Abandoned by the strongest giants

Chapter 83 I'll drink with you

Chapter 83 I'll drink with you
Chapter 85 I'll drink with you
If Bai Nuan really jumped out of the window, they would definitely not be able to cover what happened today.

Chen Yun said with a smile: "Chaste and strong girl, she is a good woman at first glance, I really want to sleep with you more and more!" As he said, he licked his lips.

"You!" Bai Nuan turned pale with anger.

At this time, the box door was pushed open.

Luo Yixin ran into the box panting, looked at the thin monkey man and the double-chin man standing at the door, and stopped Bai Nuan from going.

Luo Yixin's heart was pounding, his heart was beating violently, and a thought popped up in his mind, these bastards really wanted to play tricks on Bai Nuan.

At the same time, he also felt rejoicing in his heart, fortunately he came in time, otherwise it would really be the end of the world if it was later!
Seeing Luo Yixin barging in and spoiling his good deed, Nie Wang frowned, and his voice was full of dissatisfaction with Luo Yixin: "Luo Yixin, what are you doing here..."

"Young Master Nie..." Luo Yixin said with a flattering smile, "There is a guest next door who is an acquaintance of Manager Bai, and I want her to go over to toast and have a drink. I'll come over and ask Manager Bai to come over..."

"Hehe, Luo Yixin, if you think about it, you have to think of a better reason. Who would believe such a lame reason?" The skinny monkey man immediately sneered, looking at Luo Yixin with contempt and contempt in his eyes.

"Young Master Chen, I will definitely compensate you for the inconvenience caused." Luo Yixin ignored the thin monkey man, and Chen Yun was the person with the highest status here.

Chen Yun held the wine glass, and put his eyes on the wine glass, without even looking at Luo Yixin.

The fat-headed man with a double chin immediately sneered when he heard Luo Yixin's words: "Luo Yixin, you're a part-time trash, aren't you stubborn?"

Luo Yixin's expression turned ugly. He knew that these people were determined to catch Bai Nuan's attention. He gave Bai Nuan a look and told her to seize the opportunity and run away. As long as Bai Nuan ran out, they would retreat .

Bai Nuan understood, and cast a grateful look at Luo Yixin, while tensing his whole body, ready to rush out at any time.

Luo Yixin squeezed out a smile, walked into the box, rubbed his hands, and said apologetically: "Young Master Chen, I'm really sorry, please forgive me, Young Master Chen, as an apology, I'll prepare a bottle of Kondo for you wine king."

Kondo's Wine King!

This is the real wine king with a price but no market. Only the old man in the family is qualified to drink such good wine.

Unexpectedly, Luo Yixin was able to come up with a bottle of Wine King, which shocked them a little.

Bai Nuan seized the opportunity of everyone stunned, and immediately ran out.

The thin monkey man and the fat-headed man with a double chin were the first to react.

However, she had only run a few steps when she was stopped by two people at the door.

The thin monkey man stroked his chin, and smiled sinisterly: "Brother has been a soldier for a few years anyway, if I let you run away, I won't have the face to follow Young Master Chen."

Seeing that Bai Nuan was stopped, the fat man with double chin suddenly showed a look of anger in his eyes, unexpectedly Luo Yixin almost tricked him.

He lifted Xiao Chen's collar, looked down at him, and said with a sneer, "Luo Yixin, you dare to tease us, you are quite brave!"

Chen Yun put down the wine glass, looked at Luo Yixin, and said calmly: "Luo Yixin, if you don't give me an explanation for today's matter, you are going to be reincarnated!"

Hearing Chen Yun's statement, everyone immediately sneered.

The fat-headed man with a double chin set an example by punching Luo Yixin hard in the stomach.


The fat-headed man with a double chin is muscular. He has practiced boxing for several years. Luo Yixin's eyes were bulging and his mouth was bulging with a full blow. He was so painful that he arched into a hero and lay on the ground non-stop. twitch.

Seeing Luo Yixin's miserable appearance, Bai Nuan hurriedly exclaimed: "Luo Yixin, are you okay..."

And since this group of people felt that they had no scruples about beating Luo Yixin, their status must be higher than Luo Yixin's, and they obviously looked down on Luo Yixin's background.

Sure enough, the fat-headed man with a double chin stepped on Luo Yixin's head, and said with a sneer, "Luo Yixin, if you hadn't provided Young Master Chen with a meeting place today, and given you two points of noodles, you would still take yourself seriously is it?"

The fat-headed man with a double chin kicked Luo Yixin in the stomach again as he spoke.


Luo Yixin screamed terribly, with blood foaming from his mouth, he struggled to grab the shoes of the fat man with double chins, and looked at Chen Yun: "Young Master Chen, I'm sorry..."

Luo Yixin, who is usually majestic and dignified, was beaten by these young people, and he dared not even fight back!

Bai Nuan stood where she was, her face was a little pale, and she felt a little desperate.

Seeing Bai Nuan's despair, Chen Yun showed a playful smile: "If you don't want to watch him get beaten, come over and have a few glasses of wine with me and let me play, otherwise, neither you nor Luo Yixin will get along well today. end."

"You!" Bai Nuan was so angry that her face turned green, she felt extremely aggrieved, these people were too shameless.

Just when Bai Nuan was about to take out his mobile phone to call the police, he heard someone behind him say, "Why don't I have a few drinks with you?"

It's a man's voice.

Bai Nuan was very familiar with this voice.

As soon as Bai Nuan turned around, he saw Xiao Chen standing at the door with a smile on his face.

"Xiao Chen!" Bai Nuan looked at Xiao Chen excitedly, and the uneasy eyes disappeared immediately.

Xiao Chen waved his hands, fixed his eyes on Chen Yun, and said word by word: "I'll drink with you, how about it?"

They thought Bai Nuan's backer was Luo Yixin.

So when Luo Yixin was dealt with, they thought that Bai Nuan would weaken.

Just when they thought their matter was settled, another young man appeared.

After seeing Xiao Chen coming, Luo Yixin squeezed out a smile, and said to Xiao Chen with difficulty: "Boss..."

I heard Luo Yixin call Xiao Chen the boss.

Everyone's eyes fell on Xiao Chen at once. Since Xiao Chen dared to stand out, it showed that he had a background.

Xiao Chen saw Luo Yixin who was trampled on the ground by a fat man with a double chin. He took a quick look and found that Luo Yixin's injuries were not serious.

Being swept away by Xiao Chen, the fat-headed man with a double chin immediately let go of his feet, and lifted Luo Yixin up from the ground.

It is clear at a glance what the situation is.

Luo Yixin was humiliated and beaten to protect Bai Nuan!
Seeing the unharmed Bai Nuan, Xiao Chen's heart warmed, but his chest seemed to be blocked by something, which made him a little uncomfortable.

Xiao Chen nodded to him, and said: "It's okay, your injuries are not serious, don't worry."

Then Xiao Chen glanced at the audience, and said: "Luo Yixin is my Xiao Chen's brother, and if you mess with him, you're messing with me. You have to give me an explanation for today's matter."

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Luo Yixin's brain exploded, and a feeling of emotion surged straight up from the bottom of his heart to Tianling Gai. He couldn't tell what it was like, but he felt something rushing from his chest. out.

(End of this chapter)

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