Chapter 339
Chapter 399
After saying this sentence, Lao Wang showed off to Bai Shaowu again, saying that he could get at least [-] million profit from this profit, and then hung up the phone.

As for Bai Shaowu, he looked at the phone in front of him and was stunned for a long time, not knowing how he should react.

What the hell is going on in this world?This guy Xiao Chen actually won this exchange conference, Shan Rao who was next to him asked anxiously to Bai Shaowu.

"what happened to you?"

"Did something happen?"

After hearing these questions from Shan Rao, Bai Shaowu came back to his senses, and quickly told all the news he just got from Lao Wang's mouth.

When Bai Nuan heard this, a look of ecstasy began to appear on his face.

"Xiao Chen, you actually won."

"Hahaha, we don't need to worry about compensating those funds."

As for Shan Rao, she stared at Xiao Chen's face in disbelief.

"How is this possible? How could he win the competition this time? Could it be that the people who appeared in the medical technology exchange conference this time are just some idiots?"

"Did this guy, Old Wang, make a mistake? How could Xiao Dust, a wimp like Xiao Chen, win?"

Bai Shaowu shook his head, denying all the doubts Shan Rao said.

"It should be impossible. After all, Old Wang has already personally appeared at the game site. If there is a problem, it is impossible for Old Wang to call me now."

Shan Rao asked Xiao Chen.

"Then explain to me why you won this competition, did you cheat during the competition?"

Bai Nuan next to him heard these words from his mother, and his face began to show anger again, and he said loudly to his mother.

"How can you talk to Xiao Chen with such an attitude? Xiao Chen actually won the competition, so he relied on his own real evidence. Why do you slander Xiao Chen?"

Shan Rao poohed directly at Bai Nuan.

"What kind of bullshit real evidence, how come I have never seen him show any real evidence in the past few years since he joined our family?"

"Those who can participate in this medical conference are all those who have a strong development in the medical industry. If Xiao Chen cheated, then he should seize the time to tell all the things he did, and then we will If he should apologize, if he should compensate others, he will compensate them."

"How can we cover up this kind of thing? Once someone finds out, our family will have nothing to eat and go away."

"But Xiao Chen did win the competition. What you are saying now is nothing but groundless slander."

Bai Nuan also planned to argue with his mother a few more words.

But Shan Rao refused to listen to what Bai Nuan said at all, she could fix her eyes on Xiao Chen, and she was still waiting for Xiao Chen to give her a new answer.

At this time, the phone on the desktop rang again, and after Bai Shaowu answered the phone, he heard his brother on the other end of the phone yelling directly at him.

"I found out why you are such a despicable and shameless fellow. Since Xiao Chen knew Miracle Doctor Chen, why didn't you tell me in the past time?"

"Do you know that I suppressed Zhou Tianhao this time, and as a result, I have already lost tens of millions, you bastard."

"Let me tell you, if you don't make up for the tens of millions of losses, then don't blame me for being rude to you."

The person on the other end of the phone yelled at Bai Shaowu, and Shan Rao who was next to him had already heard all of this.

At this moment, the two of them could no longer care about these arguments on the phone, but hurriedly approached Xiao Chen, and asked him loudly.

"How did you know Miracle Doctor Chen?"

"Is it because of Dr. Chen that we won the competition this time?"

Xiao Chen thought that he would continue to conceal his strength in front of them, so he simply nodded at the two of them.

"That's right, the reason why we won this time is entirely because of Dr. Chen."

With Xiao Chen's words, Bai Nuan beside him began to smile brighter, and she felt that Xiao Chen could do everything.

Shan Rao still had an angry look on his face.

"Since you know Miracle Doctor Chen, why can't you tell us all these things?"

"If you told us, wouldn't all this money fall into our pockets, and now we have lost hundreds of millions for no reason."

At this time, Shan Rao couldn't help but began to think, if Xiao Chen won the competition according to the part of Bai Nuan's investment before, wouldn't they be able to get more than a billion yuan?

But now all of this has all been in vain.

And the reason why such a situation happened is entirely because Xiao Chen hid it and didn't dare to tell him the contacts he had in his hands. When Bai Nuan heard that his mother started to criticize Xiao Chen again , said anxiously.

"How can you put the blame on Xiao Chen again? Back then Xiao Chen always said that he hoped you could invest, but you didn't believe in Xiao Chen at all. Now that you won the competition, why did you show it to Xiao Chen?" Such an accusatory attitude?"

Shan Rao's expression froze instantly, and then continued to speak unreasonably.

"The reason why I didn't let the investment back then was because I was worried that Xiao Chen would lose the game?"

"And who told Xiao Chen to have cooperated with Chen Miracle Doctor, but didn't let us know anything about it?"

If he directly said that he and Dr. Chen are united, do you think we will still show rejection in this matter?

"That's Dr. Chen, and he's not a cat or a dog. If he appears, there will probably be more investment personnel, but this guy Xiao Chen is obviously trying to trick us on purpose."

"He just doesn't want us to have more funds in our hands, so that he can't stop laughing at us in front of us. All he has done is to make the money in his hands far exceed the amount we have. "

Almost in an instant, Shan Rao had directly found a very reasonable excuse for Xiao Chen's actions. Xiao Chen stared at the other party's words and felt speechless for a while.

Sure enough, it was wishful thinking for him to clarify these matters with Shan Rao.

Bai Nuan watched her mother go too far, and interrupted her directly.

(End of this chapter)

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