Chapter 5 Zombie Hunter
Its daybreak.

Although it is a basement, you can still see a little sunlight coming from the door of the warehouse, which is very close to the exit of the garage.

"Yo, Viagra wakes up early."

"Brother Biao didn't wake up too late." Looking at Biaozi's blurred eyes, this kid probably didn't sleep much last night.Since the body has been strengthened, in addition to strength, endurance, energy has also greatly increased.In the first half of the night when Li Zhuangshou last night, Zhang Wei slept soundly for 4 or 5 hours.The energy is basically restored.Zhang Wei sighed, this is clearly the mental head when he stayed up all night surfing the Internet in high school!perfect youth.

"What's Viagra's arrangement for today? I discussed it with Yan Yan yesterday. There are too many people in the Lishui business district, and at least it costs more than [-] yuan. It's really dangerous. Why don't we wait a few days to think about changing places?" Biaozi opened the mouth.

Zhang Wei responded: "Although there are a lot of rice, noodles, grains and oils in the supermarket, you can't eat them at all. The packaged food has a long shelf life and should be stored first. But only fresh fruits and vegetables can last for a period of time. There is no shortage of food at all. That is to say, there is still plenty of time to prepare. Since we are leaving, let Li Dazhuang and I go explore the road, and it will not be too late to set off after we plan.” We must know that the two of them still have the task of spawning mobs, so naturally we have to draw Time to get out and finish.

Biaozi still wanted to get Zhang Wei to accept this dirty, tiring and dangerous job, but Zhang Wei took the initiative to propose it.After thinking for a long time, I didn't find any loopholes, so I responded repeatedly.Could it be that these two people are really kind people who are selfless and dedicated?Not like it!Biaozi raised a question mark.

The two had replenished their ammunition last night, and warned the girls on their side to be careful.Remind the man who flattered before and manager Wang with wretched glasses, tell them to be smart, pay attention to the movements of Xia Biaozi and Yan Yan, and report back when they come back.Although these two guys don't seem to have a good character, they are smart enough, and that's all they can do for the time being.

In the oil field city of Shenlong Province, the initial construction was completely based on the well team. In addition, it is an industrial city, and the roads are wide and flat.The urban area is also relatively scattered. On average, it can be called a large area with only a sparse population. Otherwise, a business district would not be able to have such a small number of people.

The two planned to go directly to the top floor and take advantage of the geographical advantage to directly observe the surrounding road conditions.After all, there are tens of thousands of zombies outside, and two guns cannot be balanced.

Compared with yesterday, today can be said to be too quiet. In the past, there was no sound in the busy streets.There are also countless zombies wandering around the streets.There are many accident vehicles on the road, but they are not too dense, at least not completely blocked.

Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei naturally didn't dare to shoot. They were looking for the zombies who were alone and twisting their necks, while studying the various mechanisms of the zombies.

Zombies are not blind, but they are only interested in moving things. Zhang Wei thinks that maybe they can only see moving objects. Isn't that what some animals are like.

Not afraid of the sun, this is of course, the zombies on the street enjoy sunbathing and strolling.

Hearing is also considered average, or not very sensitive to the sound of objects. After hearing it, he will walk slowly to see the situation.The voices of people talking and the sounds of various animals (Zhang Wei imitated, maybe they are called animals) are very stimulating, and it can be said that they are full of aggressiveness towards humans.

It has a lot of strength, at least compared to ordinary people, it has grown sharp nails and teeth, and at the same time it has become less tough and elastic. I don't know if it is still a living thing.

They should have retained part of their consciousness during their lifetime. It can be seen from the fact that arresting people know how to walk through the door, and some even know how to bypass the glass wall!Being able to distinguish whether it is a sound made by a creature can also confirm that it has retained a certain IQ.

"Brother Viagra, what do you think your life will be like in the future? Although you have accepted the reality, you still feel at a loss." Li Zhuang said as he knocked over a zombie with the butt of his gun.

"Go back to before liberation, the original life of human beings must have been broken, and the more primitive it is."

Zhang Wei seemed to think of something again and said: "Go back and let us hide that cola juice, I guess we won't be able to drink it in the future."

"Look, Viagra, this girl has a good figure, and this low-cut dress is delicious." Li Zhuang said, pointing to a gorgeous corpse that rushed over.Inadvertently, the zombie girl scratched her face with a big face.

Zhang Wei immediately joked: "Hey, do you still want to dedicate your life? I support the beautiful love between you two, hahaha"

Li Zhuang was ashamed and angry, kicked him away, shot and smashed Yanshi's small head.Facing the torso, he said, "Bah, fucker, you actually want to fuck me."

The sound of gunfire echoed in the empty floors. For some reason, it seemed that the zombies were not sensitive to the sound of gunfire.Maybe the zombies in China haven't heard real gunshots and can't tell them apart, maybe.

"It's obviously a rifle, but the sound is quieter than my pistol, which makes me very comfortable." Every time Zhang Wei sees his leader, Zhang Wei feels balls of sadness.

Seeing the zombies slowly gathering in the distance, the two walked away from this floor.

After two o'clock in the afternoon, the two came to the top floor and took out the binoculars they brought from the supermarket to observe the road.

It was horrible, all kinds of burned vehicles with only black shells rolled and crashed together along the way.The corpses that were crushed by vehicles and spread on the road did not know whether they were human beings or zombies.There was still thick smoke billowing from the floor across the street. Zhang Wei had seen it in the morning, and now the black smoke was even thicker.Zhang Wei also couldn't help being afraid for a while. Fortunately, he chose the basement yesterday. If this building also caught fire, he would die without knowing how.

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei didn't want to stay on the top floor for a minute, and left in a hurry with Li Zhuang.Just glance at the task.

Zombie Hunter: Clear 200 zombies (reward: 10 team experience points, 10 points) for a limited time of three days.

Current: 123/200
It was two o'clock now, and it would be completely dark before seven o'clock.77 corpses in five hours, time is a bit rushed.

Adding oil today can basically complete the task.

"Brother Viagra, look at the group of idiots, they are so stupid, why don't they just let them eat the gun, when will it be over if they twist their necks." After finishing speaking, another gun butt knocked over.After Li Zhuang took office, his strength was far less than that of Zhang Wei, and it was still a bit difficult to pinch zombies with his bare hands.You can only cooperate, one down one execution.

"Certainly, you will be responsible for any problems." The black blood all over Zhang Wei was sprayed on his body when he twisted his neck. The blood of the mutated zombies is also flowing.Not to mention dirty, I can't move my head after a day of twisting!

"Great, if I don't fire two shots, I feel like the butt of the gun will be bent!" Li Zhuang said excitedly.Hastily opened the safety, ready to shoot.

"Single-shot mode, save some bullets. Those two items in the warehouse are unstable."

"I know Viagra, I'm full mana, let's fill it up before going back." He said and turned on the single-shot mode, and quickly cleaned up the zombies one by one.Zhang Wei followed behind, carefully looking around, in case of any emergency.

Accompanied by the fall of a zombie, a crisp ding-dong sound came, and the task was completed!The two had no intention of fighting, Li Zhuang put away his rifle, turned around and walked away from the corpses.

At this moment, a long scarlet tongue shot out and wrapped around the rifle on Li Zhuang's body.It was thrown far away.Following the retracted long tongue, a skinless creature was lying on the ceiling!It looks like a skinned frog, its limbs are not thick but full of strength, the left and right jaws are covered with fine teeth, and the fleshy thing in the middle is probably its coiled tongue.

Information about the weird creatures also appeared directly in Zhang Wei's eyes.

Predator (LICKER)

Elite Biomutation, Dexterity

Introduction: Zombies that are very compatible with viruses are mutated (it can also be evolved from ordinary zombies for a long time).It has a high desire to eat, is born with certain intelligence and is good at hunting, and is fierce and cruel.

Li Zhuang also reacted swiftly, flying towards the direction of the gun.Not to be outdone, the predator leaped down from the ceiling and pounced on Li Zhuang.

Just as Zhang Wei wanted to go up to help, another predator jumped in from the window outside the building.The flying tongue entangled Zhang Wei's right arm!
Zhang Wei shouted angrily! "You're courting death, aren't you!"

(End of this chapter)

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