Chapter 49
Chapter 51

Zhao family.

Zhao Jiadi was lying on the bed, his whole body was covered with bandages, only his eyes were exposed.

After receiving Xiao Chen's instructions, Lord Tiger immediately beat Zhao Jiadi half to death, even ruined his face, the method was not indifferent.

"Dad, you must avenge me. I want that bitch's family and that bitch, bastard to die a terrible death." Zhao Jia's voice was hoarse, and he said to a middle-aged man sitting in front of the bed. .

Zhao Jiadi's father's name was Zhao Pinggui.

While the Zhao family is doing their own business, there are still people working in the bank. It can be said that these years have been flourishing.

Zhao Jiadi's father is the president of one of the banks in Fengcheng, with great power.

"There is only one way to hurt my son's Bai family, and that is death." Zhao Pinggui's face was gloomy, and his voice was indifferent.

A hint of doubt appeared in Zhao Jiadi's eyes: "Will freezing their accounts really make them more difficult to survive?"

"Hehe." Zhao Pinggui showed a cruel smile on his face: "Son, you are still too young, no matter how the Bai family company has a scale of hundreds of millions, they can go to someone to borrow money if their company is frozen.

Fill the hole in that fund first, and after two weeks our bank will unfreeze his account. "

"What about Dad? Then they didn't suffer any losses?"

Zhao Pinggui chuckled: "Their company accounts have been frozen, so if they want to survive, they have to find someone to borrow money.

But what they want to borrow is not a small amount, and they must lend money to tens of millions or hundreds of millions within today or tomorrow.

Apart from looking for bank loans, who would lend them money?

As long as they find a bank to borrow money, won't it fall into my hands again?

Although I am only the president of a bank, I know the presidents of every bank in Fengcheng, and I greet my old friends.

They can only borrow money in one bank, and they cannot borrow money in all other banks.

As long as, today, as long as they come to the bank to borrow money, the Bai family and the bitch and bastard who hurt you can treat them whatever they want. "

Zhao Jia's eyes lit up: "As expected, Dad is better than you."

"Hehe." Zhao Pinggui sneered: "Our Zhao family has been in Fengcheng for so many years, it is not a problem to buy the shares of their company.

As long as they dare to borrow money, the shares of their company will fall into our hands.

And the fate of their family is under our control. "

Hearing Zhao Pinggui's words, Zhao Jia's eyes showed raging anger.

the other side.

Bai Nuan had a quick breakfast early in the morning, and went out to find a way.

Xiao Chen called and called Chen Tiance out

"Xiao Chen, what's the matter, you called me out early in the morning."

"That's right." Xiao Chen told the story of the Bai family company's account being frozen by the bank.

"I'm going to make a phone call and ask who did it?"

5 minutes later.Chen Tiance hung up the phone: "Don't worry about Xiao Chen, he's just a clown who can't threaten you.

I can make a phone call right now and take care of this for you. "

Xiao Chen thought for a few minutes: "I said that I don't need to deal with this matter in a hurry, since the Zhao family dares to attack me, then I'll give them a tough one too, Tiance will trouble you and help me get ready.

When I see the right time, I will call you and ask you to help me solve this matter. "

"It's okay, why are we talking about this between brothers?"

"Tian Fang said that he would take you out to play in two days."

"Okay, no problem."

After receiving the guarantee from Chen Tiance, Xiao Chen left.

Half a day passed, and Bai Nuan ran through almost all the banks in Fengcheng.

But every bank turned her down for a loan, and even the manager wouldn't come out to meet him.

This made Bai Nuan more and more anxious, Bai Nuan was sitting in the last bank that hadn't run yet.

She was waiting anxiously.

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, a middle-aged man with a big belly came out. He was the president of the bank.

"I once asked you to come." Bai Nuan walked up quickly: "What do you say about the loan?"

Zeng Li said in an official tone, "Miss Bai, I have submitted the loan information, but it should go through a little procedure, which will take about three to five days."

Three to five days, that would take a week.

"Zeng Li, please think of a way, our company will lose a lot of money in a week, and I don't have that much money now,
Our company's products are still relatively high-quality, and the materials and procedures are very good. Could you please accommodate me? "

Manager Sun sneered in his heart, and said on the face: "Miss Bai, I know your difficulties, but the process is the process, no one can break the process, just wait for the news."

Zeng Li left after speaking.

Bai Nuan's face was particularly ugly.

I finally came across a bank that could lend me a loan, but it took three to five days to wait.

How can you live these three to five days?

The more Bai Nuan thought about it, the more anxious she became.Are you going to borrow usury?
Apart from the bank, there is only usury left, which can lend her so much cash in a very short period of time.

But usury interest rates are too high.

She thought about it and decided to wait for the bank to go through the process.

When Xiao Chen returned home, he heard Bai Shaowu scolding:
"My Bai's company has a scale of hundreds of millions, and there are so many banks. They don't borrow any money. They are too much. Is it in line with the process? It is a crime for them to do so."

Bai Nuan sighed: "Dad, it's useless for you to say these things, they are also going through the formal process."

When the three of them were silent, Xiao Chen walked in: "Honey, how about the loan?"

"Shut up, do you have the right to speak here? If it weren't for you, would you have this matter?" Shan Rao cursed when she saw Xiao Chen.

"Don't you say you can solve it? You solve it and show us, just idle around all day long!"

"How can my Bai family have such a wimp like you?!"

Xiao Chen frowned, he could have solved this matter today, but he didn't let Chen Tiance do it immediately, but let the bullet fly for a while, he just wanted to pass this matter to test.

"Okay." Bai Nuan waved impatiently and said, "A bank has already agreed to lend us a loan, but it will take three to five days. Now we just need to wait in peace, don't talk about it, let's sit down and eat."

Several people are sitting at the table.

"Why is the food so slow today?" Bai Shaowu slammed the table and shouted towards the kitchen, "Why hasn't the food been served yet? What time is it? Are you trying to starve us to death?

Did we pay you to do this? "

Just when Xiao Chen wondered why Xiao's mother wasn't around.

A familiar voice was heard from the kitchen.

"It's coming, it's coming."

I saw Mother Xiao coming out of the kitchen with bowls and chopsticks and food in her hands, wearing the staff's cleaning clothes.

Xiao Chen immediately stood up and went up to help his mother carry things: "Mom, what are you doing? Why did you go to cook? These should be made by the nanny."

Shan Rao said, "Nanny, I asked her to resign."

"Then you let my mother do the laundry and cook?" Xiao Chen roared: "My mother just recovered from a serious illness, so you let her do this kind of thing."

Xiao's mother held Xiao Chen back: "Chen'er's mother is in good health now, anyway, I don't have anything else to do at home, so I can just wash and cook for you."

(End of this chapter)

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