Chapter 87
Rain keeps falling
"It's such a good weather to break up. It adds a bit of sadness."

After eating breakfast, Li Guoliang and his party started their own journey and returned to the army.Relying on the reliable performance of military vehicles, there should be no delays due to rain on the road.

It is difficult for the sun to penetrate the thick clouds, coupled with the continuous rainfall, the temperature that should have been gradually warm has calmed down.

Zhang Wei and the three members of the team sat in a circle and said casually.

Xiaoyu said: "What's the point of breaking up? If we break up, our legs will be discounted! Do you feel that the rain is a little lighter than last night? One bucket!"

Zhong Qianqian: "touch!"

Sun Wenyue looked out of the window and said: "I didn't feel it. In Greek mythology, there is a story about floods destroying the world. Prometheus told his son to build a ship, and Zeus was going to destroy the world with a flood. By the way, if anyone of you has a dream of flooding, we will enlighten you." Let’s build a boat. One chicken!”

Zhong Qianqian: "touch!"

Zhang Wei asked: "Noah's Ark? To be honest, should we exchange for a boat? S1 is Resident Evil, and S2 has the 2012 flood, the kind in the movie."

Xiaoyu looked at Zhang Wei with a mocking expression and said, "Noah's Ark is a Christian myth, and the pig's foot is called Deucalion in Greek mythology. You can call it Deucalion's Ark. Anyway, it doesn't matter. Except for the Celestial Dynasty, there is no flood in that mythology." ? We can also build a Zhang Wei Ark in the future!"

Zhang Wei immediately argued: "Who said there are no mythical stories about great floods in China?"

"Dayu controls the floods? That's not a fairy tale, it's the kind that wants the flood to destroy the world!"

"Gonggong's anger touched Buzhou Mountain! The sky leaked and rained heavily, and the human race was about to be wiped out, and then Nuwa mended the sky. Now think about it, the gods of the Celestial Dynasty are good to people, unlike foreign countries that will kill you every now and then!"

Zhong Qianqian: "Eh? Am I crazy? Can anyone help me take a look?"

Due to the heavy rain, most of the action plans were cancelled. Except for the necessary guard posts, everyone stayed at home.Since the apocalypse, every day has been a lot of work, tasks, and endless battles. I just take advantage of this time to give everyone a vacation and a good rest.

Tie Jun and Cai Wenzhuo knocked on the door, and they were not surprised to see Zhang Wei playing mahjong.What's more, he is still the commander!
Cai Wenzhuo bowed and said: "Commander Zhang, the statistical work on immigration has been completed. There are a total of 1147 people, including 123 males. Except for 12 teenagers, the remaining 111 are disabled soldiers.

There were 1024 females, most of them aged between 15 and 45.A small number have experience in working in factories, but none related to power generation.This is all the information.I put it on the table here. "

Seeing Wei Wei and others having a great time, Cai Wenzhuo knew enough not to disturb them.

Tie Jun gave a standard military salute and said: "Just now I removed some of the old workers of the power plant and brought back a full set of learning materials from the power plant. I heard from Second Lieutenant Zhu that the heavy rain will continue for a while. I will take advantage of this time to make up the theory first. Knowledge."

Zhang Wei asked: "Theoretical knowledge? Well, how long does it take to learn? Or based on the current situation, how long will it take for the power plant to resume operation?"

"A general understanding of theoretical knowledge is enough. It takes about two weeks to learn some superficial knowledge? Four years of university is not enough to learn it thoroughly! If you go back to work, it will take 20 days? Maybe you can hurry up."

"The resumption of work at the power plant is a top priority, and we ensure it is completed as quickly as possible. All resources in the entire gathering area will be tilted towards you!"


Hei Slipper was imprisoned in a corner of the factory building. Since he came to this world, Hei Slipper gradually lost his supernatural power, and even his physique was much weaker than that of ordinary people.Because of his death, the number of people guarding him has also decreased day by day.In the end, he was directly placed in the big cage, still in the dormitory, and he was taken a look at.

During this period of time, he performed quite well. He was allowed to come out to get some fresh air. It was okay to hang out with a dozen or so rough guys in the dormitory at ordinary times, but he was locked in his cage at night.

"Two preserved eggs!"

"A pair of sharp points! Do you want something? Four doubles, two kings, and one triple, haha, I win!"

At this time, the black slippers had notes all over his face, and his long flowing hair had been cut into a few inches. The black slippers, who had replaced the mage robe, said with an unlucky look: "Are you so lucky today? Are you out of character?" A thousand?"

The man with the flat head on the opposite side said: "Hey, I said Old Hei, this is your fault, can you call out a thousand if you don't catch it? I would like to bet and lose! Ten notes, right? Drink !"

Black Slipper has been fighting landlords with this group of people since noon, and has been playing until now, from the very beginning with sticking notes all over his face, to now blowing half a bottle with ten notes.The black slippers have a very poor capacity for alcohol, usually three or four bottles of beer can make people unconscious.

Hei Tuo Xia looked embarrassed, but as long as no one beat him, Hei Tuo Xia was very concerned about face!Unable to stand the crowd's cheers, he gritted his teeth and raised the bottle to drink!

Throwing the empty wine bottle, the face of the black slippers turned red!

"Let me tell you, me! Ubuno, Zhesi, black slippers, hereditary nobles! I never count my words, drink half a bottle if I say it!"

"Noble? Noble NB?"

The black slippers said proudly: "NB? That's quite NB! For example, I, the black slippers, who dare to say no to us in the territory? As long as I want to walk sideways, I can walk sideways if I want to. Just walk upright, even upside down!"

The flat-headed man agreed, "If you walk on your head every day, I think you're pretty awesome!"

Another young man who was playing together looked a little dark and seemed to be young: "Old Hei, what rights do nobles have? I heard they are all very rich? Can I sleep with the one I want to sleep with?"

Black Slipper proudly said: "The real nobility does not lie in wealth or power, but taste, connotation, and wisdom. Even if life is exhausted, it will grow old gracefully! Don't compare me with those Compared to the nouveau riche, I, Ubuno, am a true nobleman!"

"That is to say, most nobles are rich and powerful, and you are the only exception?"

Black Slippers obviously didn't expect the little young man's words to be so sharp, and he stood stunned on the spot!Then I burst into tears!
The little young man didn't mean to ridicule him, nor did he expect the black slippers to be so fragile, so he quickly comforted him.

"What's the matter, why are you excited!"

Hei Slipper cried bitterly, and said as if he was hammering his chest fiercely: "My family is very difficult! My mother told me since I was a child that children from poor families are already in charge of the family. I came to this place for my dream. I'm sorry, everyone, I lost my composure. Woo~woo~woo~woo~"

Seeing the black slippers crying with snot and tears, the little young man was a little confused.

The flat-headed man scratched his head and said, "Why do you feel that your lines are familiar?"

(End of this chapter)

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