Abandoned by the strongest giants

Chapter 348 You Ask Me For Money

Chapter 348 You Ask Me For Money
Chapter 409 You Ask Me For Money
"You just need to tell me, why spend so much words here?"

Bai Shaowu replied to Xiao Chen impatiently.

"Of course it is An Runxing. He invested the most in this competition, so the amount of funds he can get is also the largest."

"In this case, then go to him and get the money back."

Bai Shaowu continued.

Shan Rao at the side also echoed loudly.

"That's right, you've earned him so much money, you have to get this part of the money back, otherwise, wouldn't you be losing money?"

"If you hadn't invited Miracle Doctor Chen, An Runxing and the others would never have won this competition. He should have given you more money no matter what."

Bai Nuan next to him didn't expect his parents to make such an outrageous request, so he couldn't help but speak.

"Mom and Dad, isn't what you're saying unreasonable? Now that Xiao Chen has been allocated several hundred million, why should he continue to give Xiao Chen money?"

"What's more, even if he earned a lot of money because of Dr. Chen, this situation happened because he invested in this competition. If Xiao Chen and the others lose, the other party's investment Those funds naturally evaporated."

"We won't be able to supplement other people's funds at that time, so of course we don't have any strength to demand compensation from others now."

Bai Nuan tried to convince his parents on this matter, but for Shan Rao and the others, getting more money from Xiao Chen was their ultimate goal today.

Shan Rao roared angrily at Bai Nuan.

"This is a matter between me and Xiao Chen, who allowed you to meddle in this matter at will?"

"I want Xiao Chen to help me find An Runxing to ask for money, of course I have my own reasons, why are you jumping out in such a hurry?"

"If there was no Xiao Chen this time, would he have earned so much money? Of course the money has to be divided among Xiao Chen."

"Now that he has earned so much money, why are you mentioning the money he lost to me in this place? He didn't lose money in the first place. What's more, what does it matter to me whether he loses money or not?"

At this time, Shan Rao was still plausible, Bai Nuan only felt that his parents had got into Qian'er.

She felt that she no longer knew how to continue reasoning with her mother.

At this time, Bai Nuan was still thinking about the way he spoke, and Bai Shaowu beside him couldn't wait to attack her again.

"Since you are in charge of the company now, I don't want you to be so merciful as in the past."

"Which company's boss doesn't want more and more money in his company, how can there be a stupid woman like you? He even forcibly pushed out the money that could have been in his hands."

"If I can start those shareholders' meetings now, I can't wait to drive you away from the shareholders' meeting."

In a few words, Bai Shaowu simply shifted the topic to Bai Nuan's management of the company.

Listening to his father's words, Bai Nuan couldn't help showing a bit of sadness in his eyes.

Sure enough, the treatment between her and Xiao Chen was similar, no matter how hard she tried, as long as she couldn't satisfy her parents once, then in the eyes of her parents, she was a guy who was not filial and had little ability.

Bai Shaowu's gaze was fixed on Xiao Chen's body, and he continued to brush with a gloomy expression.

"You don't have to think that I'm deliberately embarrassing you here. All I'm doing now is to hope that you can have more guaranteed funds in the future."

"An Runxing has earned so much money. He should have taken the initiative to give you a red envelope. How can we just pretend that this didn't happen? Since these guys are already so thick-skinned, of course we have to get it from the other party's hands. We got the money we deserved.”

"Don't worry, if An Runxing dares to perfuse you with these things, you just need to show these things to everyone at that time, and everyone will naturally know who is responsible for this time."

After Bai Shaowu finished speaking, seeing that Xiao Chen did not show any resistance to him, he smiled with satisfaction.

From the looks of it now, this guy is just a wimp, no matter what kind of request he makes, Xiao Chen will agree.

Although he looked down on Xiao Chen in his heart, Bai Shaowu continued to say on the face: "Go to find An Runxing early tomorrow morning, and let him invest as much money into your hands as possible." inside."

"Remember, if he is not willing to give money, then let them connect this matter with people in the upper class as much as possible. These guys usually value their reputation the most, so they are absolutely unwilling to do it for this. A sum of money will lose his image in everyone's mind."

When Bai Shaowu said this, he looked full of confidence, as if he had already done countless times on this matter in the past.

He looked so grateful for being him, and looked at Xiao Chen with an urge to vomit.

Sure enough, his father-in-law and mother-in-law were only thinking about money, and they never thought about how much impact it would have on his development in this industry if these things were really done.

Bai Nuan next to her saw that her father actually made such a request to embarrass Xiao Chen. Just as she was about to argue with her father, Xiao Chen held Bai Nuan firmly.

"Even if you are persuading me about this matter, it is of no use."

"For them, if there is no way to get the money into their own hands, I'm afraid it's impossible for them to let it go."

Xiao Chen whispered something to Bai Nuan.

At this time, he couldn't help feeling a bit of regret in his heart.

Before, he just thought that after giving the [-] million yuan to Shan Rao and the others, he would be able to spend a peaceful life in the next period of time, but he didn't expect the other party to be so insatiable.

But now that he has reached this point, it is no longer possible for him to reject their husband and wife, otherwise, in the next time, I am afraid that they will become more and more violent.

"I can ask An Runxing for money, but what should I do if I offend the other party because of this matter?"

"After all, the other party can be regarded as a respectable figure in the local area. I'm afraid that the other party may transfer his anger to the Bai family."

(End of this chapter)

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