boat look like?"

Louis looked at the two who were still standing at the door and said, then lay down leisurely and waited for the two to bring him food.

"Okay, Louis."

"Wait, I'm going to prepare food for you."

Hearing this, Ace replied, and immediately took Luffy to cook. What Louis said was correct, and what Dadan and Makino said were also correct. They should really calm down.

"Makino, do you know where there are boats that can be rented in Windmill Village?"

After watching Luffy and Ace return to the house, Dadan breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked Makino.

She is a bandit, not a pirate, and she doesn't have her own ship. If she wants to go to sea, she only needs to rent a ship and buy a ship.

There was not enough time to build the ship, and the price of the ship that so many of them wanted was not cheap, so the only thing left was to rent the ship.

"If we rent a boat, we can send Bailey to ask a big fishing boat to take us to Frost Moon Village."

"Because not only do they know the way, but they can also fish nearby when we go to Frost Moon Village to inquire. In this way, we can save a lot of Bailey. Ms. Dadan."

Listening to the conversation between Dadan and Makino, Louis interjected.

"Yes, what Louis said is indeed a good way."

"Besides, there will be fishing boats going out to sea in the early hours of tonight. If we talk about it later, you can set off in the early hours of this morning."

Makino laughed when he heard this.

"Really? Magino."

"Then please help me."

Ace, who was grilling meat with Luffy, immediately ran to Makino and said.The sooner they set off, the sooner they can be sure that Sabo is fine, and the sooner they can relax.

"Well, I'll go first then, Ace."

"Come over later, I'm going to talk to the fishing uncles."

Makino laughed and got up to go back to Windmill Village to talk to the uncles who drove the fishing boats.

"Thank you so much, Makino."

Ace bowed down and thanked him, trying not to let his tears fall.

"It's okay, Ace."

"I'm leaving now."

Makino waved and smiled, and then walked down the mountain.

At night, the mountain road was pitch-black, and Dadan and his group carried torches from Mount Korpo along the mountain road to the wharf of Windmill Village.

On the pier, Makino saw Dadan and the others waving at them, Dadan and the others immediately came up to them.

"I've already told Uncle, you just need to get on the boat."

Seeing Dadan and others coming, Makino smiled.

"Really? How much is the boat fare Bailey?"

Dadan nodded when he heard the words, then looked at the strong man wearing a turban and asked.

"[-] berries per person includes round trip and food on the fishing boat."

Stared at by Dadan, the captain couldn't help but sweat dripped down his forehead.

"Ten thousand Baileys alone? That's too expensive."

"There are only six of us, and three of them are kids. Can't you make it cheaper?"

Hearing this, Dogula pointed to the three of Louis and said that he was not very satisfied with the price offered by the captain.

"How about this? Six of you, I'll charge you [-] Baileys. You can't bargain any more. This is already the cheapest price."

Hearing this, the captain looked at the three of Louis and said.Even if it was a bandit in front of him, he could only get so much cheaper, and he would not lower the price any more.

"Okay, but our Bailey will be divided into two parts for you. To save you from collecting our Bailey and leaving after catching fish, you don't take us with you."

Dogula thought for a while and said, and then paid [-] Baileys to the captain of the fishing boat.

"sure no problem."

The captain took Bailey, counted and said happily, he could get the bandit to pay the money obediently, and he would have more face if the news spread.

"The money has been given to you, so why should we start?"

Watching the captain of the fishing boat accept Bailey, Dadan asked, smoking a cigarette.

"Don't worry, it will be soon."

"My people are counting the supplies, and when the counting is over, we can set off."

The captain laughed when he heard the words, and then said to Makino with a smile:

"Miss Makino, please bring me a glass of rum. I have to drink it now, otherwise I won't be able to drink so happily when I get on the boat."

"Yes, Mr. Captain."

Makino laughed and told Louis and the others to sit in the tavern and wait for the boat to depart.


After a while, a sharp horn sounded, and the captain who was drinking stopped pouring wine into the glass, and after paying for the drink with Makino, he shouted to Louis and the others:
"The boat is sailing, hurry up and follow."

"Otherwise, I don't care about my business when the ship leaves later."

"Ah... yes, uncle."

Luffy resisted the drowsiness and replied, and then was dragged by Ace to the boat.

"Head, we should go."

Doggula looked at the cigarette butts in the ashtray, and said to Dadan.

"Got it, let's go."

Dadan extinguished the cigarette in his mouth, then got up and walked towards the fishing boat.

(End of this chapter)

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