Abandoned by the strongest giants

Chapter 259 You Swear To Me

Chapter 259 You Swear To Me

Chapter 310 You Swear To Me

She fixed her eyes on Xiao Chen, and said with a cold face.

"Xiao Chen, you swear now that if something goes wrong, you will have nothing to do with our family."

Listening to her mother's excessive request, Bai Nuan subconsciously wanted to stop her, but before she could open her mouth, Shan Rao gave her a cold reprimand.

"Shut up, if you dare to say one more word, you will have to divorce Xiao Chen today."

Seeing this, Bai Nuan had no choice but to silently glance at Xiao Chen, not daring to speak any more.

Seeing that his daughter finally calmed down, Shan Rao continued to talk to Xiao Chen.

"You swear now, and you have to tell all your investors."

"Today's matter has nothing to do with us. Everything came from your own thoughts, Xiao Chen. If there is any mistake at that time, we absolutely do not allow any involvement between them and our family. "

"Of course, since our family doesn't take risks, we don't care about your interests. So, don't say that you have doubled your money, even if you have made hundreds of billions, there is nothing between us. It has nothing to do with it."

"But last time I got the compensation from someone else, didn't you also take this part of the compensation into your own hands?"

Xiao Chen looked at Shan Rao with a bit of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

On weekdays, he treats the other party as Bai Nuan's parents, and he has given him a lot of face, but they are not only dissatisfied, but they continue to persecute him again and again.

That being the case, he would not suggest exposing all the truths that the other party has done in the past.

Sure enough, a look of embarrassment instantly appeared on Shan Rao's face, and Bai Shaowu next to him couldn't help but roared furiously.

"What are you trying to do?"

"Why, are you not going to swear?"

"I have to ask."

Xiao Chen shrugged his shoulders, not paying attention to Bai Shaowu's anger at all.

"Since that's all in the past, what are you still talking about here?"

"Since we made you swear this time, of course we will abide by these conditions."

"I'll tell you again, as long as you don't get involved with our family, then no matter how much you earn, it has nothing to do with us."

"Then what if you put your hands into this profit again?"

Xiao Chen also continued to speak aggressively.

He didn't want himself to be taken advantage of in everyone's mind time and time again.

"If we dare to intervene again, then I will be hit by thunder!"

Bai Shaowu roared angrily.

Shan Rao who was next to him was dissatisfied when he heard Bai Shaowu's words so seriously, but he looked at Xiao Chen and finally didn't say anything more.

For them, the most important thing now is not to let these things involve themselves.

Therefore, these vows she made were temporarily ignored.

Only then did Xiao Chen nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, if this is the case, then I also swear that this matter has absolutely nothing to do with you."

"Whether this matter is a loss or a gain, I, Xiao Chen, will bear all the responsibilities and powers by myself, and there will be no involvement with the Bai family."

Xiao Chen said with a smile.

After his words fell, Huo Xiuxiu who was beside him shook the phone in his hand at Xiao Chen.

"I hope you will do what you say. I have recorded all the things you just posted."

Xiao Chen snorted coldly at the other party, and then shifted his gaze to the two of Shan Rao.

"Now, since this matter is over, can Bai Nuan and I leave this place?"

"Of course not, you have to transfer all those funds back."

Shan Rao continued.

"This time you have absorbed so many shareholders' funds. I don't believe that Bai Nuan didn't transfer the funds to you in private. You transferred all the money back to us."

After the words fell, Shan Rao said with emotion.

"This daughter is really extroverted. If I knew this, I might as well not let her participate in the company's management."

Xiao Chen nodded, just as he was about to order someone to operate, Huo Xiuxiu next to him said suddenly.

"I don't think there is any need to transfer this amount of funds back. Didn't those shareholders who supported Xiao Chen already say that as long as Xiao Chen is willing, they can invest more funds?"

"Then simply treat this part of the money as their investment, and then deduct all their dividends from the annual dividends. Wouldn't this reduce the transfer fee?"

Huo Xiuxiu smiled smugly.

In this way, those shareholders will be more and more tied to Xiao Chen, and if any problems arise, these shareholders will not be able to gain a complete foothold in the company.

When Shan Rao and the others heard Huo Xiuxiu's words, their eyes lit up instantly.

"That's right, that's a pretty good sentence."

"Then if this is the case, just give them a contract directly, hurry up and let them sign the contract, and avoid any disputes at that time."

Shan Rao gave orders to her daughter.

Bai Nuan sighed helplessly, seeing his parents' persevering faces, he didn't continue to evade, and had no choice but to dial the phone to those shareholders who supported Xiao Chen just now.

Fortunately, these shareholders didn't have any intention to shirk, and after a few minutes, they returned to the company and signed the contract with Bai Nuan again.

After calculating the reinvested funds of these shareholders, it was found that the amount of their funds far exceeded Bai Nuan's original investment in Xiao Chen, Shan Rao and the others laughed even happier.

As far as they are concerned, they are not optimistic about Xiao Chen's investment at all. The more losses these shareholders will suffer, the more shares their family will hold in the company.

If the company develops well, they can also take this opportunity to improve their family's status in the upper class, which can be regarded as a great thing for the two who have spent their lives seeking fame and fortune.

After Bai Nuan's parents took the contract and left contentedly, Bai Nuan sat on the sofa with large tears falling from his eyes.

Xiao Chen looked at Bai Nuan's appearance, and after sighing, he simply sat aside and hugged Bai Nuan into his arms.

"Xiao Chen, I'm sorry, if it wasn't for me, such a thing would not have happened this time."

(End of this chapter)

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