Chapter 383

Chapter 449

"Once these guys lower their prices or start to expand what they want to buy as much as possible, it will be difficult for the top ten families to guarantee that they will not form a new union with them."

"Originally, after the strong rise of the Bai family, people from the top ten families have begun to pay attention to us. What they have to be careful about is whether we will enter the ranks of the top ten families?"

"Under such circumstances, they cannot easily miss any opportunity that might improve our resources."

"So do you think it is really possible for the top ten families to extend an olive branch to them?" Bai Nuan still looked at Xiao Chen in surprise.

Xiao Chen nodded.

"But they looked down on you in the past. If I cooperate with them, I still feel a little unwilling."

When Bai Nuan said this, he couldn't help but let out a cold snort.

Why do these guys look down on Xiao Chen?Compared with Xiao Chen's strength, their strength was still far behind.

"So, we have to call them into the room even more. Only in this way can we break up all their past pride and make them pay for these things."

Xiao Chen continued to say with a smile.

Hearing this, Bai Nuan no longer expressed any rejection attitude towards Xiao Chen. Although she is still in charge of this company now, Xiao Chen will rarely take the initiative to intervene in the company's internal affairs, but once She would not show any objection to Xiao Chen's decision.

Since Xiao Chen felt that cooperation with them would bring greater benefits, it was naturally impossible for him to refuse Xiao Chen's request.

A few minutes later, the secretary appeared in Bai Nuan's office with several men in suits.

It can be seen that these guys have endured great pressure in the past, and each of them is showing a state of exhaustion and malaise.

The leader's name was Wu Haolun, and he had just appeared in front of Xiao Chen and Bai Nuan, and he had a flattering smile on his face.

"I'm really sorry to bother you today."

"There is really nothing we can do, so I hope you can give us this chance and stop oppressing us."

Listening to the other party's words, Bai Nuan only sneered and said.

"I don't know what you are talking about. When did I oppress you? Don't forget that the cooperation between the two parties was ended by you yourself, and it has nothing to do with me. "

When everyone heard Bai Nuan's words, their expressions froze slightly, and then a bitter smile appeared again.

"In fact, we were the ones who cut off our cooperation at the beginning. Didn't we get fooled by eating lard at the time, and accidentally misread it!"

"It is precisely because we made mistakes in the past that we all come together today, hoping to obtain your forgiveness."

"Mr. Bai, we really know we were wrong. Please forgive us this time. We promise that similar situations will never happen again in the future. We hope that our cooperation can continue."

"But how do I know that you won't cut off the relationship with me again in the future?" Bai Nuan still had an indifferent attitude.

"Since when Zhou Tianhao dealt with us before, you were able to stand on Zhou Tianhao's side immediately, choose to stop cooperation with us, and even if you pay liquidated damages, you must never continue with us."

"Then if there is another Li family, Wang family or one of the other top ten families, will you treat me in the same way?"

Bai Nuan asked them coldly.

When everyone heard Bai Nuan's words, they began to show a bit of embarrassment.

Although they felt that the things Bai Nuan said were unlikely to happen at all, but since Bai Nuan had already mentioned it, it seemed that they had to give Bai Nuan a statement today.

Otherwise, this cooperation is absolutely impossible.

After Wu Haolun blinked a few times, he finally made up his mind.

"Don't worry, we can sign an exclusive cooperation agreement with your company, and we can even make an agreement with you to prepay the goods in advance, so that even if our company has any risk of default at that time, everything The loss will be borne by our company, and it will definitely not have any impact on your company."

Wu Haolun gritted his teeth and said.

The other bosses standing behind him twitched slightly when they heard Wu Haolun's condition.

This condition does not conform to the practice in the industry at all.

On weekdays, if they want to buy any medicines or get any products for sale, they only need to place an order, and then wait until the things are in their hands and suppress the other party for a few months before handing over the money to the other party .

Today's settlement method can be regarded as completely breaking the practice of cooperation between them first.

But now, Bai Nuan and the others are standing above.

Now, even if they have too much reluctance in their hearts, they can only grit their teeth and continue.

Ever since Xiao Chen won the competition, the Zhou family began to plummet, and they, a group of people who originally turned against the Bai family and joined forces with the Zhou family, naturally also received great rejection from time to time.

Those who originally cooperated with the Zhou family were worried that they would rob the Zhou family of resources, so they never gave any chance to cooperate when facing them.

Those who did not cooperate with the Zhou family clamored that they were all traitors, trying to exclude them from the industry.

Although there was not enough time for the medical conference to end, in just a few days, they had already fully felt what it meant to be warm and cold.

Now Bai Nuan's words.Although they didn't give them an affirmative answer, they at least gave them a little hope, so everyone could only grit their teeth and agree, and didn't dare to delay any delay in this kind of thing.

After Bai Nuan heard the conditions put forward by Wu Haolun, he couldn't help feeling a little bit of love in his heart, but he still spoke slowly on his face.

"The condition you gave is really generous."

"It can even be said that such a condition is unique in the pharmaceutical industry."

(End of this chapter)

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