Chapter 331
Chapter 391
Xiao Chen's medical skills were not only good, he could even be regarded as a genius doctor.

Seeing the changes in everyone's expressions, Dr. Zhong next to him couldn't help but speak.

"How could such absurd things happen in this world?"

"Xiao Chen, you can't just make up a rather strange reason here in order to win the competition, so that everyone can't refute you?"

Xiao Chen listened to Miracle Doctor Zhong's words, and gave Miracle Zhong a hard look.

The reality of the situation had already been presented before him, and this guy, Dr. Zhong, actually wanted to continue messing around with him on this kind of matter.

"If you think this thing is impossible, please explain why there are two kinds of blood in his body."

"During the verification, you happened to be at this place, and you have seen everything clearly. There should be no way to question the results of this test, right?"

Doctor Zhong frowned tightly, but there was really no way to refute what Xiao Chen said. After all, the test was carried out in front of the eyes of so many people, no matter how capable he was, he couldn't directly Denied the test results.

Seeing that Miracle Doctor Zhong still had an unconvinced expression, Xiao Chen simply continued talking.

"Actually, if you still can't believe it, you can directly verify his body."

"It's just that if you want to carry out the steps required for this verification, it will start to become a lot more troublesome. You need to open his chest, and then cut part of the cells on the surface of his heart, so as to confirm that two types of cells have appeared. .”

"But I think that since everyone came to this place today, the purpose is to treat this patient. There is really no need to waste too much time on these useless things."

All the doctors nodded their heads.

What Xiao Chen said has profound truth, no matter whether the patient has one heart or two hearts in his body, the most important thing is what method to use to help him. The patient is treated.

If it is two types of heart cells, it means that the difficulty of treating it will become more and more difficult, so everyone is even more curious about what method Li Xiao Chen is going to use to solve this problem.

"Then how do you think it should be treated?"

The doctor in charge of this man continued to ask Xiao Chen.

"There are two methods of treatment."

"One of them is to determine where the part of his brother's heart is, and then cut that part of the heart so that his current heart is no longer affected by that part."

"It's just that if you want to perform this part of the cutting operation, I'm afraid the danger you need to suffer is high. After all, the other party's heart has not caused any greater damage to his heart, and has even formed a mutual symbiosis with his heart. In such a situation, if an operation is performed, it is likely to cause the death of the patient."

The doctors nodded one after another, and they continued to agree with Xiao Chen's words that heart surgery has always been a difficult point in all surgeries.

After all, if you want to cut such a small place, it takes the hearts of the doctors to complete it smoothly.

Now that so much heart tissue has to be cut off, once the patient's body is unable to support it, it will cause huge damage to his recovery.

"There is another situation, that is to directly seal that part of the patient's heart, using silver needles to seal off his acupuncture points, and then prevent him from continuing to participate in the blood supply of this heart in the subsequent period of time."

"As long as the patient's body is restrained, there will be no other problems with his body."

After hearing Xiao Chen's words, everyone nodded subconsciously, but this time they stopped on Xiao Chen with shocked eyes.

What Xiao Chen said had profound truth indeed, but to suppress the blood supply of a person's heart, this was not comparable to surgery.

"After all, every acupoint is integrated. If they seal one of the acupoints, then the opponent is likely to get out from the other acupoint."

At that time, if a bigger problem arises, it will be so simple to block half of the patient's heart with the silver needle.

If there is a little carelessness during the sealing process, it may also affect the heart on this side.

At that time, it may cause other troubles.

At this time, the apprentice of Miracle Doctor Zhong suddenly stood up and retorted to Xiao Chen.

"What nonsense!"

"Do you think you can convince everyone today by talking nonsense in this place?"

"Either you can do this thing smoothly, maybe everyone can barely agree with what you said, or you just keep your mouth shut, showing that you can't beat my master at all."

Although Divine Doctor Zhong heard what his apprentice said, he only touched his arm, and didn't show any intention to stop him.

Xiao Chen smiled, touched the three silver needles and walked directly to the patient.

"Since I have been able to propose such a treatment plan, it means that of course I can do it myself. On the contrary, you jumped out in a hurry. Of course, I thought you wanted to treat the patient and the body."

"So are you going to do it now? If you want to do it, I can give you this place."

While talking, Xiao Chen stretched out his hand, motioning for this apprentice to come forward.

After the apprentice cursed at Xiao Chen a few times, he finally returned to their team.

What are you kidding?Among these apprentices, the reason why he was able to become a fairly good one was because he was good at dancing and could always make the masters laugh with his cleverness.

But this does not mean that he has enough medical skills to be able to treat such a strange condition.

Now if he took the initiative to step forward, he would be humiliating himself in front of everyone.

This apprentice returned to everyone's team, Xiao Chen looked at him and sneered.

"I saw you jumping so fast, I thought your strength was very high, but now it seems that it's just verbal skills."

(End of this chapter)

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