Chapter 98 Wine

The convoy full of food came back slowly from afar. There were more than [-] trucks carrying nearly [-] tons of various food, and the current population of the gathering place could eat for at least a year.

And Zhu Yingyi's party has reaped a lot of harvest, collecting all the agricultural machinery that was searched nearby.Several fuel tank trucks were all filled up, and the remaining fuel reserves at several nearby gas stations were strictly guarded.

Zhu Yingyi led the people to try to harvest a few acres of land, and the yield per mu could basically reach 1200 catties.It must be known that the normal output of sorghum is only seven to eight hundred catties, but wild sorghum without any care can reach this figure. Before the disaster, it can be described as a fantasy.

There are 900 million mu of arable land in the oil city, but only 20 mu of farmland near the power plant.Excluding tobacco, watermelon, etc., the real land for growing food is [-] mu.Sorghum is less than [-] mu.

And just these 6000 acres of sorghum accounted for [-] tons, and the yields per acre of corn, rice, wheat, and sweet potatoes that I had grown before were all exaggerated to the extreme.For example, the yield per mu of sweet potatoes is usually [-] kilograms.

No wonder Company Commander Li said that there is no shortage of food in the last days. One is the death of a large number of people. The remaining population can't consume so much supplies. Now, adding an exaggerated yield per mu, even if no one takes care of it, it is more than before the disaster. output.

During dinner, Zhang Wei asked Zhu Yingyi who was on the side: "Second Lieutenant Zhu, can you contact the military department? Is there any shortage of food in the military department? Can the excess food be handed over? The harvested food is too much now, and the use time is far beyond the storage period It’s too wasteful to let it break!”

Zhu Yingyi thought for a while and said, "It's definitely not necessary. The evolution of high-yielding crops is not limited to us. In addition to the remaining food reserves in the country, the military's tasks are also very heavy. The excess food belongs to throwing it there and no one cares about it. status."

Zhang Wei was rather depressed: "This is different from what I imagined. It stands to reason that food should be as expensive as gold during this season. It always feels a bit wasteful to throw away."

Then Zhang Weisheng shouted to the high-level people who were eating: "Think about it, everyone, now that the food is rich, is there any good way to consume it? If you think of it, there will be a reward, and the practical reward will be even bigger! Zombie vaccines and so on will do!"

During the heavy rain, the points were exchanged for equipment that strengthened Xiaoyu's skills. With the increased skill level, Xiaoyu almost healed the wounded sent by him, and Fuyu's energy just happened to make two vaccines.

As soon as Zhang Wei said this, everyone immediately fell into thinking. Although people with superpowers are immune to viruses, who doesn't have loved ones or friends?
"This. Er. Let me think about it."

"Feed! Turn it into pig feed! We can raise some livestock, pigs, cows and so on!"

"What's the use of that? Now most of the livestock are mutated. The mutated Damin pig last time can only be eaten by us supernatural beings. It doesn't solve the problem of the whole gathering place!"

"Let's listen to me, extracting oil! Unlike food, cooking oil requires a certain amount of craftsmanship, and it must be lacking in all parts of the country."

"This makes sense. We cannot avoid oil in our diet in the Celestial Dynasty. Life without oil and water is too miserable."

Zhang Wei listened to everyone's discussion, nodded and said: "This is okay. We can exchange it with the military department if we can't use it up. We can exchange some weapons and ammunition. Does anyone understand this? No?"

Cai Wenzhuo replied: "I will recruit the ordinary people in the gathering place later on. It probably won't be a problem, and I also have a suggestion from my side."

"I have something to say, Gen Jiujiu."

Cai Wenzhuo said with some embarrassment: "My father and grandfather have two generations of brewing. I learned a little bit by ear when I was a child. Over the years, I occasionally brew and drink by myself. The skills have not fallen. I remember that there seem to be wineries in the surrounding factories. How about "

Zhang Wei was not interested in drinks. Tie Jun on the side said: "What kind of winery? I love drinking so much, why didn't I hear that there is such a winery? Oh. You mean the one in the east? Which one makes alcohol? Ha ha ha ha."


Zhu Yingyi slapped the table and stood up and shouted: "I thought of it! Alcohol!"

Zhang Wei: "Damn it, can you stop being so exaggerated? Frighten me! What is alcohol?"

Zhu Yingyi looked a little excited, and there was a trace of flush on her fat face: "We can make alcohol from excess food. In addition to disinfection and blending with drinking wine, it can also be used for fuel! The technology of ethanol cars is very mature, and it is comparable to ordinary cars. The difference is that the engines are different, but they can all be manufactured.

In terms of fuel, no amount of food can be consumed without any waste!Considering that there is so much food in the country, it is estimated that many local governments will actually use this surplus food to raise pigs!This idea has saved at least 9.5 million tons of grain reserves in the country! "

Zhang Wei said in shock: "Can you stop scaring me? I'm just a small commander in a small gathering place. Can you set such a grand goal for me without moving? I haven't left Novice Village yet. Let me fight the boss! I'm a little panicked!"

Zhu Yingyi scratched her head, said with a slap on her palm, "I remember that last year the country consumed more than 7 million tons of oil. Tiejun, you guys who are involved in oil, should know better."

Tie Jun responded immediately: "About 2008 million tons in 4, and 2014 million tons in [-], and now it is estimated to be almost [-] million tons. But it is useless to calculate this? People die almost the same Besides, these oil consumptions also include industrial production, not just fuel consumption.”

Zhu Yingyi nodded: "You're right, you don't need that much now. 9.5 million tons of grain, based on what I knew when I was in school, can produce 2.8 million tons of alcohol? Five years of grain, less than half a year of fuel, no wonder The country does not use alcohol as fuel. The development of an ethanol car has not been mass-produced."

After Zhu Yingyi finished speaking, she turned her head to look at Zhang Wei, and continued to speak: "Wherever the food is stored now, it is also the fate of rotting. Why don't we turn waste into treasure, Commander Zhang, what do you think?"

Zhang Wei spread his hands and said: "You have said everything that can be said, so what should I say? Since Second Lieutenant Zhu strongly recommends it, then the matter is settled like this! Oil extraction, fodder, wine brewing, and alcohol production should all be studied carefully.

Cai Wenzhuo, make a plan tomorrow and allocate manpower.Lieutenant Zhu, please contact the military department again to see the feasibility of the idea, and it would be even better if you can support it at the application point.When the time comes to produce alcohol, the military will also benefit.

By the way, there are no ethanol cars in Northeast China!Don't have fuel at that time, no car! "

"Commander Zhang, don't worry, the Petroleum City itself has a car manufacturing plant, and ethanol cars have no technical differences except for the engine. When the time comes to counterattack the Petroleum City, let's make ethanol cars ourselves!"

Zhu Yingyi's eyes flickered with determination.

(End of this chapter)

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