Chapter 63 Carnival Dinner
Dazzling flames rose up, and the four huge speakers were powered on, playing music that was popular before the end of the world.On a simple stage, Cai Wenzhuo is wearing a neat suit to act as the host. I don't know that this old guy got it from you!
With a fake smile on his face, the old man raised the microphone artificially: "On this beautiful night, we gather here tonight. We are full of hope and vision, full of joy and excitement, and grandly hold the first carnival at the 1003 gathering place. Dinner! This is the joint efforts of all civilians to build”

This old man spoke in an old bureaucratic tone and nonsense, and he didn't care whether the audience could accept it or not. He didn't have the joyful atmosphere of an entertainment host.

Zhang Wei covered his face in the background, what happened to the sight of the school leader's opening speech?Zhang Wei even felt the gradually cooling smiles of the audience!
"Tie Jun! Go up and kick that old guy down! Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Tie Jun looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart, as if he had fallen asleep.

"Stop pretending to be dead for me, it's up to you!"

Tie Jun said with a coy look: "That feels a bit ashamed, isn't it good?"

Finish the calf!
Cai Wenzhuo on the stage was talking about excitement, and the foam flew straight from his mouth!Apparently, this old guy has two points of confidence in his literary talent. After talking nonsense for a full 5 minutes, he didn't repeat a single sentence, and he was very organized!When the sermon started, even Zhang Wei, who was winking desperately by the curtain, ignored it.

Unable to hold himself back any longer, Zhang Wei stepped onto the stage. This move finally awakened Cai Wenzhuo, who had fallen into immersion mode.

Cai Wenzhuo changed the topic: "Then now, our great commander, Second Lieutenant Zhang Wei, will give you a speech!"

Zhang Wei took Mike and shouted loudly: "I announce! 1003 gathering place, the first carnival, officially begins!"

As Zhang Wei's voice fell to the ground, several simple small fireworks rose into the sky, and the audience cheered excitedly!Thunderous applause came one after another.Zhang Wei clicked his lips, no wonder Cai Wenzhuo, an old man, loves to talk nonsense so much, this feels really good.

Zhang Wei turned around and left the stage, and Cai Wenzhuo followed in resentment.Cai Wenzhuo also realized at this time that no matter where he is, ignoring the leadership is a big problem.However, what Zhang Wei cares about is not whether the speech is the subject or not, but only the happiness.

In order to prevent Cai Wenzhuo from continuing, Wang Jiaying was directly replaced. As a good student, the little kid has participated in similar hosting activities.

Zhang Wei would like to stay and relax, but there are more important positions for him.Tonight's banquet cannot be missed, and ensuring the level of joy and safety is a must!It's sound and fireworks, if you don't pull out two monsters, the zombies are too useless.

Zhang Wei and Zhong Qianqian belonged to the fire team, living in the armored vehicle, ready to attack at any time!Sun Wenyue, Pang Dun, and Flashlight ambush at the highest point.This is considered to be the security team, the night will cover the zombies, and there is no sense of fatness, which makes people feel very uncertain.In addition, all combat members who did not participate in the banquet patrolled around, making sure not to miss a single zombie.

After Wang Jiaying appeared on the stage, she went directly to the heavy part and served the dishes!
According to the principle that food is like gold in the last days, even extremely unpalatable food is supplied in limited quantities, and most people cannot eat very full every day.And this time for everyone to have fun, all kinds of ingredients that are usually treasured are taken out, eggs, plastic meat, ham, fried food, etc. are not stingy.

Liquor, beer, and all kinds of drinks are not stingy. Under the pressure of the end of the world, how can you be happy if you don’t drink some alcohol to numb yourself?

Zhang Wei's understanding of creating happiness is only one thing, just drink it!

Fearing that everyone would not be able to let go, Xiaoyu was pulled out to serve as the atmosphere group, and even the sniper position was temporarily handed over to Sun Wenyue.

As soon as the music turned, a wild wolf disco, which was so popular that it was rotten, came from the stereo, and countless dances of a certain music celebrity scrambling to imitate danced on Xiaoyu's body!
The extremely brainwashing and familiar melody, dynamic beat, coupled with Xiaoyu's sexy figure and explosive dance moves, infected all the audience present.

“Everyone come with me!

Draw a dragon with me on the left
Draw a rainbow on your right

Come to the left and paint a rainbow with me
Draw another dragon on your right

Mark Aaron Kwok on your chest."

Zhang Wei was in the distance. In order to see more clearly, he directly set up a double-fold steel ladder on the armored vehicle, and looked into the field with a telescope. The sound of the world's best music could still be heard in Zhang Wei's ears.

"Wow. I didn't see it. Is this girl Xiaoyu really a dance instructor? This is a big sister in a nightclub! Your character design has collapsed again! Is this still the sweet and lovely you?" Zhang Wei endured while watching. Can't stop complaining.

Zhong Qianqian is only seventeen or eighteen years old, at the age where she is a little rebellious and full of yearning for things outside of school.In addition, she was a good girl before, and she was only interested in dancing, disco, etc., but she was unable to experience it due to her tutoring.According to statistics from a strange organization, the more well-behaved a girl is, the more she yearns for disco and other activities, especially wild disco!

"Sister Xiaoyu is so powerful! I'm so envious, brother Xiaowei, can you learn if I want to learn?"

At this time, Zhong Qianqian was holding a Steyr rifle and looked at Xiaoyu enviously with the 4x scope on it.The quality of military sights is extremely high, and the clarity far exceeds that of Zhang Wei's telescope.

Zhang Wei looked back at the excited Zhong Qianqian, if it wasn't for the insurance on the gun, Zhang Wei was afraid that Zhong Qianqian would go off and snip Xiaoyu when she was excited.

At the end of the song, Xiaoyu strode to the top of the stage, where an unpowered disc player had already been prepared.

"~~~ All handsome guys and pretty girls, I am the DJ of this show. This is the time for crazy head shaking, let's start the crazy music journey tonight. GO! Tonight is your indulgence space! Let's feel it together! Go to it Zombies, go to its doom! Follow my rhythm"

Following Xiaoyu's shout, countless men and women in the factory put down the delicacies in their hands, and swayed forgetfully under the flashing ball and bonfire together!

"Wow! Isn't it! Are all the cute girls working as DJs part-time now?" Zhang Wei was so shocked that he couldn't say a word, Zhong Qianqian was also completely impressed by Xiaoyu, and also praised excitedly.

At first, Xiaoyu was asked to help in the preparations just as a support, but I didn't expect to become the main C at all.

"Hey~ hey~ hey~ wow, let me ask you two, can you be more serious. I'm blown by the cold wind here, and you two watch the performance. Just watch it, what are you talking about?" Sun Wenyue's voice suddenly came from the watch. sound.

Due to the angle problem, Sun Wenyue's sniper spot happened to be unable to see the scene in the factory. According to the girl dancing disco, it can be said to be very pitiful!

Zhang Wei held back his smile and said, "What is bluffing? You, a people's teacher, actually uttered such tiger-wolf words!"

After all, Zhang Wei made a funny heartfelt gesture towards the high platform in the distance.

In this joyful atmosphere, the night gradually deepened.

(End of this chapter)

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