Chapter 39

Xiaoyu looked around with envious or jealous eyes, smiled slightly at Zhang Wei, and walked slowly.

"You are so beautiful. You are so stunning when you take off your combat uniform!"

"Did you realize that I'm beautiful? Did you kill too many zombies and forget what I should look like?" Xiaoyu blamed with a smile on her face.

Zhong Qianqian also came in from the door at this time, changed into a camouflage military uniform, and carried Xiaoyu's ammunition belt and rifle on her back.

Xiaoyu, who usually never leaves his hand with a gun, actually handed the weapon to someone else, which really surprised Zhang Wei. It seems that the relationship between the two is getting better and better.But no matter how you look at Zhong Qianqian, she feels like Zhou Cang among the girls in clothes.

Zhang Wei continued to chat with the wounded, while Xiaoyu Zhong Qianqian stood behind her, one left and one right, giving people a sense of difference between a beauty and a monster in the same frame.

At this time, a seriously injured woman cried loudly to Zhang Wei. Although her face was covered with gauze, she couldn't see her face clearly, but Zhang Wei believed in the source of her pain because of the terrifying scale on her chest.

Ignoring the painful encounter at the beginning like a dirty joke, the woman and Zhang Wei also chatted about those supernatural beings.

"Well, that's right, they are the worst. These sisters and sisters have often been bullied by them!

The leader is the quadruplet brothers, one can breathe fire, one can spit ice cubes, and the other can throw air knives!And the last one, the whole body can be turned into stone.Ordinary zombies can't beat them at all. At first, the sisters thought they were good people, so they took the initiative to follow them. "

Zhang Wei nodded and continued to ask: "Are they just the four of them? I mean bad guys with super powers."

"There are a total of eleven scumbags in this group, and the rest are younger brothers. There is another person, he calls himself Qingying, who always wears a blue coat, can turn into a shiny green look, and then can run extremely fast!"

Speaking of this, a large group of women cried even more miserably: "Everyone blames Qingying, only he is the worst. He did it for the first time to defile a girl. Then he shamelessly publicized it. At first, the four brothers even beat him .Later, Qingying kept bewitching them, and in the end all the men..."

Xiaoyu heard her eyes blazing, and cursed loudly: "This bunch of disgusting dog men! They should all be castrated and fed to the dogs!"

Zhang Wei: "..."

The large group of women stopped crying and asked, "Has the blue shadow been punished? Don't let him go!"

Zhang Wei made his debut: "Of course, all the survivors at that gathering point are here, and you are the few survivors."

These words were just to comfort her. Zhang Wei really didn't know how many people died, whether Ge Bingcha had checked them or not.

The sound of the engine came, a bus drove slowly into the hospital, and several craniotomy team members returned to the gathering place with a car full of survivors.As soon as he arrived at the place, the medical staff who had been waiting for a long time came forward with a stretcher.

Zhang Wei stepped forward and saw that there were many girls on the stretcher again, and his heart sank: "Is there another battle? Why didn't you hear Li Zhuang's message back."

When a craniotomy team member acting as the driver saw Zhang Wei approaching, he immediately saluted and responded loudly: "Report to the commander, there is a battle! The opponent is very hostile. Commander Li and Captain Ge judged the opponent as a villain and took the lead in attacking." , our losses are very small!"

"Haha, we all know that it is better to strike first. It seems that the injury this time has a big impact on him. How is he now?"

"Mr. Li said that the task is the most important. We don't rest at noon. We will rush back immediately after sending this trip. Mr. Li will wait for us at the next gathering point." Zhang Wei glanced at Li Zhuang's message on the watch, and waved his hand to send him back. the man.

Zhang Wei is sitting in a wheelchair, pushed by Qianqian, and Xiaoyu is beside him. If this scene is seen by Korean drama directors, it will be a new source of inspiration.

Time passed quickly, and it was getting late, but the three of them coveted this rare and comfortable time, and still walked slowly on the street, just like before the disaster.It has to be said that the area around the base was cleaned up very cleanly. Walking on the street, it is rare to see living zombies, and the dead zombies, after being tossed by the craniotomy team, were loaded into cars by workers and used to ferment and make fertilizer .

Zhang Wei asked casually: "Qianqian, I'll give you a chance, how about choosing a superpower you like?"

Zhong Qianqian was naturally very happy. Zhang Wei had already mentioned this matter last time: "Can I really choose? What is it? Do I want to be the same as Miss Xiaoyu?"

"This job is fine. One medical soldier is almost enough, and we don't have so many injuries. There are many moments of life and death where there is no chance to heal and do it again."

"What can you choose?"

"A sniper, who uses long-range weapons, and is very good at marksmanship, just like your sister Xiaoyu. A commando, who can beat people or be beaten depending on the situation, I don't know the details. There is also a driver, who can It turns into oil like magic, just like your strong brother turns into bullets. The last one is the evil eye, probably for surveillance, right?"

Xiaoyu interjected from the side: "Don't you say that the newly recruited team members are calculated according to your level, and they will be recruited together when they are upgraded to a higher level? Wouldn't it save a lot of experience?" Xiaoyu was a little confused, this is different from what I said last time ah.

Hearing this, Zhang Wei smiled bitterly and said: "It's not that simple. How can I exploit such a loophole system so easily? I've tried it before, but I can't add experience to you and Li Zhuang at all. Please let me fill up the team members first!"

Qianqian, the rest is Xiaoyu's treatment, and Li Zhuang's bullet change.You want that, better not get the same. "

Although Zhong Qianqian is still in school, she is not rebellious at this age, so she naturally accepts Zhang Wei's suggestions wholeheartedly.

"Then I don't know how to use a gun, and I don't know how to drive. I definitely can't choose between a sniper and a driver. And I don't want to be beaten." Zhong Qianqian is obviously full of fear for the profession of being beaten.

Looking at Zhong Qianqian's somewhat cramped face, Zhang Wei laughed loudly: "Then don't choose Assaulter, I also feel that you are not good at being beaten. Besides, I can't bear to be beaten by the delicate little Qianqian! Hahaha .”

At this time, there was a sudden beep from the panel.

Recycle team member Li Zhuang's equipment and increase points by 75
what's the situation?Zhang Wei was confused by the sudden prompt and quickly said to his watch: "Hello? Hello? Hello? Li Zhuang? What kind of plane are you doing?"

Xiaoyu obviously realized something, and tremblingly said: "Open the attribute panel, Li Zhuang"

After a while, there was no response.

"Open the property panel, Zhang Wei!"

Name: Zhang Wei

Occupation: Commander (sole core)

Level: 2 (team average rounded down)

Health: 63 (base 60, skill increase 3)

Energy: 100/100 (constant, unchangeable)

Energy recovery: 1/hour (constant, cannot be increased or decreased)
Number of subordinates: 1/3 (medical soldier Li Xiaoyu)
Exclusive passive skill: Supreme Commander (increases subordinates' combat power bonus, currently 3 points)
Exclusive active skill: recruiting troops (mana cost 100, create a job card for unemployed people to work as subordinates, job type increases with level)

Equipment: Leader 1 semi-automatic pistol, electronic information communication watch, 85CM energy saw

Existing team experience 190 points 360
The skill bonus has changed from seven to three, the number of subordinates has also changed from 2/3 to 1/3, and the only name left is Xiaoyu!No matter from that angle, it undoubtedly declared a fact!

Zhang Wei looked at the attribute panel with astonishment, and the wounds that had healed slightly were also torn open!
(End of this chapter)

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